This week we are wrapping up Taurus season strong with some powerful aspects in astrology known as “cazimis” —AKA a planetary conjunction with the sun. Whenever another planet aligns with the sun in the same zodiac sign, you’ll often hear about the magick and potential associated with that day, but often in a way that makes it seem like there’s this fleeting opportunity to grab onto, and that you might miss it if you’re not paying attention! Today on Moonday Musings we’re going to talk...
Published 05/13/24
Published 05/13/24
This week, we're getting real, and we’re getting cozy - we're getting real cozy - for tomorrow’s new moon in Taurus. Exact on May 7th at 18° of Taurus, this new moon is all about grounding and abundance. With Saturn in Pisces adding a dash of creativity to the mix, and Mercury doing some work with Chiron in Aries, it's time to reflect on security, tackle some practical tasks, adopt a new plant or crystal buddy, shed what we don't need anymore, and find places it’ll get better use. I like...
Published 05/06/24
Welcome to witchcraft. Maybe it’s because you’ve been more than resonating with your horoscope, your horoscope has been reading YOU. Or you have dreams that just stick with you long after you wake up. Maybe it’s when you’ve sensed a certain energy in the people you encounter all day and then learn later on it’s a super full moon. Or you see an animal, number, or symbol connected to something that feels deeply more than coincidence. Maybe it’s a combination of all kinds of things like...
Published 05/03/24
The next celebration on the Pagan Wheel of the Year is Beltane or May Day, and begins this week on the evening of April 30th thru the following day May 1st.  The history behind each modern Pagan celebration is unique because the Wheel combines both lunar and solar celebrations rooted in MANY ancient (often euro) Pagan cultures. On this week’s Moonday Musings episode we’ll explore the background of Beltane fires and maypoles, dip into fairy/faerie realm, look at the spiritual significance...
Published 04/29/24
In this week's cosmic weather report we have a full moon in Scorpio coming in hot ❤️‍🔥 as well as the current Mercury retrograde coming to an end ⛔ Over the weekend I finished up our final lesson for Level 02 I Can Read My Astrology Inside & Out, where we discussed polarizing energies in the zodiac—in other words, opposites. Each full moon we have is an example of the interaction between opposing energies, so on today’s Moonday Musings episode I want to give you a mini crash course in...
Published 04/22/24
As a professional witch, astrology instructor, tarot reader, and former shop owner, I can tell you all kinds of ways I’ve seen spiritual biz owners conduct themselves and run their business. Today I am introducing you to the first member of That Witch Next Door’s team, my dear friend and multimedia cosmic witch, Jenny SRP. Jenny wears many professional and spiritual hats—from editing our video and graphic content, to teaching and tutoring our astrology students in That Witch School, to...
Published 04/19/24
This week we finish out the end of Aries season and make our transition into earthy Taurus. Over the weekend I taught The Elements portion of Level 02 I Can Read My Astrology, and I have my students focusing on how the elementals show up in their birth charts and in their lives, so let’s help you do the same! Working with the elements is one of the most effective ways you can identify and harmonize imbalances in both your internal and external worlds. In this episode I mention: Llewellyn’s...
Published 04/15/24
What do you need to keep in mind for this eclipse? Well, honestly, we probably have all seen plenty of astrological forecasts on our social media feeds about today’s Aries New Moon Solar Eclipse, so today I want to offer you a message from the tarot guides and our spirit allies to help you remember to open and utilize that spiritual toolbox ✨  →  It’s not too late to join us for Level 02 of the I Can Read My Astrology Inside & Out program! We are diving deep into the layers of the zodiac...
Published 04/08/24
Seeing how it’s been quite the talk of the town, I would be willing to bet you’ve already heard a LOT about this total solar eclipse in Aries happening on April 8th, 2024. This new moon eclipse is conjunct Chiron AND takes place during Mercury Retrograde… 👀 Clearly there’s been a real ramp up in even the usual fear mongering we see around every single eclipse, so I honestly couldn’t wait to kick off Season06 of That Witch Podcast to talk about this astrological energy with my Shadow Chats...
Published 04/05/24
That's a wrap on Season 05, neighbor! We're going to take a brief pause for the next couple of weeks while I recalibrate and prep a few, then I'll be back with an all-new season of That Witch Podcast 😎 ★ Want to join us this Sunday March 24th for Astrology Study Club? Get your ticket for just $35, and let's take a look at the upcoming lunar eclipse in your birth chart! ★ And make sure you are subscribed to my email list to be the first to hear when registration opens for I Can Read My...
Published 03/22/24
Ostara is the next pagan sabbat in the Wheel of the Year, and is marked by the Spring Equinox, which coincides with the start of Aries season. This year the Sun will move into the sign of Aries at 11:06pm ET tomorrow, Tuesday, March 19th. The history of each modern celebration is unique, because the Wheel combines both lunar and solar celebrations rooted in ancient (often euro) pagan cultures. On this week’s Moonday Musings episode we’ll explore the background of Ostara, the spiritual...
Published 03/18/24
There’s lots to chat about this week! Venus moves into its exaltation in Pisces today at 5:50pm ET, and from now until it moves into Aries on April 05, our aesthetics are on point, we’re valuing what matters most, and we have the ability to just “get” each other without having to say or explain anything. This coming weekend is March 17th, or St. Patrick’s Day, and if you’re not already aware, there is some dark history for Pagans around this holiday. Today I’m going to share with you a...
