This week, we’ll look at endings and new beginnings, and how finishing one cycle can lead to the start of an entirely new one. I hope you’ll stay with me. Who knows, we might both learn something. 
Published 09/04/22
As kids, we chanted, “Sticks and stones can break my bones, but words can never hurt me.” Oh, if it was only that simple. Join me this week, as we consider the power words carry with them and ways of being more mindful about the ways we use them 
Published 08/28/22
Especially when we’re struggling, it’s worth remembering that we’re not stuck in the negative things we’ve been telling ourselves. We can choose to focus on things that are more enlivening and more liberating. With that in mind, join me this week as we consider the power of simple gratitude and how it can change our experience for the better. 
Published 08/20/22
If you passed Manuel somewhere and he wasn’t wearing the shirt he wears when he’s working, you might be inclined to make up a story in your mind about him. But would you be sure about what you saw? And would your story be right? If you think so, I have to ask, “Sure about that?” Join me this week as we consider ways of busting some of our pre-conceived ideas and stepping out of judgment. 
Published 08/14/22
We put so much pressure on ourselves to take care of other people, but are we overlooking something in the process? Join me this week as we take yet another look at taking elegant care of ourselves. 
Published 08/07/22
When we know how to do something, we don’t have to try—we just do it. That’s especially true when we’re giving ourselves the sublime gift of being who we really are.  Join me this week as we consider ways of returning to ourselves as we let go of some of the obstacles we’ve put in our own way. 
Published 08/07/22
It’s one thing to say, “That was then. This is now.” It’s quite another to separate what happened in the past from the feelings we’ve held onto about it.  Join me this week as we consider ways of doing exactly that. 
Published 07/23/22
We often push ourselves relentlessly to get things done. But is all that pushing necessary? Is it even healthy for us? You and I both know there’s a better way. Come sit in the shade with me this week as we consider a few healthy alternatives. I think you’ll be glad you did.
Published 07/17/22
We often push ourselves relentlessly to get things done. But is all that pushing necessary? Is it even healthy for us? You and I both know there’s a better way. Come sit in the shade with me this week as we consider a few healthy alternatives. I think you’ll be glad you did.
Published 07/13/22
While certain compromises are necessary from time to time, there are things that are not negotiable.  Join me this week as we consider what those things might be and how to keep them in place in our lives.
Published 07/03/22
In a previous episode, we looked at ways of trusting the unfolding of the path in front of us as we take each step.  This week, we’ll revisit that consideration from a different angle by following the remarkable north country journey of a hunting dog almost ninety years ago. 
Published 07/03/22
As life swirls around you today, may you stay rooted and settled in the stillpoint that is always deep within you. Join me today as we consider ways of remaining calm, regardless of what’s happening around us. 
Published 06/19/22
We can only guess how far back in human history the offering of prayers and blessings had their beginnings. Something built into us quite naturally reaches out to the Divine and then, just as naturally, reaches out to touch the lives of the people around us in uplifting ways. Join me this week as we once again drop into stillness and allow our hearts and minds to connect with one another. 
Published 05/29/22
From time to time, life can hit us pretty hard, taking an incalculable toll on us. But more often than not, the strength in us outweighs our fragility. Join me this week as we consider what it means to keep going in the face of adversity. 
Published 05/19/22
We waste so much energy angrily holding on to things that have long been over. And when we do, we suffer for it and so do the people around us. Join me this week as we consider the true meaning of forgiveness and simple steps for allowing ourselves to let go and move on.
Published 04/30/22
We often have no idea how deeply we’ve affected someone’s life until long after the time we spent with them.  Join me this week as we consider what it means to be someone’s personal sanctuary, perhaps even our own.
Published 04/23/22
For better or worse, our lives can change so quickly, and all at once, everything becomes different in ways we could never imagine or foresee. Among many others, one of the most important questions is, “How will we choose to face change when it happens?” Join me this week as we consider ways of intentionally being with what is and making the best of it. 
Published 04/14/22
Spring is a welcome time of rebirth and renewal, a time when the earth returns to being vibrant and alive after its deep slumber through fall and winter.  Are human beings so different? Join me this week as we consider ways of renewing ourselves from the inside out as well as from the outside in. 
Published 04/10/22
Among the many kinds of nautical anchors are the long canvas “buckets” called sea anchors that keep boats pointed into the wind during a storm on the open ocean. My grandfather and his brother never left port without one stowed in the forward hatch. Join me this week as we consider practical options for weathering adversity without being capsized.
Published 04/01/22
Unless you’re a firefighter, you probably won’t be carrying anyone who’s in distress, and even then, you won’t carry them far. We understand that intellectually, but how often do we cross that line mentally or emotionally, taking on what was never ours in the first place? Join me this week as we consider the differences between caring and carrying. I think you’ll be glad you did.
Published 03/27/22
In one of my early podcasts (Episode #49 “Easing Through The Week”), I suggested that we play a simple game to help us move through stressful times. Given the state of the world right now, this is the perfect time to play that game again, but at a deeper level. Join me this week as we slow ourselves down and ease through the days and weeks ahead of us. 
Published 03/20/22
During the past few months, several subscribers have asked that I create a new guided relaxation audio. With all that’s happening in the world right now, I can’t think of a more fitting time to let go and lean into our Higher Selves.  So, this week, I offer you a gentle way to let go as you release the things you no longer need to carry and welcome into your life what is good and right and healthy and self-restoring. 
Published 03/11/22
It can be easy to allow our fears to overshadow our days and nights, robbing us of peace and clarity, especially when we listen to the world more than our inner awareness. Join me this week, as we consider steps for walking out from under the shadow of fear and back into our own lives.
Published 03/04/22
One of the clever ways we keep ourselves stuck is telling ourselves that we have to have everything worked out before we take our next steps. Join me this week as we consider the nature of the unfolding path of our lives. Stay 
Published 02/25/22