The Endless Ocean follows the ship, the Alabaster Queen, as it sails into an unexplored, haunted, and dangerous ocean. The crew of the Queen will sail beyond the edge of the world, where gods, humans and creatures of unknown magic and origins vie for survival on the tide.
The Stormveil, vast, impenetrable and unmoving lies between The Alabaster Queen and the furtherance of their journey. To get there they must sail into the Breach, an unknown break in the mega-storm that promises more danger than ever before.
Published 12/20/21
The Alabaster Queen has sailed The Endless Ocean for nearly five months. They have braved attacks, monsters, and a drunk captain. But now their greatest challenge lies before them: The Stormveil, a storm that traverses the entire scope of the ocean. A storm that does not move.
Published 12/13/21