It’s been said that burnout is not only a very real and present danger, but it has been estimated that over 60% of leaders will experience it. As the old saying goes, leadership can sometimes feel lonely. Prolonged seasons with heightened levels of stress, feeling unappreciated, and more can cause many leaders to grow tired, frustrated, and weary. However, I believe it’s in these moments that many simply need to be encouraged, motivated, and reminded of their purpose and calling in this life....
Published 09/17/24
With the first weekend of the 2024 NFL season behind us, we wanted to bring on a familiar face that could give us not only an inspirational story and testimony of faith, but also someone who has their pulse on the sporting arena and its impact on everyday life. If you’re an NFL fan you’ll know our guest well. Joining us today is James Brown or as most would call him, JB. James Brown is the current host of “The NFL Today” on CBS and "Inside The NFL" on Showtime.  A three-time Emmy...
Published 09/10/24
There seems to be a hunger and thirst for truth and the good news of the gospel spreading rampantly throughout the nation, but especially on college campuses. Many have seen the UNITE US revival nights that have taken place across several SEC college campuses, but on Sunday, August 25th, there was another unique and powerful event as current and former Ohio State football players held a Fall Kickoff gathering at the campus’s courtyard in College Green Park. They described the event as “An...
Published 09/03/24
There’s no question that we live in unprecedented times. Everywhere one looks, they can easily find division and chaos. However, it was in similar circumstances years ago where a story arose of how one man who overcame the odds, sustained by the love of a woman who supported him in his journey could bring unity and resilience throughout a nation. From 1981 through 1989, Ronald Reagan led a great American comeback. He not only achieved what his critics said would be impossible; he made it seem...
Published 08/27/24
There’s no question that resilience is rooted in relationship - with God and with others. Joining us today for an impactful discussion is someone who has experienced and endured a lot of pain, trauma, and suffering in life, yet by the grace of God has also experienced triumph, joy, and a testimony of resilience. Joining us today is Carrie Sheffield! Carrie is a columnist and broadcaster in Washington D.C. who earned a full-tuition Harvard scholarship, managed billions of dollars in risk at...
Published 08/20/24
There’s no question that we are in the midst of a mental health disaster in our country and world today. Statistics have revelaed that issues such as anxiety, depression, addiction, and suicide have sored to levels that we have never seen before. Yet, sadly there continues to be a large gap between those needing help and those receiving help. One of the reasons as to why that gap exists continues to be the shame and stigma around mental health care. Many unfortunately, even within faith-based...
Published 08/13/24
Recently, I was officiating a beautiful summer wedding when at the reception the Father of the Groom gave his toast to the couple and made a statement that stuck with me. He said, “Marriage won’t always be easy, but it’s also not that complicated. PURSUE each other every day and good things will happen.” As I sat and marinated on that statement, I began to recognize the truth in his words. When we stop pursuing and choosing one another, we allow footholds to take place in our lives and in our...
Published 08/07/24
Nikita Koloff, better known as the "Russian Nightmare," stormed the wrestling world as few others have in the history of the sport. Imposing, immovable, and unbeatable, Nikita left a trail of fallen opponents as he brought the Cold War that loomed over the globe into the ring. From a hard-scrabble beginning to rings around the world, Nikita Koloff filled arenas, thrilled fans, and captured five world titles in the process. And then, when he was at the top of his game, he walked away from the...
Published 07/30/24
We’ve all heard the words of James 1:2 which remind us to, “Consider it pure joy my brothers and sisters when you face trials of many kinds.” But let’s be honest there are moments where life is just flat out painful, and as the infamous movie character, Rocky Balboa, once taught us, “life will beat you to your knees and keep you there if you let it.” There are moments where it seems like no one hits as hard as life does. But then Rocky’s words shift to encouraging us that, “it’s not about how...
Published 07/23/24
Let’s be honest, there are several unique challenges singleness can bring in society and culture today. From the ‘hook-up’ culture we are seeing, to the trauma of attachment wounds, fear of commitment, loneliness, and more, singleness can at times be a very difficult season of life to navigate let alone appreciate. However, our guest today believes that singleness isn’t a curse to endure. Rather, it’s a gift to enjoy, even if at times it can be hard to see it that way. Our special guest who...
Published 07/16/24
There’s an old quote that still rings true today, “More than 70% of leaders do not finish well.” Unfortunately, we so often see those with big followings, platforms, and pedestals fall or stumble due to something being done in private. However, our guests today want to help each of us become the leader that we would want to follow - a leader that possesses a great work ethic, vulnerability, and integrity. Joining us today to help us learn how we can shrink the integrity gap within our own liv...
Published 07/09/24
Happy 4th of July week everyone!!! You see, the Fourth of July—also known as Independence Day—has been a federal holiday in the United States since 1941, but the tradition of Independence Day celebrations goes back to the 18th century and the American Revolution. On July 2nd, 1776, the Continental Congress voted in favor of independence, and two days later, on July the 4th, delegates from the 13 colonies adopted the Declaration of Independence, a historic document drafted by Thomas Jefferson....
