When you are going through a hard time, how do you fight for the well being of your family? You'll find out today with a podcast first - a mother and daughter team being interviewed - Julie Bennett and her daughter Joy. The Bennett family said yes to God and moved across the country from Oklahoma to Los Angeles, only to be met with numerous challenges including a cancer diagnosis for Julie. In today's conversation, you'll learn: 5:05 God is faithful, even when He calls to the unexpected...
Published 06/03/24
The summer months are moments away - are you excited? Panicked? A combination of both? We’re talking to licensed family therapist Dr. Joannie DeBrito. In this go-to summer survival guide, we're talking about: 5:24 How getting your kids outdoors has more benefits than I may think 12:10 What activities can I do with my kids to help get them off screens? 15:30 Making the most out of the summer as a working parent 19:07 How we can incorporate quiet time back into our kids’ lives? 25:04...
Published 05/27/24
We warn our kids about drugs and alcohol, but when it comes to porn, we can be completely silent. It's hard to know what to say about pornography whether your child is five or fifteen. In this digital age, the chance your child will see porn is very high and they are being exposed to explicit pictures younger and younger. Kristen Jenson, author of Good Pictures, Bad Pictures is here to help us defend our children from the harms of porn. On today's episode, you'll learn: 3:05 How to define...
Published 05/20/24
How can moms stay sane and focused in everyday life? Arlene shares a special Mother's Day message to remind you of what's most important in raising your kiddos. Hint: It's not getting into the right college or getting them more followers on social media. How can you equip your kids for adulthood and do it with joy and purpose? In this message, Arlene talks about: 2:00 What are some things that wouldn’t happen without mom? 4:20 Should I bring my child’s tablet to school when he forgets it?...
Published 05/13/24
Parenting teens can be tough, but it doesn't have to be hopeless. Gospel Coalition's Mellissa B. Kruger shares the common pitfalls parents fall into, how to avoid them, and how to raise teens who will live for Jesus. Melissa's new book is Parenting with Hope: Raising Teens for Christ in a Secular Age. In today's conversation, you'll learn: 2:38 What will always stay the same with teens 4:25 How to help our kids be on board about being a follower of Christ 10:20 How to turn your child’s...
Published 05/06/24
When a child comes into a home through adoption, there are unique joys and challenges. You are probably familiar with Dr. Gary Chapman's five love languages. Do any adjustments need to be made to speak these love languages to adopted kids? Dr. Laurel Shaler has teamed up with Dr. Gary Chapman to write a new book Loving Adopted Children Well: A 5 Love Languages Approach. Today we're talking with Dr. Laurel Shaler about: 2:24 How to love adopted and biological children - is there a difference?...
Published 04/29/24
Imagine what it would be like to move your family of 8 across the ocean only to find out your job had been canceled? That's what happened in the Smallbone family who you probably know as the band For King and Country. Joel Smallbone is here to talk about growing up without a proper bed but with a front-row seat to miracles. He's here to talk about his new film, Unsung Hero.  Joel Smallbone is one-half of the 4 time Grammy award-winning duo For King and Country with his brother Luke. They have...
Published 04/22/24
Thanks for listening, be sure to subscribe so you never miss an episode and for more shows like this, check out AccessMore! Every girl deserves a faith-filled adventure click here for the NIV Kingdom Girls Bible
Published 04/15/24
When your schedule gets fuller and fuller, what ends up happening in your life? Do you feel happier or just more exhausted? A full schedule does not equal a fulfilled life. Many times being too busy is the problem. If you are tired of being tired, author Jess Connolly is here with ideas for slowing down, creating healthier rhythms, and resting (even when you have kids!). In today's candid conversation, you'll learn:  2:28 The harmful narrative that wives often think about their husbands  4:45...
Published 04/08/24
Does your child struggle with being lonely? It is heartbreaking when a son or daughter says, "I don't have any friends." Loneliness is something we all experience from time to time. How can we help our kids know they are not alone because they are loved by us and more importantly, by God? Beloved author Max Lucado is here to shout good news to every soul. His new children's book, Just in Case You Ever Feel Alone, will bring comfort to you and your kids. In today's conversation, you'll...
Published 04/01/24
Your child has disobeyed you for the tenth time and it's only 9 AM. How do you get your children to do what you tell them to do? Maybe you've tried rewards and punishments but find they aren't working as well as they used to. Dr. Scott Turansky will fill your parenting toolbox with exactly what you need to reach the heart of your child effectively and thus change behavior. This is an episode you won't want to miss if you have been frustrated with your child's behavior or attitude lately. In...
Published 03/25/24
Our kids are growing up in a confusing world where wrong seems right. How do you plant godly values in the heart of your child? Today's guest Adam Griffin will help us prepare our kids to live for Christ in a world that doesn't. Even in a hostile culture, our kids can learn to do the right thing and it starts with immersing them in the Word of God. We're talking about Adam Griffin's new kid devotional, "When Wrong Seems Right - A Kids Bible Study on Making Good Choices." You'll hear...
