“The content when they get to discussing the works and the secondary works around them is very good and I have learned a great deal from all three of them. Yes, even Matt who they continually make fun of for his lack of general knowledge about literary things. But he has grown remarkably, and I suspect his numeric intelligence is very high and is transferring over well to this new set of topics.
My annoyance is that they sometimes spend much too long at the beginning with chitchat, talking about Walter Hooper‘s cat and what their fiancés are studying that may be fascinating to them, but is not to me. There are some guests that I find I have to hit the 30-second button repeatedly up to the 10 minute mark before I can bear listening.
Please reign that in and get to the content as soon as you decently can with all the housekeeping you have to do for a podcast. I reiterate that the content is excellent.”
assistant village idiot via Apple Podcasts ·
United States of America ·