Even if there are things you’ve been struggling with, are you willing to linger a while in silence and stillness as you wait for what is luminous and inextinguishable—what is utterly beautiful—to arise in you? If so, then join me this week as we consider yet another aspect of stillness. Stay with me. 
Published 02/19/22
I open and close each week’s podcast by inviting our consideration of “things that truly matter in a complex world.”. One of those repeating considerations is the power of mindful silence and the things that grow out of it. Join me this week as we consider the value of measuring the things we say and the things we don’t say. Stay with me. 
Published 02/11/22
When was the last time you stopped to ponder what you’re really made of? Not just the skin and bones and blood cells and brain circuits, but what lies beneath all of that. Join me this week as we pull the veil aside and consider something luminous and filled with hope.
Published 02/04/22
You wouldn’t get far on a road trip without first stopping to fill your tank. We understand the common sense of that, yet how often we push ourselves without stopping to recharge from the inside out. Join me this week as we consider healthy ways of renewing ourselves.
Published 01/29/22
The past couple of years have brought about subtle and not-so-subtle changes in how we spend our days and how we think and feel. Join me this week as we consider things we can do to offset some of those changes. 
Published 01/23/22
Like pearls formed by the irritation of a grain of sand in an oyster, life’s challenges can grow precious things in us when we allow it. Join me this week as we consider ways of bringing those good things into the foreground of our awareness. Stay with me.
Published 01/14/22
What would happen if we “brewed” our days with as much focus and attention and care as we use to brew a great cup of coffee or a tea? Join me this week as we consider the right ingredients and best the steps to take to make our daily experience a truly robust one.
Published 01/08/22
After the challenges of the past two years, this is just the right moment to ask ourselves where we’re going in the coming year. Because you’re the one writing the script for your own life, what shape do you want the next year to take? Join me this week as we consider ways of determining exactly that.
Published 01/01/22
There are sleeping dreams and waking dreams. There are lucid dreams and even sacred dreams. The trick is to know which one we’re experiencing. Join me this week as we consider the nature of dreams and what happens when we take control of them. 
Published 12/18/21
The things that happen in our lives can seem completely random or disconnected, yet, without trying to sound particularly mystical, are they? Join me this week as we consider how the path of our lives continues to unfold—sometimes in surprising ways. 
Published 12/11/21
Though I’ve spoken about power of play in previous episodes, it’s an idea so powerful, so compelling, that is worth revisiting again and again. Join me this week as we consider the revitalizing nature of play and ways of making it part of our everyday experience. Stay with me.
Published 12/03/21
 What will most likely happen when you began to live beyond the limits you’ve imposed on yourself or accepted from other people? Join me this week as we consider what it means to step into the fullness and freedom that is always possible in our lives.
Published 11/28/21
Isn’t it fascinating that the more we open our hearts and minds to gratitude, the more we find to be grateful about. Join me this week, as I offer my heartfelt prayer of gratitude as we step into the holiday season.
Published 11/20/21
What happens when we hold on tightly to the pain of the past? What freedom do we discover when we take conscious steps to release ourselves from it? Join me this week as we consider some of the myths about forgiveness and then look at what it really means.
Published 11/11/21
Pollution is not just an issue of the environment around us. It can happen inside us as well. Join me this week as we consider taking simple and decisive steps to end our mental, emotional, and behavioral pollution. 
Published 11/06/21
What marvelous things are safely nested someplace deep within you, things that are just waiting to hatch and take flight when the season is right? Join me this week as we consider some of the amazing and life-enriching possibilities in each of us. 
Published 10/29/21
How marvelous it is that we only need to open the doors of our perception a little bit to see miracles taking place all around us.  Join me this week as we consider the simple shift that can help that happen. 
Published 10/22/21
There’s a timeless maxim that says: “You can bend, or you can break.” When I stop to ponder that, I think of some of the people I know who are able to laugh in the face of adversity and how healthy they are.Join me this week as we consider the healing power a sense of humor offers us. 
Published 10/16/21
The past year and a half has changed our lives in unprecedented and unimaginable ways. And yet, in the midst of it all, there are choices we can make every day. Join me this week as we consider what some of those changes might be. 
Published 10/09/21
What is it about light that arrests our attention and captures our imagination? And why is it that we often overlook the light within ourselves? Join me this week as we consider these and other questions that could serve to liberate us even more. ·       
Published 10/02/21
Dictionary definitions tell us that wealth is having an abundance of financial or material possessions or having plentiful supplies of a particular resource. Yet such definitions fail to consider the characteristics of wealth that have nothing to do with money. Join me this week as we take a look at some of the other forms of wealth. Stay with me.
Published 09/24/21
Much is said about intention or about thinking and behaving intentionally, but are we considering both sides of the coin? Could it be that there are two sides to being intentional? Join me this week as we consider what that means. Stay with me.
Published 09/18/21
We talk a lot about freedom, but what if I told you that true freedom is self-bestowed and that each of us is holding our own key to liberation? What then? Join me this week as we consider ways of liberating ourselves from the ideas we’ve been using to hold ourselves hostage. Stay with me.
Published 09/11/21
Every once in a while, if we’re fortunate, we’re allowed to witness some of the very best of humanity. When we do, it can inspire us to keep going and to feel more hopeful and to bring out the best within ourselves. Join me this week as we consider what true compassion and caring can do to mend the fabric of humanity when they are put into action. Stay with me.
Published 09/04/21
As I said when I introduced the last episode, I’ll be away for another week taking great care of myself. It feels so good to follow my own counsel and my time will be well spent and revitalizing.  So, here’s a re-broadcast of an earlier episode entitled, Watching Egrets. In it, we’ll watch a flight of white birds as it crosses a line of dark clouds in the distance, and we’ll notice the peace that comes as we become still enough to take in what we’re seeing. I’ll be back next week with a new...
Published 08/28/21