Doing good and praying are two easy yet powerful habits, especially when Jesus is an active participant—and exponentially when you join with others who are joining Jesus on his mission.
Published 06/14/24
Job is the example for us of carrying our cross in a way that at peace no matter what happens.
Published 06/07/24
How do you move from talking about Jesus’ mission to being on mission with Jesus? Seek, recognize and respond to what he is already doing in the lives of people you already enjoy.
Published 05/31/24
The morals of Jesus’ parables, when put into practice, change our lives and make the world a better place. Those who listen carefully will find meaning even deeper than life-changing lessons. Life-giving miracles.
Published 05/24/24
When overwhelmed with pain or a sense of powerlessness, remember dibs, delivered and done.
Published 05/17/24
Appreciate the miracle that you are a follower of Jesus and understand that He will equip you to be a fisher of people. God needs you to go fishing.
Published 05/10/24
There is no such thing as a full-grown tree. The day a tree stops growing, it dies. There is no such thing as a full-grown person or a full-grown church, either. Is it as simple, then, as grow or die
Published 05/03/24
Published 04/26/24
In this episode, we hear about the story of the Fox and the Hen and understand how it applies to an encounter with Jesus and the Pharisees. Then, we consider its implications in our own lives.
Published 04/19/24
This week we will be studying John 13:31-36 under the theme “Loving One Another.” Prior to dying for their sins on the cross, Jesus gets down and washes his disciples’ feet. While both, in a sense, are what God’s people do for one another, the latter provides the more accessible daily option and the apologetic of humbly showing love.
Published 04/12/24
This week we’ll be studying John 14:1-4 under the theme “Your Room in His House.” Jesus didn’t tell his disciples that they wouldn’t have troubles, but he did tell them to not let their hearts be troubled. He provided them with a resource that would let them face any opposition in life with courage.
Published 04/05/24
Uncertainty is often the root of fear: Uncertainty of a new school year. Uncertainty of politics. Uncertainty of if we are loved. Uncertainty our our relationship with God. The devil chips away at our soul by creating uncertainty, which leads to hopeless unrest. However, in the Bible we have the certain promise of God’s forgiveness and eternal love in Jesus. Rest assured: Certain is better! 2 Timothy 2:14-26.
Published 03/29/24
Even though God was interested in Saul, Saul was interested in other things. A Tale of Three Kings. “The Lord is my shepherd.” (Psalm 23:1) “All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.” (Psalm 139:16) “The stone the builders rejected has become the cornerstone.” (Psalm 118:22) “The Lord says to my lord: ‘Sit at my right hand … You are a priest forever.’” (Psalm 110:1,4). “You are my Lord; apart from you I have no good thing … you will not abandon me...
Published 03/22/24
Jesus uses a parable to teach us a valuable lesson about love and judgement.
Published 03/15/24
In regards to the Lord's Supper, don't be an idiot. The Lord's Supper is reverent union with God. We fellowship with God and each other. 1 Corinthians 10:14-22. August 22, 2021.
Published 03/08/24
How can I be worthy to come and take God's masterpiece that is the Lord's supper? Let's have that conversation. 1 Corinthians 11:27-32.
Published 03/01/24
Sometimes we fear what we don’t need to fear, but we don’t know that. God isn’t trying to spook or scare you. Saul was scared of the Philistines. (1 Samuel 13:5-7) “You have done a foolish thing,” Samuel said. “You have not kept the command the Lord your God gave you; if you had, he would have established your kingdom over Israel for all time. But now your kingdom will not endure; the Lord has sought out a man after his own heart and appointed him ruler of his people, because you have not...
Published 02/23/24
God has given us so many reasons to be grateful. Let's recognize his abundant blessings and give thanks!
Published 02/16/24
This week we'll be studying a combination of Jonah 1:1-17 under the theme of "Jonah Runs From God." Jonah, a prophet of God, had a simple message to give to the city of Nineveh. But he refused to give it. Why? It wasn't the fear you might suspect. Rather, Jonah had a pride, and an idol, of religious nationalism that prevented him from loving humans the way he should. What does it look like for modern people to run from God? And what does God do about it?
Published 02/09/24
This week we'll be studying Mark 10:1-12 under the theme of "God & Intimacy." Challenged by the Pharisees, Jesus gives a very candid response to a question about divorce, going back to God's design at Creation. Asking what God designs as opposed to what God permits is a very different aim. So, we return to God's design for marriage & singleness to see what leads to human prospering.
Published 02/02/24
This week, we are celebrating the Easter message and examining its application far in our everyday lives.
Published 01/26/24
This week we'll be studying Hebrews 12:4-13, under the theme of "Enduring Discipline." Throughout this series, we've said the Hebrews were new Jewish converts to Christianity, who were reconsidering the faith due to present hardship. As the author of Hebrews has made logical points to persuade them to not give up, his final major argument is that the hardship a Sovereign God allows in our lives is akin to a loving Father's discipline. It comes from a place of love. And it aims towards a place...
Published 01/19/24
This week we'll be studying Mark 9:42-50 under the theme of "Sensitivity to Sin." You've perhaps noticed that "sin" is not exactly a word that gets much usage in modern society. That's largely because our culture no longer fully believes in the basic concept. But Jesus takes sin and hell very seriously. Furthermore, he's not only concerned about our personal purity, but the influence our lives have on impressionable "little ones" in our midst. The bigger caring for the smaller has always been...
Published 01/12/24
This week, we are reflecting on Palm Sunday and answering the question "Who is this riding on the donkey?"
Published 01/05/24