Ep. #214 Homer's Sense of Humor
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There’s a timeless maxim that says: “You can bend, or you can break.” When I stop to ponder that, I think of some of the people I know who are able to laugh in the face of adversity and how healthy they are.Join me this week as we consider the healing power a sense of humor offers us. 
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This week, we’ll look at endings and new beginnings, and how finishing one cycle can lead to the start of an entirely new one. I hope you’ll stay with me. Who knows, we might both learn something. 
Published 09/04/22
As kids, we chanted, “Sticks and stones can break my bones, but words can never hurt me.” Oh, if it was only that simple. Join me this week, as we consider the power words carry with them and ways of being more mindful about the ways we use them 
Published 08/28/22