Pianist Antimo Magnotta was performing on-board the Costa Concordia cruise ship when it ran aground off the coast of Italy on 13 January 2012. He talks to Eddie Mair about his start in music and how his life changed after the disaster which killed 32 people. (Photo: Antimo Magnotta. Credit: BBC)
Published 04/17/17
Olympic gold medalist, Dominique Moceanu, and professional acrobat Jennifer Bricker grew up with separate families before finding out they were biological sisters. Speaking to them both, Eddie Mair heard of the struggles Jennifer went through to contact Dominique "it was a 4 year journey...but meeting my biological family consumed every bit of my life." Dominique spoke about the shock and joy she experienced when she discovered she had a sister. (Photo montage: Jennifer Bricker...
Published 04/14/17
Dianne was diagnosed with dementia at 47 years old. She talks to Eddie Mair about her journey from noticing changes in her memory, to her involvement in the Brent Peer Support project. (Photo: Dianne. Credit: Peer Support)
Published 03/24/17
Throughout his campaign to be President Donald Trump promised to build a wall between the United States and Mexico. Upon taking office he vowed to keep the promise. Someone who knows from personal experience what it's like to patrol that southern border is Mark Napier, who is the Sheriff of Pima County in Arizona. As he explained to Eddie Mair one of the biggest challenges he and his team face is the topography of the area and the very hot climate. "Every year 150 bodies are recovered...
Published 03/17/17
Dr Naureen Starling is a Consultant Medical Oncologist at The Royal Marsden hospital in London, specialising in the treatment of gastrointestinal cancers. She is better known to listeners as Steve Hewlett's doctor. She explained to Eddie Mair that one thing she has learnt whilst treating Steve was that clear communication was vital. "I think it's often good for me and my colleagues just to step back and think actually am I communicating this clearly in a way the patient can understand."
Published 02/27/17
In the middle of September last year, Steve Hewlett, the presenter of Radio Four's The Media Show was diagnosed with oesophageal cancer. He thought it might be of interest to PM listeners to detail his treatment on air. Sadly Steve has died. Here is our tribute to Steve Hewlett, a collection of moments from the times he generously spent talking to us about his illness.
Published 02/20/17
The death of a family member is one of the most traumatic things a person can experience. For Steve Johnson, his brother Scott's death almost 30 years ago is still a source of pain. Scott Johnson was outwardly happy, about to finish a PhD and he was in a long term relationship. Police said his death was suicide. But now, thanks to Steve, doubt has been cast on not only what the police said but what they did in response to Scott's death, and many others. (Photo: Steve Johnson and...
Published 02/17/17
In 2016 Steve Hewlett, presenter of Radio 4's The Media Show, was diagnosed as having cancer of the oesophagus, and has been telling us about his treatment. Steve has had to continue his stay in the Royal Marsden Hospital in London, so Eddie Mair went to visit him again. Last week, he told us how some of his options were no longer there. No more drugs trials, no more chemo: his liver was in a state that would not allow any of that. During their conversation this week, Steve told...
Published 02/13/17
In 2016 Steve Hewlett, presenter of Radio 4's The Media Show, was diagnosed as having cancer of the oesophagus, and has been telling us about his treatment. Steve has had to continue his stay in the Royal Marsden Hospital in London, so Eddie Mair went to visit him again. During their conversation, Steve told Eddie that his consultant had said his liver would not be able to handle any more treatments and that the outlook in the long term was not good. On a happier note, he and his partner...
Published 02/06/17
In 2016 Steve Hewlett, presenter of Radio 4's The Media Show, was diagnosed as having cancer of the oesophagus, and has been telling us about his treatment. This week Steve had to stay in London's Royal Marsden Hospital, so Eddie Mair went to visit him. During their conversation, Steve told Eddie that because his liver is "misbehaving", and they are unsure if the new drug is working, he could end up with his "liver being so damaged it's no longer capable of dealing with any further...
Published 02/01/17
In 2016 Steve Hewlett, presenter of Radio 4's The Media Show, was diagnosed as having cancer of the oesophagus, and has been telling us about his treatment. In this podcast he tells Eddie Mair what happened when he heard that he had finally been accepted on the drugs trial, "as soon as I put the phone down, all I could do was cry, I was so overwhelmed by it."
Published 01/23/17
In 2016 Steve Hewlett, presenter of Radio 4's The Media Show, was diagnosed with cancer of the oesophagus, and has been telling us about his treatment. In this podcast he tells Carolyn Quinn about the stress of waiting to start a clinical trial with an immunotherapy drug that was denied to AA Gill.
Published 01/16/17
In 2016 Steve Hewlett, presenter of Radio 4's The Media Show, was diagnosed with cancer of the oesophagus, and has been telling us about his treatment. In this podcast he tells Carolyn Quinn about how a setback - which resulted in him being kept in hospital for 2 days - may put his place on a drugs trial in jeopardy.
