As a deeply dedicated follower and daughter of Hades, I appreciate when I meet a fellow death witch and devotee to the King of the Underworld. Chthonic deities and death witchcraft can be just as misunderstood by other witches and practitioners, let alone muggles. When I started following Angelica Cresci on Instagram, I was so happy to find someone who views and approaches the concept of death magick and Hades worship so similarly to my own experience! 🤩 Today I am can't wait to introduce her...
What if we took the unique vibration or hum of each planetary body, and then looked at the way they all interact together in our chart, and let ourselves hear (or feel) our own personal song? What if we approached reading a birth chart more like listening for its distinct celestial music?Today I...
Published 11/20/24
Doesn’t really matter where you’re looking this week, there’s probably some form of a shift happening! Tomorrow Pluto will officially move into Aquarius and remain there for the next 20 years, and on Thursday we will begin Sagittarius season 2024. So on today’s episode of Moonday Musings we’re...
Published 11/18/24