Divine perspective to nurture you through Ascension.
Hosted by Andye Murphy, the Cosmic Mama Podcast explores the new ways of an evolving humanity. From the ancient to the now, You are becoming the divine in form! This is the Awakening, babe and we’re here to stabilize and activate.
Conversations with leaders, healers, and visionaries that will inspire the birthing of the cosmic you and the quantum New Earth.
A kaleidoscopic lens on reality. Inspired by the goddess Sheshat and Milkweed.
The eclipses have a way of revealing what isn’t working. Add to that a Mercury Retrograde and we’re in a firestorm of uncertainty.
I know I’ve been unraveling much of what I thought or believe to be real. It can be disorienting and mighty irritating.
True power is in your joy! Ecstasy is...
Published 04/04/24
It’s hard to know anything these days. Our need to know, to understand, to give meaning only makes things feel more meaningless. And it’s dang frustrating!
It’s the Great Mystery that holds us, always inviting us back home to the fullest luscious truth of ourselves and the cosmos.
To go...
Published 03/07/24