The Second installment of The HeavenField novel - a fast-paced science-fiction thriller set within a British experimental Scientific Research Facility.
“...The world has changed forever; we have opened the door to something which we don’t understand, and that door cannot be closed. I only hope we can change with the world.” The man had a fevered stare, and Thomas found himself mesmerised by his words, obscure as they were.
The man suddenly stiffened, as if hearing a distant noise, then leaned close to Thomas once more.
“They’re coming,” he whispered.
When Grace Palmer and her team of...
The Truth - The Final Episode of Book Two. Alex and his companions continue down into the lower levels of the Maunsworth Base, searching for Grace and Thomas. Alex must make the agonising decision on whether to carry out his mission, and an unforeseen meeting makes him question his whole...
Published 02/04/10
Between Worlds - Grace and Commander James begin to realise the nature of the HeavenField, and that they are powerless to defend against incursions from it. Alex and his companions are back at the Maunsworth Base, shifting between reality and the Field. But the visions threaten to overwhelm him...
Published 01/28/10