Published 06/11/17
Emperor goes off on professional sports athletes, the Cavaliers in the NBA Finals, Stellaris being his new game of choice, House of Cards and The Last Kingdom, a bar with a strict dress code is racist/classist? Emp doesn't think so, people are overly sensitive
Published 06/11/17
Emperor chases away deer eating his flowers, Japanese amusement park stages fake fights tio impress your girlfriend, UploadVR has a company sex dungeon, Fidget Spinners are signs of White Supremacy, and LuLu butts in during the show.
Published 05/27/17
Emperor covers the top 15 most controversial video games, some new addtions to the Video Game Hall of Fame, LuLu and Emp rescue a kitten after LuLu gets hit on by some guys at a bar.
Published 05/07/17
Podcast only show this week. Will ESports become more popular than traditional sports, Emp plays Dawn of War 3 beta, how the next generation will consume their video games, and more.
Published 04/23/17
Podcast only show this week. Emp discussed the new Xbox Scorpio, reaching level 60 in WOW Vanilla, Games giving us less means more, and the Prince needs to tell you about a bird that pooped on a Nintendo Switch (don't ask me, he's 4.)
Published 04/09/17
Emp is on his own this week. He relates a story from a listeners email about helping a fan find love (allegedly), feminists are mad about Wonder Woman having no armpit hair in the new DC movie, Feminists are also mad at Bioware for "othering" women in their games by toning down the looks of their female characters vs. what their real life models look like, and more Nintendo Switch news.
Published 03/26/17
Emp flies solo as LuLu is sick this week. Zelda the Breath of the Wild and the new Nintendo Switch dominate much of the talk. An update on the World of Warcraft portion of the show, 8 things Japanese gamers continue to do after they play games for a long stretch at once, and more.
Published 03/05/17
LuLu is in a touchy mood as she and Emp cover the ongoing coverage of the Nintendo Switch, Salon.com claims the US military uses games to warp and train soldiers, 4Chan beats Shia Leabuf in the greatest game of Capture the Flag ever, Octable is back with another You've Been Told, more articles and such
Published 03/05/17
Emp and LuLu get into their World of Warcraft Vanilla experience. LuLu gives her impressions as a new player. The Elyisum WOW servers have some drama, Octale takes on the Fed and promotes new Youtubers he's discovered, the top 9 Reasons the Game Industry Sucks, Making Dating Great Again, Firefly possibly getting a reboot, Top 10 Games of the Obama era, and looking for new WOW players to join, plus more!
Published 02/19/17
Emperor and LuLu are testing a new setup for the show. They announce that they've begun playing on the WOW Legacy Vanilla servers of Elyisum, using poor people for fashion, how long it takes to complete some of their favorite video games, but the show comes to an abrupt end when the Prince gets sick and Emp needs to take care of the family.
Published 02/12/17
Emperor does a preemptive make up show for the Sunday Feb 5th 2017 episode due to the Super Bowl. Emp gets advice on using the "Deep Web," restarts a Vaniall World of Warcraft account, PETA wants Games Workshop to stop depicting Space Marines wearing fur, and the University of Michigan has a video game archive and collection!
Published 02/04/17
Emp and LuLu reveal personal medical issues, read reviews of Sugarless Gummy Bears (old but funny), Emp recieves hatemail from one of his Patreon episodes, LuLu tries to revisit her Ashley Madison account, Octale talks about the new patch update to World of Warships, and cherry skittles go to feed cows.
Published 01/27/17
reposting of episode from 1-27-17, make up show for 1-22-17
Published 01/27/17
reposting of episode from 1-15-17
Published 01/08/17
reposting of episode from 1-8-17
Published 01/08/17
Emperor, LuLu and Darthwalker go into great embarrasing detail of Darth's love life at the University of Cincinnati, IRC gives LuLu a hard time about her Smut and Eggs from previous shows, Overwatch, Deathwing and Eternal Crusade all on tap.
Published 12/18/16
Emperor and LuLu tell about their weeks, with LuLu getting them into trouble looking for a resteraunt she knows of called Smut and Egss, which leads to a Cleveland pornstar appearing on a local podcast, which leads to funn Adult Video Nominee movie titles...you get the idea.. The Playstation Experience, the new games and keynote address, Wolf and Eagle underwear for men, a weird bedding system you plug into the ground (KickedToTheCurb) and Octal'es newest You've Been Told sends Emp on a long...
Published 12/04/16
No show tonight, but Emperor gives a brief address as to recent events with the Emperor's Court and brings everyone up to speed.
Published 11/27/16
Emp rings in a muted celebration of the GOP/Trump victory on Election Day. LuLu runs to avoid vomitting on the broadcast table, a "car bomb" goes off in front of Emp's house in an apparent attempt at regicide, Blizzard wants to make Overwatch like the MLB and franchise it into major cities across the US for an Esports league, Stetson University shows no link between violence and video games, and Emp supports LuLu's KickedToTheCurb Kickstarter segment, Holiday Card from Assholes.
Published 11/06/16
Emperor and LuLu (with the Prince Imperial sitting in briefly) are forced to record due to an outage at AlphaGeekRadio.com. The Prince makes his displeasure of talk radio known by demanding music several times and informing his Imperial father that "the Prince rocks" before being "made sad again" for being sent to bed. The pair discuss LuLu being a klutz, the upcoming election, the fall of the Indians in the World Series, Moby blames video games for the rise of Donald Trump, Vice blames...
Published 11/06/16
The Emperor's Court - Episode 244
Published 10/30/16
The Emperor's Court - Episode 244
Published 10/16/16
The Emperor's Court - Episode 244
Published 10/02/16
The Emperor's Court - Episode 244
Published 09/11/16