Published 08/15/24
Exploring Enlightenment within our Quantumly Entangled Universe. In this podcast i explain each aspect of these two unique understanding and then share with you how to blend and meld the two utilizing Tao wisdom. Enjoy! To be considered for a healing demonstration, to learn more, or to schedule personal healing or guidance. Join my newsletter or Social media, Join my newsletter or Social media, Learn more about my healing program and courses. Website: https://www.wellspringoflight.com/ ...
Published 08/15/24
In this Episode. I focus on understanding 2 proven quantum anomalies, and their relation to us, our manifestation, out choices, and our entanglements. When understood and applied you will be empowered in how to change your thoughts words and actions for better results with your manifestation, happiness, and enlightenment journey.  To be considered for a healing demonstration, to learn more, or to schedule personal healing or guidance. Join my newsletter or Social media, Join my newsletter or...
Published 07/18/24
When you think, speak or act, you entangle yourself with life all around you. Is that entanglement positive or negative, Does that entanglement entend your life and shorten it. Will it bring more joy or less success.  Join me in this newest Series as we explore the nature of a Quantumly Entangled Life  To be considered for a healing demonstration, to learn more, or to schedule personal healing or guidance. Join my newsletter or Social media, Join my newsletter or Social media, Learn more...
Published 07/11/24
This final episode in the Divine Flow series expands on the optimal times to rely on Divine Flow.  In the podcast I share, when you can reliably depend on the Divine Flow, especially when you have tried most other solutions , but have yet to have success.  To be considered for a healing demonstration, to learn more, or to schedule personal healing or guidance. Join my newsletter or Social media, Join my newsletter or Social media, Learn more about my healing program and courses....
Published 06/20/24
Divine Flow opens up the possibilities to communicate with anyone and anything. In this episode, i share how to prepare yourself and how to set up the conversation so you can ask any soul a question , and with practice get some astounding answers.  To be considered for a healing demonstration, to learn more, or to schedule personal healing or guidance. Join my newsletter or Social media, Join my newsletter or Social media, Learn more about my healing program and courses....
Published 06/13/24
Accuracy is key when doing a Divine Flow. There are some simple yet important processes to incorporate when setting up the flow to significantly improve the quality and accuracy of it. Join todays podcast and learn those secrets.  To be considered for a healing demonstration, to learn more, or to schedule personal healing or guidance. Join my newsletter or Social media, Join my newsletter or Social media, Learn more about my healing program and courses....
Published 06/06/24
Divine Flow can be enhanced when it is invoked properly. Divine Flow can include receiving messages from literally anyone or anything. This includes messages from non benevolent beings. I this episode i share more abut preparing for optimal connection for an accurate flow, and i provide an example at the end of this podcast. Enjoy! To be considered for a healing demonstration, to learn more, or to schedule personal healing or guidance. Join my newsletter or Social media, Join my newsletter...
Published 05/30/24
The Ability to receive Accurate messages from the Soul World depends on the purity of your channel.  In this episode I share with you how to clear your channel, How to discern quality and accuracy, How to know when its a false message and how to receive the message word by word. Enjoy.  To be considered for a healing demonstration, to learn more, or to schedule personal healing or guidance. Join my newsletter or Social media, Join my newsletter or Social media, Learn more about my healing...
Published 05/23/24
Divine Flow is another word for channeling. The major difference is Divine Flow is an advanced way of connecting and operating your life in flow with your highest Divine self. This podcast explores the nature , power and significance of Divine flow and how to benefit from it. I include an actually flow (message) from the divine as am example. To be considered for a healing demonstration, to learn more, or to schedule personal healing or guidance. Join my newsletter or Social media, Join my...
Published 05/16/24
Such a strange topic right? However in this crazy world we live in, things like Aliens, Genetic Manipulations, Dark & Light,  and Mind Control are unfortunately entirely plausible. So what is a person on the spiritual path to do?  Join me on this podcast as I share some perspectives on navigating the journey even with these unusual conditions.   To be considered for a healing demonstration, to learn more, or to schedule personal healing or guidance. Join my newsletter or Social media,...
Published 05/09/24
When we see life through the lens of spirituality your life becomes significantly easier. Most of us experience life seperate from our spiritual choices. When we learn to meld them and perceive any event (internal or external) through the lens of our spiritual consciousness we can avoid the pitfalls of the emotional or mental reactions typically associated with the event.  To be considered for a healing demonstration, to learn more, or to schedule personal healing or guidance. Join my...
Published 05/02/24
Time, Reincarnation and Immortality, are usually not connected in one conversation. Today, I share with you my understanding and perspective on these three important subjects. I entertain the nature of time, and manifestation from dimension to dimension, and the limitlessness that comes with immortality. I hope you enjoy it.  To be considered for a healing demonstration, to learn more, or to schedule personal healing or guidance. Join my newsletter or Social media, Join my newsletter or...
