Every forty seconds, someone takes his or her own life. Anxiety, depression, and suicide are at all-time highs--and they're stealing our sons, daughters, friends, and spouses. But that’s why our guest joining us today wants you to hear these words -  Please stay. The world is so much better with you in it. With tender passion and bold hope, our guest today - author, preacher, Christian content creator, and the founder of a mental health organization called Stay Here - Jacob Coyne, wants to...
Published 04/02/24
As we navigate our way through Holy Week and approach the observance and celebration of Good Friday and Resurrection Sunday, we wanted to share a powerful conversation that we believe could be transformational in your life. Our guest today puts it best by stating, “The Son of God was crucified, died, and buried, and He lay in the tomb for three days—until He walked out shining like the sun. In a culture in which history is erased or rewritten at will, the existence of an empty tomb matters....
Published 03/26/24
People are searching for help, hope, and encouragement now more than ever. With the influx of mental health issues riddling our country today, people are struggling to find solutions to their problems. And think about it, where do most people go when they have questions and seek a quick answer in today’s culture and society? You guessed it - ‘Dr. Google.’ However, one thing we know is that those answers may not always be accurate or the most faith focused, which leads to so many people within...
Published 03/19/24
Research is clear - Dads matter! And whether young or old, male or female, we all consider his presence one of the most important factors/elements in our lives both for good or bad. The word that comes to mind is LEGACY - And in today’s conversation, we’re going to be unpacking why DADs matter and really learn about how we can build and carry on a legacy of faith throughout our own lives. Our special guest joining us today is a man who knows the impact of a godly dad - and a man who is...
Published 03/12/24
We all know that storms, challenges, and adversities are a part of this life which then sparks the question, in the face of personal and global suffering, is it possible to live with hope rather than despair? Joining us today to help us answer that question is a dear friend of ours here at the AACC - Best-Selling Author, Speaker, and Renowned Psychiatrist, Dr. Curt Thompson. In and throughout today’s conversation we will be unpacking Dr. Curt’s newest book, “The Deepest Place: Suffering and...
Published 03/05/24
As we’ve discussed all throughout this month, love and relationships can be challenging and take a lot of time, attention, sacrifice, and intentionality. Therefore, as we wrap up the month of February and really this entire ‘What Is Love’ series, we thought there were no better guests than bringing on a power couple who love Jesus as well as live, love, and lead others so well. Joining us again today is my dear friend - renowned speaker, hope dealer, & Harris Creek Baptist Church Young...
Published 02/27/24
There’s no question that sexual sin is something that many struggle with at some point throughout their life. Pornography, premarital sex, extra-marital affairs - they have unfortunately and heart breakingly become too common in our culture and society today. A recent statistic recently projected over 30 million people struggle with problematic sexual behavior, if not addiction - and another stat revealed that over 10 million youth and adolescents regularly view pornography online. Now we...
Published 02/20/24
With Valentine’s Day just around the corner, love and relationships are a hot topic of conversation. Therefore, today we wanted to re-air a conversation with an expert in our space to hopefully help you identify some healthy habits we can begin implementing within our daily lives to cultivate the love we so desperately seek. Joining us again today is a Licensed Professional Counselor and nationally acclaimed speaker who specializes in relationship and marital issues as well as mental and...
Published 02/13/24
There’s no question that your environment impacts your experience. The people you surround yourself with will influence the trajectory of your life. Who are those people in your life? Are they constructive or destructive? Do they push you closer to your goals or pull you further away? Do they motivate you to become your best, or allow you to settle for less? Thankfully, today as we reflect on some of these questions, we will be guided by a renowned business consultant, leadership coach,...
Published 02/06/24
The inevitable truth is that life can be tough and riddled with challenge and adversity. Unfortunately, in the midst of these difficult times and seasons, many people stall out and grow discouraged, disappointed, and deflated due to their circumstances. Maybe that person I’m referring to is a friend or family member of yours that comes to mind… Or maybe that person is you. Thankfully our guest today is a man who is obsessed with understanding what stops people, and how to help them find a new...
Published 01/30/24
Resilience is all about movement! In other words, your direction is more important than your speed. Yes, many have identified resilience as ‘bouncing back’ but as our guest today so eloquently describes, resilience is a process and not just something that happens overnight or in the snap of a finger. It may take longer for some than it does for others, but we must remember, that as long as we are moving in the right direction, we are setting ourselves up for the opportunity to not just go...
Published 01/23/24
Let’s be honest, it’s hard to find time to unplug. Sure, the idea sounds nice, but when your must-do list is crazy long and self-care gets pushed off to tomorrow, tomorrow just seems like it never comes. We so quickly feel as if the world may end if our duties and responsibilities don’t get done, like we’ve let someone down, or that we’ve made someone disappointed. Everything seems like it should be a priority. So we keep running and pushing ourselves to the breaking point. But let me remind...
Published 01/16/24
Sometimes the most valuable treasures are found in the darkest of times. In fact, it's often in the very heart of our deepest pain and struggle that God chooses to reveal his most precious gifts. Let best-selling author, renowned speaker, and hope dealer, Katherine Wolf, lead you in finding the hope God has for you in your most painful places. In our lowest, most difficult moments, it's often impossible to see any good thing around us. We suffer, we struggle, we grow weary. We wonder, Is God...