Published 03/18/24
If you could make a wish, what would you wish for? Sometimes we stop hoping and dreaming because it seems to lead only to disappointment. If you want to move forward in your life, even when it hurts to hope again, this episode is just for you.  Rachel Miller shares from her new book "When It Hurts to Hope: Honest Conversations about Living with Unmet Longing." We're going to talk about:  3:35 You're not alone. Everyone has “unmet longing.” 9:07 Here’s something we can all learn from...
Published 03/11/24
There's a lot of talk about being limitless, but the truth is, we are limited creatures. We've got too much laundry, too many bills, too many responsibilities, and too little strength. But what if limitations can actually turn into blessings? Bestselling author Sara Hagerty shares how being a mom of seven has helped her discover the beauty in her boundaries. Sharing from her new book, "The Gift of Limitations," we'll talk about:  2:50 What it means to live inside the fence line  7:30 The...
Published 03/04/24
We all face conflict - whether it's with your spouse, child, parent, neighbor, or co-worker. We don't always agree! How can you navigate conflict better? Is there a way to prevent fights in the first place? Donna Jones has written a new book to help us, "Healthy Conflict, Peaceful Life." On today's podcast, you'll learn:  2:09 The surprising truth about conflict  6:03 You may be causing conflict without even realizing it   8:50 What makes marriages last  11:40 This secret ingredient makes all...
Published 02/26/24
Family life can be overwhelming, sloppy, tricky, and downright challenging. How can you find sanity in the chaos of everyday living? Cynthia Yanof is here to remind us that even when life is messy, God is still good. God isn't caught off guard when we drop the ball, lose our cool, or can't find anything clean to wear. He can use our ridiculous messes for good! In today's conversation based on Cynthia Yanof's new book, "Life is Messy, God is Good," you'll learn:  2:14 How to find the funny...
Published 02/19/24
Has Valentine's Day become more about showering your kids with gifts than your spouse? It's easy to drift away from the person who was once your dream come true. It is time to fall in love again...with your spouse! Arlene shares how you can turn your heart towards your spouse this week, relive the feelings of love, and strengthen your commitment to have and to hold forever. It's National Marriage Week (Feb 7-14) and it's time to celebrate marriages, starting with yours. In today's episode,...
Published 02/12/24
Fund conversations that matter: donate.accessmore.com Maybe you used to be employed, married, or healthy. When you suffer a loss, you enter the realm of "used to be." Licensed counselor Ashley Elliott is here to help us build new thinking patterns when life doesn't turn out how we thought it would. Ashley and her husband Chuck are the authors of "I Used to Be..." In this episode, you'll learn how to navigate losses in life as we talk about:  2:19 What I used to be... 4:27 How to use “switch...
Published 02/05/24
Fund conversations that matter: donate.accessmore.com What do you do if you find your child looking at porn? The Internet has made pornography so easily accessible and parents must act to protect kids from the dangers of bad pictures and harmful ideas about sexuality. Austin Fruits, a speaker for Josh McDowell Ministries, knows what it is like to struggle with porn as a teen. In this honest and redemptive conversation, you'll learn:  4:10 When you may not be feeling God, He is still working...
Published 01/29/24
Fund conversations that matter: donate.accessmore.com In business, we learn new strategies, test products, and set goals. How can we apply this same intentionality to parenting? Think of yourself as the Chief Executive Officer, Chief Financial Officer, or Chief Operations Officer in your home. CEO Bill Hampton is here to help us grow as parents. On today's episode, you'll learn: 2:30 How to grow yourself so you can grow as a parent 4:45 Building momentum in parenting 10:30 Being...
Published 01/22/24
A majority of Americans now say truth is subjective, and that ultimate truth cannot be known. How can we rise up to teach our kids that truth can be known? A world without the existence of truth quickly dissolves into chaos. Dr. Jeff Myers, president of Summit Ministries, is here to help us defend the existence of truth to our kids. Sharing from his latest book, Truth Changes Everything, you'll learn: 4:20 How to find reality even when the world feeds us lies 7:00 What to say to your...
Published 01/15/24
What is the current spiritual temperature of your family? No doubt you have had seasons when you were more on fire for God than others. Bible teacher Stephanie Rousselle is here to help us stoke the fire of faith in the home. How can we delight in God on a daily basis and pass on that enthusiasm to our kids? In today's conversation you'll learn about: 2:30 Finding the “spice” in Christianity  4:30 Getting back to being on fire for God  8:50 Helping your kids taste the goodness of God  13:50...
Published 01/08/24
Are your children going to grow up to be leaders? Author and leadership expert Dr. Tim Elmore says your child doesn't have to run a Fortune 500 company or be a team captain to be a leader. Learn how to nurture your children's God-given abilities so they can live an "I can't wait" kind of exciting, full life. In this conversation based on Tim's new book, I Can't Wait: 52 Stories of Kids Who Changed Their World, you'll learn:  3:30 How our children’s generation is so different than previous...
Published 01/01/24
Christmas can be a very happy time for families, but it can also be awkward or difficult if relationships are strained. Today's guest Anne Beiler (founder of Auntie Anne's Pretzels) grew up around the table, eating daily meals with her large Amish family. When things got very tough as she went into adulthood, the family still kept meeting around the table and it made all the difference in the world. Anne Beiler will share her story of heartbreak and conflict, of forgiveness and grace--and...
Published 12/25/23