WE'RE BACK! Here we are with our wrap up of The Kite Runner. TW: sexual assault/rape, PTSD, war, violence, death, infertility.  This is our last episode of the year (obviously)! Stay tuned for our next book and we'll be back in February. Thank you ALL for your support and streams in our first year! 
Published 12/30/21
Published 12/30/21
Yay! Kite Runner! Listen to us struggle through world history and pronunciations but also express our love of this book. Stay tuned for part two in a few weeks! IG/FB: @wereadbookcast [email protected]
Published 11/15/21
WE'RE BACK BABY! To start season two, we're back with five of our favorite books. Not our top five, although we did do a top five. Whatever! Just listen and then head to YouTube to watch it! Keep up with us on- IG/FB: @wereadbookcast Email: [email protected] YouTube: That's What We Read: A Bookcast
Published 10/15/21
Okay, listen. We don't even feel like reading right now but that's kinda the whole point of the bookcast SO we're gonna take our time with this one. We've got some preliminary thoughts on chapters 1-4 and we're changing things up since this is our first non-fiction/theory read. Also, it was a pretty noisy night at Willow's and we're drinking again. Enjoy! Keep up with us! IG/FB: @wereadbookcast Email: [email protected] YouTube: That's What We Read: A Bookcast
Published 08/09/21
What a wild time. Get ready for fireworks, (book) ASMR, Rocio's cat meowing and so much more! We hope y'all enjoyed this book, we did for sure– and we're back on schedule. Our next book is Glitch Feminism by Legacy Russell and Ep 8 will be out 8/5.  Turn the page with us: FB/IG/Goodreads: @wereadbookcast YouTube: That's What We Read Bookcast Email us at [email protected]
Published 07/05/21
Took us long enough, right?  We're FINALLY  covering HIAYLM with all the tangents you're used to! Also, Rocio got a "That's what she said" button– so get used to that now. Our next book is THE HOUSE ON MANGO STREET by Sandra Cisneros. Episode 7 will be out July 5th! Turn the page with us: FB/IG/Goodreads: @wereadbookcast YouTube: That's What We Read Bookcast Email us at [email protected] WEBSITE COMING SOON! 
Published 06/26/21
What is even going on? We didn't finish History Is All You Left Me in time, Rocio graduated from grad school and Willow had a birthday. BUT WE'RE BACK! When will we learn to stop recording at night? Turn the page with us: FB/IG/Goodreads: @wereadbookcast YouTube: That's What We Read Bookcast Email us at [email protected] WEBSITE COMING SOON! & Stay tuned for Episode 6, out in week and a half. 
Published 06/16/21
Welcome to the first epilogue! These episodes will contain all the extra stuff that didn't make it into the main episode. Important takeaways from this episode: Rocio is getting her Master's, it really do be like that, sometimes just cry it out and capitalism ain't it. Plus, Willow drops some books recs at the end. Stay tuned for episode 5 and hopefully more epilogues! Connect with us: FB/IG: @wereadbookcast goodreads.com/wereadbookcast That's What We Read: A Bookcast on...
Published 05/14/21
We try to get through our *incomplete* notes, chat about how women are written in the book, why we keep choosing books about men who're #struggling and Rocio even drops a pro tip for book buyers! Are Barnes & Noble and Amazon the same thing? Anyone know how to pronounce the author's last name correctly? Please help! Our next book: History Is All You Left Me by Adam Silvera Subscribe on YouTube for more! Wanna get in touch with us? IG/Facebook: @wereadbookcast Email:...
Published 05/05/21
We chat about the movie adaptation (and the inaccuracies), our thoughts, and the history behind terms "Indigenous," "Native/Native  American," and "Indian." POPSUGAR prompt: a book written by an indigenous author.  Episode 3 (The Alchemist) drops...
Published 04/05/21
The first episode is finally here! Hear all about our thoughts on this "classic" book! We chat about the author, what was going on in the world around the time it was published, links to assassinations, and how we both missed a MAJOR plot point. Follow...
Published 03/05/21
Rocio and Willow chat about the layout of the episodes, story behind the bookcast's name and how to keep up on social media. Plus, the release date for Episode One will be announced!Instagram & Facebook: @wereadbookcastYouTube: That's What We Read:...
Published 02/27/21