Accessible population genetics
Genetics is moving extremely fast, and this podcast helps me feel as if I'm keeping up. It covers human genetics, and what genetics reveals about our history from a variety of different perspectives drawn from data.Read full review »
JaneWalerud via Apple Podcasts · Sweden · 06/25/18
More reviews of The Insight
Two top scientists and entrepreneurs discuss the human story, the genetics industry, and what we can learn about ourselves from cutting edge science. This program gets into the hard science without dumbing it down or leaving novices behind.
saluksic via Apple Podcasts · United States of America · 09/26/18
This podcast is excellent in every way that matters. You will learn a lot.
beforethelaw via Apple Podcasts · United States of America · 07/24/18
Razib and Spencer are on top of the latest news and research in genomics and population genetics.
TheBlackGoatWithAThousandYoung via Apple Podcasts · China · 05/04/18
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