Houses don’t need to breathe. People need to breathe. Houses on the other hand, need to dry. These are the wise words of today’s guest, Emily Mottram. Emily is an architect and principal of Mottram Architecture. She is a building science educator, co-host on “The BS & Beer Show” and hosts a monthly podcast “E3 - Energy and Efficiency with Emily,” focusing on building science, architecture and female entrepreneurship. Emily is a wealth of knowledge! She shares her journey from growing up...
Published 06/12/24
Indoor air quality can make or break a home! Fresh air and clean water are the silent, and often forgotten, ingredients to a healthy living space. Today’s guest is Zack Pelzel, the Founder of The Purified Home. And no, we’re not just talking about air purifiers. After backpacking through the Sierra Nevadas, Zack became more attuned to nature than ever before. Suddenly, he understood the power of living in lockstep with nature, instead of against it. From waking with the sun to breathing in...
Published 06/05/24
Published 06/05/24
Can you imagine a house without windows? Sounds more like a prison to me and my guest today, Peter Duppenthaler AKA @FenestrationGuy. Windows serve a purpose for the occupants mental health. With no sunlight streaming into a space, it can become depressing - fast. They also provide access to fresh air! And aesthetically, they’re an important aspect of your home. So when you’re in the building or renovating process, you want to make sure that you’re having informed conversations with your...
Published 05/29/24
Many of us get into this industry because we have personal horror stories with mold. For me, I bought a home that had floor to ceiling mold in the kitchen. It was completely invisible to the naked eye, until we started the renovation process and took walls down to the studs. For today’s guest, Megan Carson, she was reaching a sever level of mold toxicity and couldn’t identify the source until having an ERMI test and an inspection. Luckily, she was able to get out of her lease and high tail it...
Published 05/22/24
Windows are a uniquely vulnerable spot in your home. Essentially, you’ve got a stable structure with holes in the middle to let in light. So as you can imagine, all sorts of problems can present themselves if your windows aren’t constructed properly. It’s incredibly important that your windows are properly constructed to protect against water damage! Before you can make any big decisions about the windows in your home, you need to know what type of windows you’re working with. So first, I’ll...
Published 05/08/24
“The housing market is crazy, can I skip the inspection?” I hear this all the time. And truth be told, I’ve skipped the home inspection before. But I would NOT suggest doing this (you’ll have to tune into the episode to find out why I did). Today, I’m joined by Tori McGee, a holistic realtor based in Atlanta, Georgia. This episode was so fun to record. We dove into the nitty-gritty of buying a healthy home and let me tell you, inspections are key! Tori shared her wisdom on the must-dos, from...
Published 05/01/24
I’ve seen people rip their homes down to the studs in an effort to get rid of mold. And the worst part is, sometimes they do all of that and they still don’t find what they’re looking for. So today, you’re in for a treat because my friend PJ Harlow, owner and CEO of PJ Harlow Wellness, Inc. is joining us. PJ Harlow Wellness, Inc is a virtual, IICRC-certified consulting firm specializing in holistic mold removal, decontamination & remediation. As the founder and curriculum director of The...
Published 04/24/24
How do you come up with a figure for your renovation budget? I know allocating funds can feel really stressful when you’re being thrown so many options. So in today’s episode, I’m giving you a bird’s eye view of the budgeting decisions I would urge you to make. At the end of the day, we want to use the renovation process as a way to avoid bigger headaches down the line. It might feel fun to focus a lot of our attention on fixtures and finishes! But I’m going to be pointing you towards some...
Published 04/17/24
What does a passive home look like? Well, imagine a home that is completely energy efficient without breaking the bank. Today’s guest, Casey Grey, is the founder of the award-winning sustainable building company, The Conscious Builder. Casey began passive home building after the birth of his first child. Knowing he wanted to leave the world better than he came into it, he took his background in construction and dove into building research to create a more sustainable future. Get ready to take...
Published 04/10/24
How can you have a productive conversation with contractors? A lot of people will shy away from really digging in with their contractors because they get intimidated by all the jargon. But it’s a really important first step to getting that healthy home you dream of! So today, I’m laying out exactly how you can approach these conversations. We’re even breaking down what it means to define the scope of the project. I’ll be asking questions that can give you an idea of what decisions need to be...
Published 04/03/24
One of the biggest misconceptions about mold is that your house needs to experience a massive flood to be at risk. In reality, mold can grow and thrive with minor leaks and excessive humidity. But how do you know when it's time to call an inspector? And what precautions can you take to make sure you don't have to go through the nightmare of chasing mold down to the studs of your house? Today's guest, Anna Branch, is a mold inspector based in Southern California. She is my number one trusted...
Published 03/27/24
Is your home making you sick? Of course, when it comes to illness, the walls of our home are not usually the first place we look to find the offender. That’s why today, i’m laying out the three biggest ways your home could be making you sick. It’s important to look at your home from a bird’s eye point of view. The first, and perhaps most obvious, is water damage. Water damage can, of course, lead to mold growth and negatively affect our indoor air quality. Considering how much time we spend...
Published 03/27/24
Holistic home construction is not the norm. Traditional home construction is what you see being built all around you. Unfortunately, many home builders and renovators don’t know how to talk to their contractors, what to ask, and how to assert their needs. So what does holistic home construction even mean? The most important thing to understand is that your definition of a holistic home will be different than everyone else on your team. Your contractor might not value one piece of the process...
Published 03/27/24
Here's a sneak peak at what to expect from The Holistic Homes Podcast each week! I’m your host Christine Cimabue, and I’m a licensed contractor and holistic construction consultant. You're in the right place if you're a homeowner considering a new build or renovation. Join us every Wednesday for guest expert conversations and quick, actionable tips from me. Together, we're going to ditch the jargon and empower you to take the health of your home into your own hands!
Published 03/18/24