Why are the first 1001 days of a baby’s life so important? Andrea Leadsom MP, Chair of the Early Years Healthy Development Review discusses the science, psychology and experiences of the early years with professionals, academics, volunteers from the sector as well as speaking to parents and carers to understand and share why the earliest experiences form the building blocks for a baby’s lifelong physical and emotional health.
My parliamentary colleague Miriam Cates has been part of the Early Years Healthy Development Review since the very beginning. In this episode we discuss its progress and the difference that Family Hubs will make in local communities
Published 08/29/22
Elliott Rae has a fabulous blog, Music Football Fatherhood that champions the role of Dads, providing advice and practical support. It was a real joy to speak to him for this episode of the 1001 Critical Days podcast!
Elliott's blog: https://linktr.ee/musicfootballfatherhood
Published 08/22/22