Saturn has long been known as a planet, but the discovery of its rings and moons spans hundreds of years.  Join the great astronomers of yesteryear as we learn about The Ringed Planet at opposition this month.   Follow us at facebook.com/BackyardAstronomerAZ Check out the NAZ Astro mission of STEM education at facebook.com/NAZAstro Support STEM education patreon.com/NAZAstro Our awesome sponsors: facebook.com/manzanitains
Published 09/08/24
Published 09/08/24
Our new segment for kids of all ages, and what better topic to start with than ALIENS!     Follow us at facebook.com/BackyardAstronomerAZ Check out the NAZ Astro mission of STEM education at facebook.com/NAZAstro Support STEM education patreon.com/NAZAstro Our awesome sponsors: facebook.com/manzanitains
Published 08/15/24
"The sky is falling!" exclaimed Chicken Little!  Is it a meteorite, or a piece of the International Space Station?  Let's find out! Follow us at facebook.com/BackyardAstronomerAZ Check out the NAZ Astro mission of STEM education at facebook.com/NAZAstro Support STEM education patreon.com/NAZAstro Our awesome sponsors: facebook.com/manzanitains
Published 08/02/24
T Coronae Borealis or "The Blaze Star" has been documented for centuries with a recurrent period of about 78 years between brightening as a nova. What does that mean?  Listen in this month as we talk about how the ancients began documenting stellar phenomena thousands of years ago, and how that information plays an integral role in our understanding of the universe today.   Follow us at facebook.com/BackyardAstronomerAZ Check out the NAZ Astro mission of STEM education at...
Published 07/01/24
The Sombrero Galaxy is your backyard target this month.  Look for this edge-on galaxy yhroughout the spring. #astronomy #galaxy #telescope #constellations #science #STEM Follow us at facebook.com/BackyardAstronomerAZ Check out the NAZ Astro mission of STEM education at facebook.com/NAZAstro Support STEM education patreon.com/NAZAstro Our awesome sponsors: facebook.com/manzanitains    
Published 05/01/24
Our Sun has spots? Sunspots, solar flares, and even CMEs are the highlights of this month's focus on the Sun and Solar Cycle.  Learn more about Coronal Mass Ejections and how they impact Earth. #CME #coronalmassejection #solarflare #solarcycle #sun #astronomy #eclipse Follow us at facebook.com/BackyardAstronomerAZ Check out the NAZ Astro mission of STEM education at facebook.com/NAZAstro Support STEM education patreon.com/NAZAstro Our awesome sponsors: facebook.com/manzanitains
Published 03/25/24
The Spring Equinox and waxing gibbous moon will lead you to a hive of activity this month! Follow us at facebook.com/BackyardAstronomerAZ Check out the NAZ Astro mission of STEM education at facebook.com/NAZAstro Support STEM education patreon.com/NAZAstro Our awesome sponsors: facebook.com/manzanitains
Published 03/01/24
The Monoceros constellation and Rosette Nebula shine bright this month!   Follow us at facebook.com/BackyardAstronomerAZ Check out the NAZ Astro mission of STEM education at facebook.com/NAZAstro Support STEM education patreon.com/NAZAstro Our awesome sponsors: facebook.com/manzanitains
Published 02/21/24
Our celestial neighbors waltz across the sky this month.  Let's talk about Mercury at Greatest Western Elongation, Saturn's rings, and Jupiter's Great Red Spot.   Follow us at facebook.com/BackyardAstronomerAZ Check out the NAZ Astro mission of STEM education at facebook.com/NAZAstro Support STEM education patreon.com/NAZAstro Our awesome sponsors: facebook.com/manzanitains
Published 01/01/24
The Geminids meteor shower make a fantastic appearance this December, but why are they different than other meteor showers?  Tune in to learn all about meteor showers and the Geminids! Follow us at facebook.com/BackyardAstronomerAZ Check out the NAZ Astro mission of STEM education at facebook.com/NAZAstro Support STEM education patreon.com/NAZAstro Our awesome sponsors: facebook.com/manzanitains
Published 12/12/23
The Orion Nebula was the first deep sky target of astrophotography in 1880 and we now know it hosts unique planets not (yet) seen any where else in space!  Check it out! Follow us at facebook.com/BackyardAstronomerAZ Check out the NAZ Astro mission of STEM education at facebook.com/NAZAstro Support STEM education patreon.com/NAZAstro Our awesome sponsors: facebook.com/prescottrockstars facebook.com/manzanitains
Published 10/31/23
In October an Annnular Eclipse will be visible to millions across the Western United States.  Learn the difference between a total and annualr eclipse, why they happen, and more in this month's episode. Follow us at facebook.com/BackyardAstronomerAZ Check out the NAZ Astro mission of STEM education at facebook.com/NAZAstro Support STEM education patreon.com/NAZAstro Our awesome sponsors: facebook.com/prescottrockstars facebook.com/manzanitains
Published 10/03/23
Let's explore the Milky Way!  Star Clusters and Nebulae abound in this month's podcast. Follow us at facebook.com/BackyardAstronomerAZ Check out the NAZ Astro mission of STEM education at facebook.com/NAZAstro Support STEM education patreon.com/NAZAstro Our awesome sponsors: facebook.com/prescottrockstars facebook.com/manzanitains
Published 09/06/23
I organized a group of amateur and professional astronomers, educators and students, and business leaders from around the Prescott, AZ area, which group won the IAU's NameExoWorlds2022 competition with their designations of Awohali and Noquisi in the Cherokee language for the exoplanet and its host star formerly known as Gliese 436/b.  Listen in for more on this amazing event and check out www.backyardastroaz.com for more.
