We're back! It's been a while. Check out the last episode if you missed it as I went in-depth with an update—talking about where I've been, and what's in store for the future.  With that being said, I wanted to kick things off with this interview that I did with Wesley Verhoeve. We actually recorded this last year, and I feel terrible that it's taken this long for me to post it up, but I didn't want it to launch in the middle of the break I took from the show.  So, here it is, and I'm excited...
Published 07/22/22
Published 07/22/22
Hey everyone, for today's solo episode, I want to focus on something that was inspired by a recent Q&A that I did on my Instagram—and that is talking about extremes. One of the most common answers, when I asked people what their biggest challenge is with their photography, was that they suffer from things like imposter syndrome, lack of satisfaction, comparison, and lack of energy. IMO, these are things that are often caused by us living in the extremes—where we pick apart every little...
Published 09/08/21
Hey everyone, for today's solo episode, I wanted to talk about what I think is one of the most important skills you can have as a photographer—that is patience. Nowadays, more than ever, it can be easy to feel the need to constantly be creating and sharing work, but in doing so, you can easily miss out on ideas and opportunities that present themselves when you take a slower approach. Recently, I spent the last month making a bunch of duds... basically creating images that either didn't...
Published 08/11/21
In this episode, I'm talking with Tadas Kazakevicius—a documentary photographer from Lithuania, and someone whose work I’ve been a big fan of for a while now. I first came across his work a couple of years ago and was immediately drawn into not only the aesthetics but also the energy that his images possess—especially his environmental portrait work. There was a lot that I wanted to cover in this interview, including learning more about Tadas’ book that he just released titled ‘Soon To Be...
Published 08/02/21
Hey everyone, today I want to take some time to talk about ego, and how it can hold you back from growing as a photographer and achieving the goals that you have. As I get further along in my career, I've realized that it's all about doing the opposite of what your ego wants—embracing the things that make you uncomfortable, like a fear of failure and a fear of being judged by others.  I hope you enjoy this episode today and that it gets some ideas rolling. Also, if you're interested in...
Published 04/03/21
In this episode, I'm talking with Chiara Zonca—a fine art photographer originally from Italy, now based out of Western Canada. I've been a big fan of Chiara's work for a while now, and I'm sure many of you listening to this are probably familiar with her images. I've always been fascinated by the look and unique quality of her photographs, so it was cool to be able to learn more about her journey and approach.  Chiara's images documenting the landscape have a surreal dreamlike feel to them,...
Published 03/19/21
Hey everyone, have a solo episode for you today where I talk about a few of my favourite takeaways from Alec Soth's 'Photographic Storytelling' course that he released last year with Magnum. Some of you may have watched the video I did about this on my YouTube channel, but I wanted to do a podcast episode about it just to expand on things a little bit, and also for those that may have missed it. If you want to check out the video I made about this, you can find it here:...
Published 03/12/21
In this episode, I’m talking with Tim Franco—a French-Polish photographer who is currently living in South Korea. Tim does a wide range of work, including editorial and commercial, but it was his personal projects that first grabbed my attention, including his first book ‘Metamorpolis’, as well as his soon-to-be-released project ‘Unperson’, which documents the stories of North Korean defectors.  I was immediately fascinated not only by the subject matter with this project, but also the...
Published 03/05/21
Hey everyone! Happy new year... I'm a bit late with this one, but I wanted to get up this episode giving you all a bit of an update, as well as talking about some of the photography rules I'll live by in 2021. It's been a busy past few months, but I'm currently working away in the background on some new interviews and solo episodes, and am planning to get back on track here in the near future with weekly releases. Also, if you're interested in signing up to my 'Field Notes', which I talked...
Published 02/01/21
I've always been interested in learning more about how other photographers approach their craft. I find that being able to relate to an artists's process and way of working can be extremely encouraging, especially if it's someone who you look up to.  I recently started reading a book called 'Photo Work', which was put together by Aperture (https://amzn.to/2LNSF8x). It's a great little publication that includes interviews with forty different photographers, asking them all the exact same...
Published 12/17/20
Film photography has seen a resurgence over the last few years and the community is growing daily. As someone who works with film as their medium of choice, it's been amazing to see this boom, and also to connect with so many artists who have embraced the analog process.  I recently did a Q&A episode on my YouTube channel, and someone asked me what I thought about this boom. I answered briefly in the video but figured it'd be a great topic to expand on in a podcast episode. So today,...
Published 12/02/20
In this episode, we’re chatting with Sean Tucker, a UK based photographer who I’m sure many of you are already familiar with. Sean also has a very popular YouTube channel, which is quite different than most others in the photography realm.  I came across Sean’s work a couple of years ago was immediately hooked by his message. I also loved the fact that he was putting out content that focused on the creative life and the ebbs and flows that come with it.  If you haven’t watched any of his...
