Faith No More
How can you do a pod on FNM and say who is Puffy? Wow! The Angel Dust pod only the third I’ve listened to so far. The Clash was good. Mark 52 Sydney
The Jafman via Apple Podcasts · Australia · 03/02/21
More reviews of The Album Club
These guys do a solid job. The format is great and their range of knowledge is impressive. Nice to hear the perspective from guys aged 35-40 describe how albums came to be. They even take requests if there's a crowdswell. They've gotten me through a few boring long drives.Read full review »
truxrule5 via Apple Podcasts · United States of America · 08/16/17
If you love music and the craft, I highly recommend this podcast. Fantastic album choices and these cats do their research resulting in an insightful and energetic dissection of some of the most important albums ever.
Dorkatron5000 via Apple Podcasts · United States of America · 05/12/17
I love the format and interaction between the presenters. I stumbled upon by accident but now can’t get enough. Achtung Bono by half man half biscuit must be reviewed at some point.
Keithmoon99 via Apple Podcasts · Great Britain · 01/03/19
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