Published 01/09/24
Have you ever noticed, especially when entering into a new year, how people will do anything to get an edge or a one-up? I mean people go to great lengths and even drop serious money wanting the best equipment, training, coaching, you name it. Well today, we are going to give you, what our guest has identified as the unfair advantage. Joining us today to discuss his most recent and best-selling book is Lead Pastor of Radiant Church, Aaron Burke. Today we will be unpacking Aaron’s newest book...
Published 01/02/24
There’s no question that this year has been an unforgettable season for #23 ranked Liberty University’s football program. I mean they went 13-0, won a Conference USA Championship in their inaugural season in the conference, and were afforded the Fiesta Bowl birth solidifying them as the Top G5 school in the country. That being said, with the Fiesta Bowl just around the corner and the #8 ranked Oregon Ducks in their sights, the work for Liberty football is not over yet! As they prep for the...
Published 12/26/23
In the Clinton household, there’s truly nothing like being home for the holidays. With decorations galore and family traditions in full swing, the joy of Christmas can be felt by all around. That being said, we are so excited to be welcoming the matriarch of the family, Mrs. Julie Clinton to the show today! Not only is Julie, Zach’s incredible mother, but many know her as the Founder, President, and Host of Extraordinary Women Ministry. EWomen’s vision is to draw women closer to the heart of...
Published 12/19/23
As many know, Christmas is a time of wonder and worship! However, the reality is that it’s not always easy to make the choice to rejoice when your in the midst of hardship and suffering. Often times the holidays remind us that grief cannot be wished away. You see, although grieving the loss of a loved one is a deep and difficult challenge at any time, the holiday season can magnify our sense of loss and sorrow. Seasonal events can be painful reminders of the absence of loved ones, but at the...
Published 12/12/23
Let’s be honest, although the holidays can be a very wonderful and special time of the year, there can also be several unwanted holiday guests being those of stress and anxiety. You may not invite them in, but they can inevitably show up, seemingly out of no where. Often they show up as a result of toxic or broken relationships, financial pressures, work deadlines, and so much more, and with this conflict, the holidays tend to increase our tension levels. However, one preventative factor one...
Published 12/05/23
Let’s be honest, change is hard. We hear it often, we say it often, and we end up believing it. Nevertheless, change is something we also desire and strive for. Whether the change involves abandoning a bad habit, developing a new skill, or making a big life change, we have all experienced the desire to make a change in our lives. However, change can be so difficult because we often shrink from anything unfamiliar or challenging. But as our guest reminds us of in our conversation today, growth...
Published 11/28/23
It’s easy to lose sight of the main priorities in our lives. Things such as stress, fear, comparison, and so much more can rob and distract us from the joy, contentment, and gratitude we were created for. However, Thanksgiving can be a great time to bring clarity to what’s most important and truly give thanks for those things. To help us do that very thing, my dad, Dr. Tim Clinton will be joining us today to share a unique perspective on how we can begin viewing this special annual...
Published 11/21/23
Life is hard for all kinds of reasons. It's tempting to move past the pain as quickly as possible. However, adversity awakens us with a choice: will stress and fear cause you to crumble or embrace the strength you've already been given? The truth is, adversity can knock you down—or awaken your heart. It can lead to discouragement—or guide you toward change. It can trap you in despair—or be a gateway to peace. Thankfully our guest joining us today is a renowned author, speaker, podcaster,...
Published 11/14/23
Let’s be honest, it almost seems as if it’s a dog-eat-dog world out there in culture and society today where people will do whatever it takes to get their point across making it challenging to “reason together” when there is such polarization and divisiveness going on. Many individuals cannot even be in the same room without arguing with one another about issues such as politics, religion, education, and more. Therefore, with the holidays right around the corner, we believed that today’s...
Published 11/07/23
With the craziness and chaos that has taken place over the last several years including the mental health disaster within our world and country, numerous mass shootings and wars, indoctrination within our educational systems, as well as the monotonous and strenuous tasks of everyday life, there are a lot of things that can weigh heavy on a mom’s heart. So many momma bears out there are desperately seeking help, hope, and encouragement. Thankfully today, we will get to hear from a powerfully...
Published 10/31/23
On August 8th, 2023 a wildfire caused by a brush fire and hurricane force winds swept over the historic town of Lahaina. Many escaped with only the clothes on their backs, while countless others tragically lost their lives in this horrific disaster. The brokenness resulting from this tragedy in such a uniquely strong community is heartbreaking. However, joining us today to share a message that God has placed on his heart for such a time as this is Lead Pastor of Calvary Chapel Westside Maui...
Published 10/24/23
A boy doesn't automatically become a man at age 18. What differentiates a man from a boy is the way he lives. A boy lives day to day, wants to be MVP, plays, wants the reassurance of the crowd, and is a predator. A man has a vision for his life, is a team player, works, has the courage to take a minority position, and is a protector. These are the five marks of a man. It's not enough to just know them. A real man aggressively pursues them on a daily basis. Drawing from his own experience and...
Published 10/17/23