Published 01/09/17
Editor of the anti-fascist magazine Searchlight, Gerry Gable, has been working against far-right groups for decades. As he told Eddie Mair six weeks before his son was born he received a parcel at home. It turned out to be a letter bomb. Whilst he was waiting for the bomb squad to arrive he says "I just kept my hand on the thing because I thought if I lifted it, something might be released and it might go off."
Published 01/06/17
In 2005, Roger Bacon's son Matthew was one of the many British service personnel killed whilst serving in Iraq. Jason Clasby worked with Matthew and was sitting next to him when he died. As they told Eddie Mair, despite meeting briefly at the Chilcott inquiry, the two men had never sat down to talk about what happened, until now, ten years after Matthew's death. In the second part of this interview, they discuss how they deal with day to day life. The first part of this interview was posted...
Published 01/03/17
Earlier this year Steve Hewlett, presenter of Radio 4's The Media Show, was diagnosed as having cancer of the oesophagus, and has been telling us over the last few weeks about his approach to treatment. In this podcast he talks about being taken ill and arriving in A&E "just before the New Year's Eve deluge" where he was given the all clear at about 1.30 in the morning. Unable to get a cab, he made his way home by tube, something which, he says, will not please his consultant....
Published 01/02/17
In 2005, Roger Bacon's son Matthew was one of the many British service personnel killed whilst serving in Iraq. Jason Clasby worked with Matthew and was sitting next to him when he died. As they told Eddie Mair, despite meeting briefly at the Chilcott inquiry, the two men had never sat down to talk about what happened, until now, ten years after Matthew's death. (Photo: British troops patrolling in Basra, Iraq Credit: Getty Images)
Published 01/02/17
As President Obama prepares to leave office, people are reflecting on the fact that his promise to close Guantanamo Bay within a year of taking power never came to pass. Dr Elspeth Cameron Ritchie is a former Army colonel and psychiatrist, she was sent to Guantanamo Bay in 2002 after a spate of suicide attempts by detainees. She told presenter Eddie Mair that in its early years, Guantanamo posed no ethical issues for medics. (Photo: A camp entrance at Guantanamo Bay. Credit: Reuters)
Published 01/02/17
A peace deal which ended half a century of armed conflict was signed between the Colombian government and the rebel group, the FARC in 2016. One man who played a role in helping bring about the ceasefire is Jose Miguel Sokoloff. He's not a politician or a military expert, but an expert in advertising. In this second part of an interview he explained to Radio 4's PM programme, it was his unusual campaign that helped demobilize the FARC rebels. Part One of this interview 'How ads persuaded...
Published 01/02/17
In 2017 it will be 10 years since the death of Peter Connolly (Baby P), a 17-month-old who was found dead at home in north London. A serious case review that investigated what social workers, the police and GPs did, found "the practice of the majority, both individually and collectively... was incompetent", and his death "could have been prevented". Sharon Shoesmith was the head of Haringey children’s services at the time of Peter's death. She was sacked in December 2008 by the then...
Published 12/30/16
For the latest Eddie Mair podcast we hear from a man who has personally worked to bring healthcare to many hundreds of thousands of Americans who have no health insurance. Stan Brock founded Remote Area Medical (RAM) in 1985. He told Eddie Mair his story. (Photo: Stan Brock. Credit: AFP/Getty Images)
Published 12/29/16
A peace deal which ended half a century of armed conflict was signed between the Colombian Government and the rebel group, the FARC in 2016. One man who played a role in helping bring about the ceasefire is Jose Miguel Sokoloff. He's not a politician or a military expert, but an expert in advertising. As he explained to Radio 4's PM programme, it was his unusual campaign that helped demobilize the FARC rebels. (Photo: Xmas lights on trees Credit: Getty images)
Published 12/23/16
Earlier this year Steve Hewlett, presenter of Radio 4's The Media Show, was diagnosed as having cancer of the oesophagus, and has been telling us over the last few weeks about his approach to treatment. In this podcast he talks about the delight of being offered a place on a new drugs trial and how people are continually telling him that because he has been so open about his illness, "it has enabled them either to talk about it, or to understand why relatives or friends they may have...
Published 12/22/16
In May 2016, residents of Fort McMurray in Canada were evacuated due to a raging wildfire. The chief of Fort McMurray's fire department, Darby Allen talked to presenter Eddie Mair about the evacuation. He said "It ate me up, I couldn't sleep even if I wanted to" due to worrying about getting everyone out of danger.
Published 12/16/16
Earlier this year Steve Hewlett, presenter of Radio 4's The Media Show, was diagnosed as having cancer of the oesophagus, and has been telling us over the last few weeks about his approach to treatment. In this podcast he discusses AA Gill's last column which is about his views on cancer treatment and the NHS. Steve is joined by the Chief Executive of NICE Sir Andrew Dillon and GPs Dr Rosemary Leonard and Dr Jeanette Dickson.
Published 12/12/16