Published 11/25/20
Another mini-episode for this week talking about a few things that have been on my mind recently that were influenced by a recent project I completed. Also, regular episodes will be back soon! I'll be honest, things have been crazy over the last month with making the move over to the UK from Canada. But I'm finally starting to feel somewhat settled and I promise to bring some consistency back to this show very soon. As for today's episode, I'll go into more detail during the show, but the...
Published 10/24/20
Today’s guest on the show is Alex Burke who is a landscape photographer from Colorado, working exclusively with 4x5 large format film. After a brief period of time spent shooting with 35mm at the start of his career, Alex made the jump to 4x5, and he’s been using ever since—and with that comes a wealth of knowledge and experience. Alex is someone whose work I’ve been a fan of for a while now, and I thought he’d be a great person to sit down with to talk about the world of large format. Any of...
Published 09/28/20
This week on the show we’re talking with Rhombie Sandoval—a photographer and storyteller from Southern California whose projects document people and places from specific locations across the world, including ones like Morocco and Iceland. A few months ago I came across Rhombie’s project titled ‘East Of Jesus’ on Instagram. The work from this collection instantly hooked me for a number of reasons, but probably the biggest one was the incredible sense of connection that could be felt in her...
Published 09/21/20
This week on the show we’re talking with Jason Lee! I’m sure almost all of you are familiar with Jason and his work not only as a photographer but also as an actor and a professional skateboarder. Jason is known for his role in the hit TV show, ‘My Name Is Earl’, as well as a handful of Kevin Smith films. He’s also the co-founder of Stereo Skateboards. I first discovered Jason’s photography roughly three years ago when I got back into film. I was immediately attracted to his images and his...
Published 09/07/20
In this episode, we’re talking with Vincent Perry Jr—a photographer and filmmaker based out of Seattle, Washington. Vince specializes in creative portrait photography, and also has a YouTube series where he shares his process and experiences, as well as short films that’s he’s made. I’ve known Vince for a while now, but this was the first time that I had the chance to sit down and talk with him about his process. I definitely admire his mindset when it comes to his work and navigating the...
Published 08/25/20
Another mini-episode for this week! I've been playing a major game of catch up over the last few weeks, and haven't been able to schedule as many interviews as I'd hoped, so I decided to do another mini-episode to talk about a few things that I think are super important—and that is discussing ways to help you thrive as a photographer. I go into detail in the episode, but the main points are: 1. Be Conscious Of How You Spend Your Energy 2. Surround Yourself With People Who Will Help You...
Published 08/22/20
Hey everyone, something a little different for today's show. I've had this idea to start doing these mini-episodes periodically whenever I have some interesting things to share or some thoughts on my mind.  Not sure yet if these will be scheduled consistently, but I figured it could be fun to test out. So, today I want to talk about two things. The first is an amazing organization called 'Sirkhane Darkroom', which is a not for profit photography school based in Turkey that teaches children...
Published 08/07/20
This episode features Patrick Joust, who is a photographer based out of Baltimore. I’m sure many of you are already familiar with his work, and I actually had a number of people reach out to me over the past few months requesting to have Patrick on the show, so I’m excited to finally get this interview launched! Patrick is known for not only his incredible night work documenting spaces and environments but also for his candid portrait work. I’ve admired his photography for a long time and it...
Published 07/26/20
Today on the show I have Noah Waldeck who is a photographer and also the owner and curator of Subjectively Objective, which is a contemporary photography gallery and publisher. I’m sure most of you are familiar with Noah’s work, he’s a really talented photographer and I love what he’s put together with the gallery. It was great to chat with Noah and pick his brain about photo projects, publishing, and sequencing. There was a lot to talk about during the interview, and I feel like this episode...
Published 07/17/20
Today’s guest on the show is Kendall McKenzie who is a photographer based out of New York City, and whose work documents a lot of nostalgic environments across America, shooting mainly with P&S cameras and 35mm film, which IMO compliments her work perfectly. This was a really fun conversation, but also an important one, as Kendall brought up a few things that really got me thinking afterward. You heard a little excerpt about it at the start of this episode, but we talk about the...
Published 07/06/20
Rob Hann is a photographer based out of NYC who creates most of his images out in the American West, and he’s been working on the same portfolio, Diesel Fried Chicken, for almost twenty years now. I love the fact that he often seeks out and incorporates some humour in his images, and is always striving to find the unique environments throughout the vast landscape that he travels. There's a lot of great topics covered in this interview, including Rob’s earlier years spent working as a...
Published 06/28/20
This week I’m sitting down with Chris Malloy. A lot of you may be familiar with Chris’s amazing night images that he posts on Instagram. His work has always stood out to me because of his creative use of available light, as well as his interest in using a variety of different cameras and film stocks, including expired film. It was great to talk to Chris about his journey and his creative process. In this episode we chat about his transition into the world of film, doing photography as a...
Published 06/18/20