24: ToR Show: Free to Play
Today it is ALL about the free to play and what that means for your time in The Old Replublic. Join us with guest, Garrett!
Published 08/01/12
23: ToR Show: Do you drive a fast speeder
Free trial is up, as is referring a friend, the game and it's free to play future, 1.3, and the things you might have missed, some of the smaller bits as well, MMO subs might have peaked according to an analyst, where we have been for two weeks, leveling...
Published 07/11/12
22: The Instance ToR: Funker Flex and The Serious Five
Character transfers are a thing today, LFG is key, the current and future of the tools, tab targeting gets some new twists, what's a Kurtob, dailis, slash ironfist, phasing and how it works now, and turns out you CAN get your authenticator...
Published 06/13/12