This week, we are reflecting on Palm Sunday and answering the question "Who is this riding on the donkey?"
Published 01/05/24
This week, we look to the Parable of the Lost Sheep and consider what that tells us about God and his love for us.
Published 12/29/23
When do you take down your Christmas decorations? This might just convince you to never take them down again.
Published 12/22/23
Jesus' sacrifice replaced the entire Old Testament system and fulfilled are their imageries. When we take in his body and blood we are intimately connected to Him and proclaim His love. Communion Conversations: Bread, Wine, Body and/or Blood?
Published 12/15/23
This week we'll be studying Numbers 21:4-9, under the theme of "The Bronze Snake." Almost 40 years into Israel's wilderness wandering, they're still struggling with the issue of grumbling. As a result, God allows a uniquely appropriate consequences, an experience that does physically what the Israelites have been doing spiritually in their grumbling. He also offers a unique and foreshadowing solution - looking to a snake lifted up on a pole.
Published 12/08/23
What is in a name? Names help identify who we are. Over time they carry weight of what people think of us and our reputation. In Numbers 6:22 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jYQ4wraxVmI&t=382s)-27, God commands His priests to give a blessing to the people at the end of worship. In these words, God Describes who He is and how He puts His presence on us. In this message we learn what a blessing is, how we receive it through Jesus, and how it changes our life forever. Numbers 6: 22-27.
Published 12/01/23
Choose the better part by unplugging from the world and plugging in to Jesus. Luke 10:38 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u8Y4QaGtrM4&t=638s)-42.
Published 12/01/23
Jesus did not come to bring world peace but rather to bring peace between the world and God. Luke 12:49 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xIwIYMZCbyo&t=769s)-53.
Published 11/24/23
What in the world was God doing? He was giving Naomi a longing for heaven, giving the world a model of faith based love and was positioning his people to give the world a Savior. Ruth 1:1-20.
Published 11/17/23
The Christian Lifestyle
Published 11/10/23
The core of any church should be the means of grace because that is how God connects to His people. Acts 2:37 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DOoXKp__MRo&t=157s)-47.
Published 11/03/23
Jesus does more than show the way. He is the Way.
Published 10/27/23
Temptation never comes from God, but it has a lot to do with God. Where does temptation come from, and how do we overcome it with prayer?
Published 10/20/23
God promises a limit to evil and suffering, and he is the one who sets the boundaries. Right now. And forever.
Published 10/13/23
By watching Jesus pray in Gethsemane as he faces his own horrible death, we learn how he perfectly dealt with the worst suffering for us. When we face our own struggles, even death, we follow his lead like when we paint a copy of a masterpiece found in a paint by numbers craft. Our prayer looks similar to his, but it's only an imperfect replica. He doesn't mind.
Published 10/06/23
The world calls Christianity foolish, but God used what seems foolish to demonstrate his great wisdom.
Published 09/29/23
Our friendship with Jesus is durable because Jesus sees the bigger picture and has a plan to restore us.
Published 09/22/23
We can spend too much time trying to figure out the will of God he doesn’t expect us to know, and too little time following the will of God we do know.
Published 09/15/23
God’s grace is so big that he will never let a silly sinner get him off track of saving souls.
Published 09/08/23
The woman anointing Jesus will go down in history because she shows how precious Jesus is.
Published 09/01/23
God intervenes to execute his perfect plan for salvation
Published 08/25/23
Pastor Davison looks at Joshua 1:1-9 and explains why we can have full confidence in Christ.
Published 08/18/23
If God really forgave us just like we forgive others, what would happen? If we forgave others just like God forgives us, what would happen?
Published 08/11/23
The only cure for the venom of sin is Jesus Christ.
Published 07/28/23
One of the most common struggles with prayer is what to say after, “Dear God.” It can sound like a list of silly demands. And the really big stuff is so monumental we sometimes don’t know where to begin. Help is here.
Published 07/21/23