Today I'm here with some of my most favorite clients and we're talking about how to deliver your program, your consultancy, your coaching services, your done for you services, with the least amount of cost, the highest level of scalability, while also having like a ton of fun so you don't get burned out.
Published 06/14/22
Join me for today's episode where I share the top five takeaways I gained from attending Russell's Brunsun's inner circle and Category Kings. It was a fun, jam packed couple of sessions where I saw so many great friends and made some new ones. Listen in for my top five takeaways...
Published 06/07/22
If you're like me, and you want your clients to get the most out of your program, your coaching or consulting, creating a manifesto is like embedding your mission inside of each of them. It helps to create in them this passion for what you do who you are, and ultimately for their own life. Are you ready to ignite your people so they buy into your movement faster? If this is you, then join me today for some quick tips and tricks on how you can create your very own manifesto. Let's Go!!
Published 05/24/22
Sales is a transference of energy... If doubt is in you - it will show up in the prospects you are working with and closing the sale becomes impossible. Certainty is the game-changing piece you need. ...So how do we gain certainty?
Published 05/03/22
Feeling unsure about raising your prices? The reality is when you pay someone else's high ticket, it creates in you this sudden belief that someone may actually come along and pay for yours and so you get brave enough to raise your prices. If you are ready to raise yours join me today and learn what it takes.
Published 04/26/22
What if my internal insecurity is not market reality? What we feel inside is just that; feelings. The truth is there are people who are your people. They are not assigned to me and Joe or whomever you believe is anove you. But here's the thing your people won't come unless you use your voice and speak up. They won't come unless you post, make that video or unless you host that event and get it get it out there. ..until you do, they won't come.
Published 04/19/22
Years ago I went to a conference called FHL, where I learned that it was possible to change the world and make money. So I bought into the program where I learned all about speaking, selling, making an offer and then came my first event. Everything was riding on this event...and despite my anxiety over how it would go and only 6 people showed up, I made $108,000.00. Are you ready to step up and create your life-changing event?
Published 04/12/22
But I don't have a product to sell... Don't let that stop you from setting up an event... in fact I am here to tell you that it is better not to know what you are going to sell because the best products are created with the client's needs and wants in mind. The journey to creating your product starts with figuring out what your ideal client's biggest struggle is. ...and no better place to do that, than at your first event.
Published 04/05/22
A lot of people have had their life changed by reading a book. Almost all of us have. Books also change the lives of their authors. It's not about the books, but who you become in the process of writing and publishing the book. Today Chandler Bolt, founder of "Self-Publishing School a company that can help you publish your book in less than 90 days joins me today to talk all things publishing and what goes into the process.
Published 03/29/22
People often host an event where they try to manipulate others into buying. RUN! From this tactic ... ...and instead find out what they want and then teach them how to do it. Don't be manipulative, cute or clever ...just be clear and people will buy!
Published 03/22/22
When it comes to events, many people have no clue what to speak about. They say "Eileen It's a pop up event, what am I going to say, for multiple hours?" Back in the day my perfectionism put me in that very same position. I didn't know what to talk about or how I was going to make my first sales. Have you ever heard Tony Robbins teach on how success leaves clues? My clues were all these other people that came before me with their successful speeches and instead of struggling to figure it...
Published 03/15/22
There was a times when I was terrified of speaking in front of people. I was afraid that I would fail, that people would judge me and didn't hold belief in myself. I remember specifically, one day I was so scared. I hand handed the mic that I was supposed to speak on to my husband and I left the building. Isn't that banana pants? Fast forward to today and here I am speaking to you. Sometimes we have to do what scares us if we want to see success.
Published 03/08/22
The more conviction that you show up with in your events and on your calls, you will close sales. Why? ...because now, your heart is coming at it with their best interest.
Published 03/01/22
Why should you raise your prices? If this is an area you struggle with join Eileen for this quick truth that will change everything in your business.
Published 02/22/22
Do you know what it takes to make your offer high ticket? Often we in our strive to the top we overcomplicate the steps and this breeds a mindset of complication for our potential clients. It's time to simplify our way of offering our programs and make more with doing less. Join Eileen as she shares the top 3 ingredients that will make your offer high ticket.
Published 01/25/22
There are 7 billion people in the world and of those people there are so many that would love to come to your event, it would overwhelm you. For this reason we need you to get so persuaded about your own message that you can't stay quiet. Call these people, invite this person to be a guest speaker and do whatever it takes to fill your event.
Published 01/04/22
Did you know that you are one high ticket offer idea away from your million dollar day? Wow, isn't that amazing? Isn't it amazing that offers, event ideas, and content, all the way down to the communication level all start first from the imagination level? Wealth is created at the level where imagination lives. Are you ready to use your imagination?
Published 12/21/21
Have you ever done some things that were hard as in waking up early to work and trading dollars for hours? We grow up thinking if I just get that postgraduate degree to add a few more initials on to the end of my name I'll earn more money. Surprise, surprise, if no one has told you this... Let me be the voice of truth in your life today; to tell you that "more education will not make you wealthy".
Published 12/14/21
How many of you just want to go quicker? I'm talking where it doesn't need to take nine years to reach your point of success and do a million dollars in one day. It starts with your presentation and connection with your audience. Listen in as I share 2 reasons this isn't happening for you and how you can change that right now.
Published 12/07/21
I would just encourage all of you to keep trying different things inside of different groups. So if you're doing organic posting, just keep trying different posts and see what hits. ... and then totally divorce yourself from the outcome of those posts. By that I mean, be completely disconnected from the need for anybody to do anything in return. As in commenting, answering your question, or buying anything from you. Stay totally disconnected because that demanding energy that you may or...
Published 11/09/21
In today's podcast episode I want to share with you my takeaways and a recap from my time speaking at Funnel Hacking Live (FHL). Thank you so much for listening, I am glad you're here and a part of this journey. Wherever you are, I just want to encourage you that you're probably doing better than you think you're doing. So keep moving forward.
Published 11/02/21
Have you ever tried to sell somebody and they're response was, that sounds expensive, I don't have it? People have created stories in their mind that have them believing they really don't have what it takes to succeed. For this reason our responsibility as coaches, as pastors, as creators, and consultants, is to do what Jesus did and tell them to rise up and go find the money. If this is something that they truly want to do, then GO, is your only response. We create weakness when we solve...
Published 10/26/21
With it being an enormous investment Hannah was hesitant about plugging into Eileen's training. Fast forward to today where she now sits with her mouth open in an "Oh my gosh!" state of being. After learning all about closing, the integrity of sales and how to really stand behind what she was doing Hannah presented her very first high ticket offer from stage with maybe 200 people in the audience ... and closed over $200,000 in sales - UNBELIEVABLE!!
Published 10/05/21
After working with Eileen through her program my life has changed. Going from afraid that no one would listen to having $50,000 events and none of it would be possible without Eileen. "If you have the chance to work with Eileen, you guys have got to jump on that chance because she can literally change your life." - Ameen
Published 09/28/21
Sometimes we don't think our superpowers are super. Then we get into a business group and people start to tell us that what we share or offer is helpful. They start to tell us how much they appreciate our service to the group and BOOM! We start to see ourselves as others do. So if you aren't already, get into some business mastermind groups, offer your help however you can and watch the transformation come your way. Connect with Eileen If you'd like to learn how to do 6 and 7 figure DAYS...
Published 09/21/21