Luckily there isn't that much video footage of Simon. Visit http://www.fullfrontalcomedy.live
Published 08/14/19
Published 08/14/19
You know the drill by now. Visit http://www.fullfrontalcomedy.live
Published 07/31/19
The car is still not fixed, but its moving. So we thought it was best we record something for you. Visit http://www.fullfrontalcomedy.live
Published 07/24/19
Matt's car is on the verge of breakdown. There is almost nothing that anyone can do about it. But what we do want people to do, is to carry on supporting comedy. Visit http://www.fullfrontalcomedy.live
Published 07/10/19
Its's someone's birthday, and someone is soon to be receiving a card. Well I say card, it's a laminate bit of paper. That's right, the winner of June's Lorded Location is announced. Also, please visit http://fullcomedy.live
Published 07/02/19
Hello, we are back on the road, where it has some, but not unbearable background noise. Today, we dont discuss poltics, but politcal correctness. Enjoy
Published 06/25/19
Possibly the most unlistenable episode to date. Is it time to give it a rest?! Tweet @Matt_LDN
Published 06/18/19
In possibly the most disjointed and out of character podcast, the rain really has effected Simon and Matt. We are really sorry. But it is what it is.
Published 06/11/19
In the shortest podcast of the series to date, we take a trip to the laundrette. How exciting? Right?!
Published 06/04/19
Simon is driving and he has three good wheels on his wagon. Jeopardy and terror is the best way to describe this particular journey.
Published 05/28/19
Today we get in depth with politics, the English language, fashion, and we take a break.
Published 05/21/19
Today we get in depth with politics, the English language, fashion, and we take a break.
Published 05/21/19
The first episode of the weekly series. It may be continuous. Finding our feet and audio levels, and announcing our first regular feature. Buckle up, let the journey begin.
Published 05/07/19