Every relationship has seasons. Seasons of ups. Seasons of down. Seasons of growth. Seasons of feeling stuck. How do we consistently navigate through them? How do we recognize the enemy’s attempts to divide? And what does it look like when we make the choice to push through no matter what?
Published 12/21/23
Where does preparation begin? Whether we're coming to the end of a season, in the middle of a transition, or stepping into something new -- knowing when and how to prepare for what is next is crucial to the success of what's to come. How can we change our perspective? Who can we invite in? And what are the steps we can take to put us in the best situation for what happens next?
Published 12/14/23
Life doesn't always come easy. Sometimes things get heavy. And a lot of times when it feels that way, we must recognize that we may be under spiritual attack. But how do we get out of it? What steps can we take? And what are the things we MUST do if we're going to navigate those seasons of life?
Published 12/07/23
When you walk with God, things rarely happen the way you expect them to. Sometimes you stumble into something that you never saw coming, simply because of your proximity to Him. Preston sits down with Tim Ross to discuss what life looks like walking with God. What is His pace? And what happens when you say ‘yes’ to it?
Published 11/30/23
Sometimes, for whatever the reason, we may have a tendency to "mail it in." But here's what we we have to remember...the level at which you do things matters. And it especially matters to God. This week, we break down how to steward well what is in our hands, with a spirit of excellence. How do we define excellence? What does it take? And how does it involve the people we love most?
Published 11/23/23
"But when you pray, go away by yourself, shut the door behind you, and pray to your Father in private." This week, we sit down with our friend Michael Bethany to discuss what a life of intimacy with the God of the Universe looks like. How do we develop a healthy prayer life in the secret place? How do we establish the rhythms of divine intimacy? And what are some practical tools and applications that we can use to cultivate an atmosphere to connect with God?
Published 11/16/23
“Well done, good and faithful servant” are words that we all want to hear once our race is finished. But how do we live a life that’s worthy of that statement? What are the daily steps we can take? And what does it look like to live a faith-filled life, regardless of the season you are in? This week, Preston sits down for a conversation with Pastor Tom Lane.
Published 11/09/23
Something wonderful is coming. Something supernatural. Something holy. Something God wants YOU to play a role in. But it can't happen until we first deal with our "trash" - the sin in our life which is holding us back. Why do we put repentance off? What happens when we put repentance off? And what’s the best way to deal with my trash?
Published 11/02/23
How do you build a life which can withstand life’s biggest opportunities? How do you prepare for your moment, your race, your calling? In this week's Leader's Cut, Preston walks through what to expect and the best way to prepare for the opportunities and season that God has next for you.
Published 10/26/23
Preston sits down with Todd Lane (Executive Leadership Institute) to discuss empowering leadership. What are the dangers of micromanagement? Why is character more important than competency? What can we learn from our failures? And what's the difference between transparency and vulnerability?
Published 10/19/23
Preston sits down with Tim Ross to discuss seasons where it feels like you’re stuck in a funk, those times where it feels like a dark cloud is hanging over your head and nothing that you attempt seems to make it go away. How do we get out of it? How do we move past a posture of cowering to a posture of standing? And how can we invite God into the process?
Published 10/12/23
Preston sits down with Cody Carnes to look back over the past 15 years of Cody's journey, including his time spent as the first worship pastor for Gateway Scottsdale/Pillar Church. How do you prepare in the field of anonymity? How do you step out in obedience when you may not want to do what God is asking of you? And how do you steward well what God has placed in your hands?
Published 10/05/23
This week, we're talking anointing oil - one of Heaven's biggest cheat codes for man. But the big question is, how do you access it? How do YOU find YOUR what and where? And once you have it, what on Earth do you do with it?! 
Published 09/28/23
Preston sits down with Tim Ross to have a discussion about courageous conversations. When we have to have communicate hard things or hard truths to a friend, family member or co-worker, how can we take a healthy and loving approach? How do we create a safe space? And what are some practical tips we can take into the conversation?
Published 09/21/23
This week, Preston sits down to talk about the topic of pride. What does it look like? How can we recognize it? What is it's root system? And why does God absolutely hate it?
Published 09/14/23
Preston sits down with Brent Hatchett to discuss the topic of comparison. What are the dangers of it? How can we shift our perspective on it? And how do we approach seasons of "not yet" while our peers may seem to be "ahead" of us?
Published 09/07/23
Division. Satan loves it. God hates it. But all to often we find ourselves in situations where we're trying to navigate around relational conflict. What do we do during these seasons? How can we identify the root of it? And how can we invite God into the process?
Published 08/31/23
Preston sits down with Tim Ross to discuss seasons of wilderness. It's typically a season that we all dread. It's hard. It's weary. It's silent. But what if we shifted our perspective? What if it was necessary and essential to get us to the place God wants us to go?     
Published 08/24/23
We all encounter storms. And no matter what they may look like, storms are hard—especially when you're in the middle of one. It's disorienting, painful, challenging, and exhausting. How do we navigate them? What do we learn from them? And how do we find peace in the midst of them?
Published 08/17/23
The field of anonymity is one of God's greatest gifts -- a place to grow, a place to shape, a place to draw close, all under the covering of Him. Some of God’s BEST work is done in hiding. But what happens once He decides to no longer hide us? How do we steward the new mantle? And what do we do with this new measure of influence?
Published 08/10/23
Preston sits down with Pillar’s teaching pastor, Brent Hatchett, to discuss what life looks like in the 'in-between' during seasons of transition, how to steward those seasons well and how presence over place is a key to making sense of it all.
Published 08/03/23
As followers of Christ, there is one thing for certain -- at some point in our journey, we will be asked to do hard things. Whether it's a tough decision, a difficult task, a significant sacrifice -- whatever it may be, God's process is never easy. So why does He ask us to do hard things? Why does this have to be your path? And why on Earth would we ever choose that path?!
Published 07/27/23
We've all heard the phrase "it's not about how you start, but how you finish." But what's the significance behind that? What does the Bible have to say about it? And what holds us back from NOT finishing well? Let's talk about it.
Published 07/20/23
Preston sits down with Tim Ross for a conversation on work ethic. What are society's perceptions? What does the Bible say about it? And what are some practical takeaways from their past experiences?
Published 07/13/23
Hopes. Dreams. Aspirations. Accomplishments. We all have them. But when is the last time you set aside time to dig into the 'why' behind them? This week, we're unpacking the question: "What if God did nothing more?" This one cuts DEEP, as we take some introspection and assessment into the why behind our wants, hopes, and dreams - and most importantly, the significance of WHO we journey with.    
Published 07/06/23