This week the guys try really really hard not to laugh so they don't have to give any money to charity. Tune in next week to hear how much they owe. Tweet us @day_came Please subscribe and a review would be great!
Published 11/16/18
This week we learn that the boys no nothing about Brand values. Or values altogether. Enjoy and remember to subscribe and please give us a review. @day_came
Published 11/07/18
This week the guys go deep in to some issues. With of course some laughs along the way. We should put a pre cursor up that if you are struggling with stress, Health, Happiness etc etc... Try to seek out help where you can and look after your self. On with the show! Please subscribe, rate and leave a review if you can as it really helps us out. @day_came
Published 09/29/18
This week the guys have a guest who has called in!! And its someone who has actually done something with her life. Listen to us in conversation with the superb Alex Rühl. To find out more about Alex and what she does you can find her here @alexmakesvr wwwhttps://www.catsarenotpeas.com You can get in touch with us @day_came please don't forget to leave us a review.
Published 09/17/18
This week the guys have a bunch of questions sent in by people who definitely real... Subscribe, Review and share please!
Published 09/10/18
This week the guys discuss the importance of having a plan. They then realise they don't have a plan. With that being so Rob decides to do away with time. Don't for get to rate, review, and subscribe.
Published 09/03/18
After a short break the guys are back to talk about business again. After so many people complained about no business talk for so long. Thanks for listening. Tweet us @day_came Don't forget to subscribe and please give us a review. It really helps us.
Published 08/19/18
Hello everyone, This week the guys talk about VAT and why everyone wants all of your money. Rob talks about some cult he is part of while stuart has a panic attack about salt. tweet us @day_came
Published 07/27/18
Well hello again. So this week the guys did about as little prep as is possible. So the ramble. My days they ramble. Sorry for the nonsense. The do put the secret to bed for once and for all. Tweet us @day_dog
Published 07/17/18
Hello everyone, Thanks for coming back again. This week the guys wonder if the will have a 7th episode itch. They ask the question does social media matter? They also answer a few more questions for the listeners. Don't forget to subscribe, like and review! get in touch on twitter with @day_dog
Published 07/05/18
Hey guys, Thanks for coming back again. Or thanks for listening for the first time. This week the boys look at some of the questions you have been kind enough to send in. Don't forget to subscribe and review as it really helps us out.
Published 06/29/18
Thanks again for listening. This week the boys relive the infamous episode of Breaking Bad The Fly. Can they hold out better the Walter and Jesse? Also they talk about some work stuff at some point. Don't forget to subscribe and review as it really helps us out.
Published 06/25/18
Welcome back to the 4th episode of the podcast. This week Rob and Stuart have a guest and they still can't get anything right. Listen to them ramble at length about the fear that comes with going on your own.
Published 06/14/18
Welcome back to the 3 episode. Thanks for listening! So this week Stuart told Rob how many subscribers we have had. It may have gone to his head a bit.  The go in depth on cashflow and shout at each other over creativity and originality. All of this with a bit of Stuart explaining how awkward he finds most situations. Thanks and please don't for get to subscribe, rate us, Leave a review it really helps us out.
Published 06/07/18
Welcome back everyone to The Day The Dog Came Into The Office. This week Rob and Stuart are trying to work out what GDPR stands for and why they are still on mailing lists. As well as working out why Rob doesn't have any friends in Leeds, and round it all off with a talk about the pain of a conference call. As ever tweet us @day_came
Published 05/31/18
Hello everyone and welcome to the first episode of the day the dog came into the office. This week Rob and Stuart talk about their own happiness (bit of a big topic for the first one) and office etiquette. As well as a load of other random stuff they maybe should have cut out.
Published 05/29/18