Published 07/03/23
Scorpions and Rabbits dance in the sky this month. Learn the when/where/why of these constellations at https://backyardastronomeraz.wordpress.com/ and facebook.com/backyardastroaz   Follow us at facebook.com/BackyardAstronomerAZ Check out the NAZ Astro mission of STEM education at facebook.com/NAZAstro Our awesome sponsors: facebook.com/prescottrockstars facebook.com/manzanitains
Published 07/03/23
Two planets join the Beehive Cluster in June, while two others are born from it.  Learn more in this month's episode! Follow us at facebook.com/BackyardAstronomerAZ Check out the NAZ Astro mission of STEM education at facebook.com/NAZAstro Support STEM education patreon.com/NAZAstro Our awesome sponsors: facebook.com/prescottrockstars facebook.com/manzanitains
Published 06/02/23
Spring has sprung, and brings with it the emerging flora and fauna of the night sky.  Check out constellations, clusters, galaxies and more in this month's episode. Follow us at facebook.com/BackyardAstronomerAZ   Check out the NAZ Astro mission of STEM education at facebook.com/NAZAstro Support STEM education patreon.com/NAZAstro   Our awesome sponsors: facebook.com/prescottrockstars facebook.com/manzanitains
Published 05/01/23
Taurus the Bull hosts the planet Mars this month, as well as many other star clusters and nebulae.  Check it out this month! Follow us at https://www.facebook.com/BackyardAstronomerAZ https://www.facebook.com/NAZAstro Support local STEM education! https://www.patreon.com/NAZAstro Our awesome sponsors! https://www.facebook.com/prescottrockstars https://www.facebook.com/manzanitains  
Published 03/05/23
Comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF) is making its close approach to Earth tonight, so bust out your binoculars or telescope and look to the sky! Follow us at https://www.facebook.com/BackyardAstronomerAZ   https://www.facebook.com/NAZAstro   Support local STEM education! https://www.patreon.com/NAZAstro   Our awesome sponsors! https://www.facebook.com/prescottrockstars https://www.facebook.com/manzanitains https://www.facebook.com/spotlightonprescott
Published 02/01/23
Comet C/2022 E3(ZTF) has dominated the news recently, but today an even closer object will fly by Earth at just 2200 miles.  Asteroid 2023BU was discovered on 1/21/2023 by a Backyard Astronomer in Crimea. #amateurastronomy #citizenscience #comet #asteroid #space #astronomy #telescope
Published 01/26/23
On 5 Dec. 2022, scientists for the first time successfully produced a fusion reaction with more energy generated than that put in.  This month we talk about the Big Bang, the birth of stars, and why fusion matters. Follow us at facebook.com/BackyardAstronomerAZ Check out the NAZ Astro mission of STEM education at facebook.com/NAZAstro Support STEM education patreon.com/NAZAstro Our awesome sponsors: facebook.com/prescottrockstars facebook.com/manzanitains
Published 01/06/23
Constellations have tales of striking similarity, despite the cultures that named them being displaced by thousands of years and thousands of miles.  The indigenous people across North America were no exception, and many still continue to provide a rich history.  Learn more about Native American cultures - including astronomy - at the Museum of Indigenous People at 147 N Arizona Ave. in Prescott, Arizona. www.museumofindigenouspeople.org   Follow us at facebook.com/BackyardAstronomerAZ Check...
Published 12/02/22
Manuel Lucero and Joshua Ballze from the Museum of Indigenous People join me this month to talk about their work - in and out of the museum - to bring awareness to Native American cultures, history, art, language, and even indigenous astronomy, culminating in the presentation of names for the IAUs ExoWorlds 2022 competition. Visit the Museum of Indigenous People at 147 N. Arizona Ave in Prescott, Arizona, or online at www.museumofindigenouspeople.org Explore the Jurassic Paleo Art Expo at...
Published 11/18/22
How long does it take to communicate across space, and who might be listening?  GJ 436b may be listing from 33 light years distant, but their planet needs a new name!  Follow the Backyard Astronomer, NAZ Astro, the Jim and Linda Lee Planetarium, and the Museum of Indigenous People as we come together for a project like no other.   https://www.museumofindigenouspeople.org/ https://prescott.erau.edu/about/planetarium   Follow us at...
Published 11/01/22