Published 04/18/24
To be able to define What and who you are in relationship to Source Creator is a bit complicated.  Ultimately we are one of countless sparks or aspects of creator through which creator experiences all of its creation. We have been endowed with co-creation ability, but have remained unaware of these truths. Learning this and understanding "how" to co-create can positively effect your personal universe.  To be considered for a healing demonstration, to learn more, or to schedule personal...
Published 04/11/24
To be able to define What and who you are in relationship to Source Creator is a bit complicated.  Ultimately we are one of countless sparks or aspects of creator through which creator experiences all of its creation. We have been endowed with co-creation ability, but have remained unaware of these truths. Learning this and understanding "how" to co-create can positively effect your personal universe.  To be considered for a healing demonstration, to learn more, or to schedule personal...
Published 03/28/24
Discover the challenges faced by spiritual beings in a human world. Explore the nature of the spiritual journey, the importance of purification, and the struggle to maintain presence. Navigate the complexities of dual existence and embrace your true self. To be considered for a healing demonstration, to learn more, or to schedule personal healing or guidance. Join my newsletter or Social media, Join my newsletter or Social media, Learn more about my healing program and courses....
Published 03/21/24
The Direct Knowing Channel the most important of the 4 channels. The Direct Knowing Channel is one of the four major communication channels that allow us to receive messages from the source, our soul, and the soul world. It is the most important channel because it provides direct, clear, and unencumbered messages that come with a stamp of authenticity. Developing this channel can help us make decisions, validate existing information, and even save lives. To be considered for a healing...
Published 03/21/24
The 3rd Eye Channel is key to developing the 3rd eye. In this podcast I share with you what it is, Where is in located and how to develop this channel. To be considered for a healing demonstration, to learn more, or to schedule personal healing or guidance. Join my newsletter or Social media, Join my newsletter or Social media, Learn more about my healing program and courses. Website: https://www.wellspringoflight.com/  Social media: https://linktr.ee/WellspringofLight.com
Published 03/14/24
The Soul Language Channel is key to developing accurate communication with your own soul, the source and all souls. IN this episode I share with you the technique used to open Soul Language and then i share the location of the channel itself. When one practices to further develop this channel their life can be positively benefited. To be considered for a healing demonstration, to learn more, or to schedule personal healing or guidance. Join my newsletter or Social media, Join my newsletter...
Published 03/07/24
Most peoples spiritual channels are present but mildly active. There is ways to activate these channels faster by setting a strong foundation for the spiritual body to become empowered. This empowerment comes via the daily practices associated with the Lower Dan Tian, The Kundalini(snow mountain area) and the heart chakra (message center).  To be considered for a healing demonstration, to learn more, or to schedule personal healing or guidance. Join my newsletter or Social media, Join my...
Published 02/29/24
Spiritual Channels are your telephone like to your source creator. Everyone has them, but few know how to access them. Even fewer know how to fine tune them to maximize the clarity of the two way communication that is always occurring. In this series we will explore the 4 major spiritual channels and how to develop them for the purpose of connecting with greater clarity and purity to your own soul and your source creator. To be considered for a healing demonstration, to learn more, or to...
Published 02/22/24
The Shen Channel is the key to Immortality. This channel was a highly kept secret until recently.  Practicing the sacred mantra and meditation associated with this channel has the potential of elevating your soul journey significantly. Enjoy the wisdom on this most important channel.  To be considered for a healing demonstration, to learn more, or to schedule personal healing or guidance. Join my newsletter or Social media, Join my newsletter or Social media, Learn more about my healing...
Published 02/16/24
The Jing Channel is also known as the "Rejuvenation" channel. This channel has a uniquely different pathway than the Chi Channel that was taught last week. When you learn and practice with this channel you have the ability to create reverse aging.  Much more... To be considered for a healing demonstration, to learn more, or to schedule personal healing or guidance. Join my newsletter or Social media, Join my newsletter or Social media, Learn more about my healing program and courses....
Published 02/01/24
The Chi Channel Is the Spiritual Energy Channel for the human body. This channel includes all 7 and the Wai Jaio down the back of the body. Most people experience blockages in-between each chakra and of course down the backside.  Understand this channel, it's importance and the mantras and practices to highly develop its rejuvenation is key to optimal wellness.  To be considered for a healing demonstration, to learn more, or to schedule personal healing or guidance. Join my newsletter or...
Published 01/25/24
The San Jiao represent the three spaces in the body. The lower, middle and upper Jiao are equally important. Each spaces houses important organs, systems and energy centers. When these spaces are clear, the chi can flow more easily and illness can dissipate.  To be considered for a healing demonstration, to learn more, or to schedule personal healing or guidance. Join my newsletter or Social media, Join my newsletter or Social media, Learn more about my healing program and courses....
Published 01/18/24