Authentic Selling with Dr Persuasion, Dr. Yaniv Zaid
Whether you are a sales leader, a sales person, a lawyer or even an economist, sales is at the centre of everything you do. Nothing happens unless a sale is made, whether that be a product, a service or even an idea - but how we go about selling can be very different. Some people take the hard approach and seek to push an idea or a solution onto a customer or prospect, whilst others take a softer approach. Whilst both methods can deliver results, the guest on this episode passionately believes that through taking a softer approach, through being authentic, selling a problem before a solution and ethically persuading through social proof, we can deliver sustainable results. I'm thrilled to be joined on this episode by Dr.Yaniv Zaid, Doctor Persuasion, as he shares his experiences and expertise on authentic and ethical selling and persuasion. It is a tremendous conversation, filled with gold nuggets for every person looking to improve their influence and persuasion, and therefore driving exceptional results.
To connect with Yaniv, as well as to grab a copy of his best selling book, "The 21st Century Sales Bible", please go to:
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Branding is a critical element of the environment we live in today. Whether it be salespeople, sales leaders, sports people, sporting organisations, or companies, the power of a brand can have a huge impact on the ability to drive interest, to drive attention, and ultimately to drive conversion....
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When it comes to selling, many salespeople (and sales leaders!) focus much of their attention on the sales techniques, the sales process, and the sales competencies. In other words, the 'doing'. Whilst this is critically important to success, many sales people are not realising the results that...
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