“I’m a former teacher in the US who has known since college that I wanted to homeschool my children. I had a bumpy path in school myself and I knew how much your teacher could really make or break your experience. Then, as a student teacher, I observed how we were taught that all kids develop at different speeds & learn differently & to adjust for the individual, but how when it came down to it, state testing was really seemed to be driving the curriculum & classroom experience. Several years later I was teaching middle school under a principal who was far too concerned with test scores & my spark for teaching was utterly crushed. My mental health was suffering & therefore my students were also suffering. I left the profession in 2015 & vowed I would never return to public school despite it being a passion I had poured my heart into for over a decade.
In 2020, I gave birth to my first child & my sister to hers as well. My dream is to teach our children in a way that allows them to flourish & grow organically with the freedom to explore their passions to their hearts content.
Listening to these first two episodes I was in tears because they resonated so much. I don’t want our kids to go through what my husband and I went through in school or what you & your son went through as well. There is no one size fits all in life & societies picture of “success” is so skewed. I look forward to hearing more about your journey as I navigate deschooling myself. Thank you for sharing your experiences!”
NicArcher via Apple Podcasts ·
United States of America ·