Published 07/02/24
As Mike Tyson would say, “Everyone’s got a plan until they get punched in the mouth.” I think we can all agree that life sometimes delivers unexpected knockout blows that threaten to send us to the canvas of the ring we call life. Pain, challenge, adversity, and disappointment are all inevitable, but it’s not about what happens to us as much as it’s about how we respond to what happens to us. Will you give up or will you get up? Will you quit or will you keep pushing forward? Thankfully today...
Published 06/25/24
Leadership is one of the most talked about concepts in all of society. Yet, so many continue to have a misunderstanding on what true leadership is. Joining us today to not only discuss leadership, but also the importance of mentorship and discipleship is a man who needs no introduction, Benjamin Lundquist. Benjamin is a top motivational and leadership speaker, pastor, coach, and one the leading voices for leadership development and empowerment for today’s generation. He is passionate about he...
Published 06/18/24
There’s no question that there has been a real beat down on men in our culture and society today. There’s been a radical push to silence men as many have pushed this toxic masculinity narrative stating that men are just buffoons, horrible husbands, terrible fathers, porn addicts, abusers, and more. Now something we do agree with is that there is such a thing as toxic behavior, but my friends, there is nothing toxic about being a man. However, so many struggle in silence with their shame, addi...
Published 06/11/24
There’s no question that suicide has become an epidemic in our country and world today. Suicide is now the second leading cause of death among people aged 15–24 in the U.S., and according to the National Alliance on Mental Illness, nearly 20% of high school students report serious thoughts of suicide with 9% having made an attempt to end their lives. Beyond that, there’s a significant concern for our girls and our daughters as the CDC recently reported that 57% of our girls reported signs of ...
Published 06/04/24
No one is a stranger to pain or adversity in this life. Challenges, hardships, and suffering are inevitable. Yet, the question remains, how we do navigate seasons of suffering and how do we cling to hope when life doesn’t make sense in the midst of our deepest and darkest valleys. Joining us today to help equip, encourage, and empower those of us in our valley seasons is a dear friend, Erin Kelly Bean. Although she has experienced countless mountain top moments such as the joy of marriage, be...
Published 05/28/24
In a day and age where our kids and next generation are under attack with countless pressures and stressors of all different kinds contributing to an influx in mental health challenges, it is imperative that parents continue to get educated, equipped, and encouraged to help them counteract those things and to stay ahead of this cultural fight. Thankfully today we have an expert in the field of counseling and attachment joining us for an enlightening and empowering conversation on how parents ...
Published 05/21/24
When the pains and challenges of life come crashing in, it can be hard to truly trust God and cling to His promises in the midst of life’s processes. However, I’m reminded that God often loves using our moments of powerlessness to draw us closer to and to reveal the character of His heart. Today, we are joined by a very special guest who is no stranger to adversity in this life, but someone who has chosen a unique perspective in the midst of her pain. Joining us today is disciple, mom, hope s...
Published 05/14/24
So many of us get so caught trying to be “somebody” that we forget to what it means to be the man/woman called has called us to be. When we neglect or misprioritize our true role in this life, it’s easy to get overwhelmed by the pressure, comparison, and stress which can quickly take the root of intense worry and anxiety. However, there are some solutions to help us reprioritize our lives and to remind us that we should not seek for our name to be known, but instead to promote the Name of the...
Published 05/07/24
Grief is messy. So many have described the grieving process as steps that we go through, but in reality, grief takes time and a lot of work in order to navigate and maneuver one’s way through. However, one can experience simultaneous emotions such as gratitude in the midst of one’s grief. Today, we have a very special guest who can speak to the depth of pain and suffering following loss. Seldom in life do you get the chance to meet someone who has a powerful story of overcoming fear, adversit...
Published 04/30/24
There’s no question that our next generation are facing unique challenges in modern day culture and society today. As it relates to our young adults, a plethora of research has revealed that one of the biggest challenges they face on a daily basis is loneliness. As we always like to remind people of here on the podcast is that loneliness is unfortunately the invisible illness of our day and age and it’s the undiagnosed illnesses that are always the most dangerous and deadly. That being said, ...
Published 04/23/24
Mike Tyson once said, “Everybody’s got a plan, until they get punched in the mouth.” Let’s be honest, oftentimes life can send some unexpected blows that closely resemble a knockout punch. Things such as the diagnosis of a debilitating disease or health challenge, a crumbling marriage, loss of a job, a prodigal son or daughter, death of a loved one, financial woes, a deferred dream, and so much more can be flat out painful. Things don’t always go our way or the way we wanted or expected them...
Published 04/16/24
We all have a choice in life: to see through the lies or to believe them. And one of the greatest lies so many tend to believe is that their past disqualifies or defines them. So many find themselves stuck in the bondage and grip of shame, guilt, and condemnation attached to past decisions or mistakes. However, 1 Corinthians 6:11 reminds us, “and that is what some of you were. - But you’ve been washed, you’ve been sanctified, you’ve been justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by...
Published 04/09/24