In Education Beyond Education: Self and the Imaginary in Maxine Greene’s Philosophy, John Baldacchino wisely does not presume to summarize the legendary educational philosopher’s “aesthetics, ethics, literary and visual theory, political philosophy, and, indeed, philosophy of education.” Instead, in his densely written and philosophically intricate book, Baldacchino, Associate Professor of Art Education at TC, develops “a theme in dialogue with Greene’s philosophy,” focusing on “the self and...
Published 03/30/09
The Radical Philosophies and Education course cycle (offering 3 courses a year including the Annual Radical Philosophies and Education Annual Seminars) have featured and hosted eminent philosophies Ernesto Laclau (2007) and Jacques Ranciere (2008). This year’s seminar sought to understand the political, philosophical and aesthetic roots of Maxine Greene’s work—a scholar who has inspired generations of educators within and beyond Teachers College—through the examination of two of her major...
Published 03/16/09