Published 03/11/24
The new moon in Pisces will be here on Sunday March 10th, and you might find yourself feeling pulled by an ethereal thread into the dream realm, into fantasy, esoterics, and the mystical. This deep-feeling energy can be natural and desirable to some, while others may find it a heavy dense void. There’s so much mystery that surrounds Pisces, and yet, the key to its secrets is something every single one of us holds…if we believe we do As always for the new moon I am joined by my favorite...
Published 03/08/24
This week on Tuesday-Wednesday we have a 33-hour long void of course moon ☁️🌜💤 But if you’ve never heard of this before, you’re probably saying, “uh what now..?” So today on Moonday Musings we’re going to talk about what it means to be under a void of course moon in astrology, what to be on the lookout for, some common misconceptions in the astrological community, and what a void of course moon means for you and your magick. In this episode I mention: Astrology Hub article AstroSeek's Void...
Published 02/26/24
What does it mean to cleanse the energy in a space or of a person? When are do you know you’re supposed to do it? What’s the point of it? And how can you do it? That is exactly what we’re talking about on That Witch Podcast today. We’ll be going beyond the usual laundry list of magickal correspondences, and focusing more on how you can practice letting your intuition guide you. I’ll share my own experience, along with my favorite resources, and witchy little tips to help you stop...
Published 02/23/24
A fresh season of Pisces has officially begun, which means the sun has moved into the dreamy, imaginative sign of Pisces. Saturn’s already been hanging out there for about a year, and this week Mercury will also join in, and start its own new chapter in Pisces as well. We also have our full moon in Virgo this weekend, bringing some earth energy to the party. Today’s episode of Moonday goes into the astrology of the week, plus some ideas for working the cosmic weather into your witchy life...
Published 02/19/24
This week Mars and Venus each will respectively enter Aquarius and form an embrace with Pluto, who is waiting at the gates of the Aquarian landscape. At its most basic, we can deduce this to be a time of great transformation—but in what way? And how can we open ourselves up to Divine rebirth? This week on Moonday Musings I want to exemplify another way to interpret the messages of the cosmic weather report beyond reading about them in an app or on a website. In astrology it’s important to...
Published 02/12/24
The innovative star child Aquarius brings us a beautiful new moon, and with it today’s episode of Shadow Chats with Ashley Michelle and That Witch Next Door. Every facet of Aquarius energy is channeled today, from the humanitarian to the alien to the revolutionary. Join us for a conversation saturated in truth, progress, and the universal greater good as we share with you our own intuitive insight on this new moon’s astrology, and how you can work with this energy in your magickal practice...
Published 02/09/24
I had a strong feeling it was the right day for a nice, full tarot reading for Moonday, and then our messages for this week quite literally leapt out for us haha. As Mercury, Mars, and Venus each respectively end their cycles in Capricorn and begin new chapters in Aquarius, one-by-one they will engage in a full embrace with Pluto, who will be staying in the early degrees of Aquarius for the next several years.  With our current line of celestial players up to bat—and an upcoming new...
Published 02/05/24
February 1st-2nd marks the Celtic pagan celebration, Imbolc (aka Candlemas, Brigid’s Day, Oimelc), the first pagan sabbat of the calendar year. Today I’m going to share with you the roots of this celebration, the significance of the season, and offer you a variety of ways you can honor Imbolc in your witchcraft practice this week. Learn more about Imbolc: Boston Public Library Wiccan Calendar History Channel Mabon House Did you learn something from today’s episode? I would be so grateful...
Published 01/29/24
If you’ve scrolled through WitchTok or any side of the witchy social media space, chances are you’ve heard someone say, “You need to do your shadow work!” But not a lot of people are talking about what that actually means. Recently I was asked by several of our neighbors what tips I have for anyone who’s never done shadow work before. This is something we’ve chatted about in a previous episode of That Witch Podcast, but I thought it was a perfect time for a refresher. So this is my most...
Published 01/26/24
What a weekend! Astrologically speaking. Saturday was full of shifts—the moon moved into Gemini, the Sun moved into Aquarius, and so did Pluto. It’s not quite all about Aquarius though, and this week we’ll see Venus join Mercury and Mars in Capricorn where we may find some real flow of efficiency, and opportunity to cross some big tasks off our list. All of this combined with our upcoming Leo Full Moon this week means energy is running on HIGH, and that increased sense of efficiency can...
Published 01/22/24
The much-anticipated death witch episode…! This is one branch of magick particularly difficult to encapsulate into one episode (so maybe there will be more?!) but I really tried to offer my best explanations and advice for anyone feeling intrigued by and called to this sacred path. Death witchcraft and death magick are not evil practices, their work is centered around honoring one of our most divine universal laws, and healing our deeply wounded relationship with it. In this episode I...
Published 01/19/24
We’re getting up to a couple of things in this episode. For one thing, we need to chat about this Pluto in Aquarius business because you are sure to see it talked about everywhere. Aquarius season is arriving, and this year it is joined by a massive Plutonian—therefore generational—shift. And finally, I'm giving you homework. Yep. Because late Monday evening the Moon will move into Aries, beginning a new cycle in the zodiac this week. And this aligns so damn ✨divinely✨ with exactly what I’m...
Published 01/15/24