Faith No More
How can you do a pod on FNM and say who is Puffy? Wow! The Angel Dust pod only the third I’ve listened to so far. The Clash was good. Mark 52 Sydney
The Jafman via Apple Podcasts · Australia · 03/02/21
More reviews of The Album Club
Enjoyable podcast with some decent opinions. Would recommend to any music fans. Loved the story about the ‘apple pie’...
Noodolph via Apple Podcasts · Great Britain · 06/19/19
I am a big music fan and thought I knew a lot about music but they blew me away. No ads and over an hour long but great content throughout. They are now back together with the original 3 members and doing great work. I especially enjoyed the recent Ramones podcast.
Carl from chicago via Apple Podcasts · United States of America · 11/17/19
Deep dives into some of the best records ever recorded, covering the band/artist history, pop culture, relevancy to music history/trends, and even a bit of technical stuff without getting too technical. Lots of humor and gushing, zero pretense. This podcast reminds me why these albums have stood...Read full review »
DorisPants via Apple Podcasts · United States of America · 05/29/17
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