Published 06/08/21
This week Gareth challenges you to do some research, discover, and sue over historical grievances. This might take time but hey, who knows you just might be able to change your fortune due to the wrongdoings of the past.
Published 06/08/21
It’s time to do some spring cleaning and get rid of the things you are hoarding... from old receipts, to that broken vase you thought you would fix, and anything else you don’t use.
Published 05/31/21
You might think it’s stupid or bizzare, but don’t knock it until you’ve tried it. See if you can catch an animal (hopefully not your pet), such as an Indian myna, to sharpen your ‘blending in with nature’ skills.
Published 05/19/21
The task for this week seems easy but is it really? Take some time to send a lengthy reply to the scam emails that you get, or even answer the phone call from the telemarketing company. Share your life story, or find out a bit more about them... the whole point is to have fun.
Published 05/11/21
This week the task is to extend your kindness and test your braveness to welcome a stranger into your house, yard or even office. Offer them some tea or coffee, or anything you feel comfortable with.
Published 05/04/21
Have a little fun and live life on the edge by looking at someone suggestively, and if they look back just as suggestively - charge them some money. Don’t let it stop there, charge for everything from kissing them on the cheek... to allowing them to touch your hand. Go forth and dare to be out there.
Published 04/23/21
The task for this week is to discriminate in a positive manner. This includes only purchasing things from women over the age of 55, doing business with people taller than you, getting far away from pregnant women, and refusing to answer questions from brunettes… think you are up for the task?
Published 04/06/21
Perform a random act of kindness this week by tipping abnormally more than you usually do. You get to decide who will be the lucky person, and your tip shouldn’t be based on their service... but as an act of generosity.
Published 03/30/21
Improve your social etiquette by learning at least 6 wines and cheeses. You just might be surprised when that information comes in handy.
Published 03/23/21
If there’s one thing you can’t do, it’s lie on Judgment Day. The task this week is to be honest with yourself by filling out a self-assessment form. All you need to do is list all your good deeds and sins. Whichever is longer gives you a pretty good indication of where you might be headed.
Published 03/16/21
Ever wondered if you could control your dreams? Well, influencing your dreams might be a real thing. All you need to do is focus your thoughts on the following before sleep: a hedgehog, an airplane and a little person. If you dream about any one of those things then hey, you can control your dreams!
Published 03/09/21
Ever imagined yourself standing in front of the world’s most influential and powerful people? Well, you just might get a chance to do that. The One Thing for the Week is to write a speech to the UN... and who knows, yours just might be selected.
Published 03/02/21
With the increase of crime and violence in South Africa, it's important to be able to protect yourself if anything ever had to happen. Gareth encourages you to get a weapon that you are completely comfortable with, that you can use to protect yourself in times of danger.
Published 02/23/21
The task for this week is to unleash your inner Michelangelo and draw a self-portrait. The whole purpose of this exercise is to reveal what you think of yourself and discover how you truly view yourself. The upside about this is that you don’t have to show anyone your drawing.
Published 02/09/21
It’s something so simple, and you can start today. Set some time aside to clear your junk mail… you’ll thank us later!
Published 02/02/21
Gareth proposes a real challenge this week - ask three people who you value highly in your life to share one thing they absolutely don't like about you. Then you have until the end of the year to improve... can you do it?
Published 01/26/21
He surprised, upset and puzzled most people with how he conducted his radio and TV interviews. Plus he was married a total of eight times in his lifetime! Gareth shares two things he will always associate with the iconic broadcasting legend, Larry King.
Published 01/25/21
Gareth will never have a sex change, Leigh-Ann will never be a billionaire, and Siya will never have sex with a girl... not that we ever thought he would. The team shares why it's important to create a list of things that you will never do for your own peace of mind.
Published 01/22/21
As one ages, there are two things that must mature: your mind and your palate. This week, try food that's not on your usual menu, food that ‘scares' you. If don't feel so brave - or don't have a stomach made of cement - why not write an e-mail to your ward councillor (or at least tag them on a social media post) about something positive that has happened under their watch.
Published 01/12/21
Call your parents or a relative you haven’t spoken to for a long time and sort out a feud that needs to be put to bed. Everyone has some ongoing feud that is doing them more damage than good. So for this week, call up the cousin you hate and wish them well for the new year. They might keep on being an arsehole, but you can start the year with a clear conscience and be the better person. That irritating old relative that nobody in the family likes? Phone them and say hi. Reconnect with an...
Published 01/05/21
Your home is not an ATM. What does it mean to replace short-term debt with long-term debt? If you are downgrading your vehicle, what should you do with the insurance premium for the new one? Is debt consolidation a good idea? Stop using your credit cards! Kids and divorce are a cost, and you need to learn to talk about these realities. When should we be having kids? Get real or go broke.
Published 05/20/20