Today I sit down with Alexandre Havard, author and international speaker, to discuss the relationship between the four temperaments and virtue. We discuss what we can learn from the story of Jerome Lejeune, each temperament’s virtues and vices, why the temperaments are important to learn, the temperaments of different saints, how to use knowledge of your temperament to develop virtue, how your character represents who you are moreso than your temperament, and much more.
Published 05/03/24
Published 05/03/24
Are contraceptives the only answer to women’s health issues? Is IVF the only way to treat infertility? Today I welcome Dr. Lauren Rubal, MD, back to the show to unpack the holistic approach to women’s reproductive health. We discuss what it means to treat women holistically instead of using conventional bandaid treatments, some of the leading causes of women’s health issues, the problems with hormonal birth control, common holistic ways to treat acne, PCOS, endometriosis, and infertility, and...
Published 04/30/24
Today I welcome back Erica Komisar, Psychoanalyst and Parent Coach, to pick up where we left off from our last conversation about the importance of being present to our children at their earliest stages. In today’s fascinating conversation we unpack more best practices for parents to support the development of their children in the most critical stages of adolescence. We also discuss the best way to pursue relationship with your teen, how to select the right school for your child, how to...
Published 04/25/24
Today I sit down with my dear friend Emily Wilson, author, speaker, musician, and Youtuber, to discuss the lessons we’ve learned from our birth stories. The two of us have due dates a few weeks apart, both with our third child and our first girl. We discuss the difficulty and beauty of having a different body during pregnancy and after the birth of our children, spiritual lessons we’ve learned from giving birth, the role of men in birth, considerations for women who don’t have a healthy...
Published 04/19/24
Today I welcome back Dr. Lauren Rubal, MD, Ob/Gyn, reproductive care physician, and former IVF doctor, to break down the practice of In Vitro Fertilization and why it is not the way we should treat infertility. We discuss the in-depth process of IVF, what harms IVF can bring to children as well as parents, the forgotten plight of the embryos who are not implanted, and the questionable developments of more reproductive technologies.
Published 04/16/24
Today I sit down with my dear friend Allie Beth Stuckey, the host of the “Relatable” podcast, to discuss the balancing act of being a mom while producing a popular and growing show and being a leading voice in culture. We discuss our different experiences with birth, how different seasons in life call for different commitments, how kids make you a better person, and Allie’s new-found philosophy of involving her kids in her mission.
Published 04/12/24
On today's Live I comment on Trump's latest statements about his stance that abortion is only a states issue, not a national issue. I'll also be talking about The Vatican's latest declaration "Dignitas Infinita" on Human Dignity, as well as taking your questions live.
Published 04/09/24
On this special Easter Tuesday episode I sit down with Fr. Ambrose Christe, Norbertine Priest, to discuss the importance of not only Easter Sunday, but the 50-day Easter Season. We discuss why Easter is a more important holiday than Christmas, where Easter Bunnies and Easter Eggs come from, what Jesus did on Holy Saturday, the Eucharist, the Passover, Heaven and Hell, and much more.
Published 04/02/24
As we enter into the Triduum on this Holy Thursday, we have our sights on Easter, to celebrate the Resurrection. In today’s fascinating episode, I sit down again with Fr. Robert Spitzer, S.J., physicist, Catholic priest, and President of the Magis Center to discuss some of the evidence and science of the Resurrection. We discuss 3 different ways to prove the resurrection of Jesus, including the Shroud of Turin, of which many believe to be the burial cloth of Jesus. Fr. Spitzer debunks many of...
Published 03/28/24
Today I talk with Eduardo Verastegui, Executive Producer of the film Cabrini. We talk about what inspired the creation of the film about an under-recognized saint, how the success of Sound of Freedom made this film possible, and how he and his team respond to the criticism of the film. Eduardo also makes a special announcement about an incredible new project he is working on that may end up being my all-time favorite film.
Published 03/20/24
It has always been common sense to believe that boys and girls are different, yet modern “intellectuals” have been questioning these basic truths, blaming “social conditioning” for the cause of gender differences. Today I sit down with Dr. Leonard Sax, MD PhD, to debunk common myths about gender. We discuss how boys and girls have different brain development, how boys’ and girls’ play preferences compare to male and female chimpanzees, and how multi-generational communities form children with...
Published 03/15/24
Modern movies with “strong female leads” often emphasize a character’s physical strength or appearance and their ability to discover themselves and take on the world. I got the chance to see Cabrini, which is about a celibate Catholic Religious sister serving the poorest of the poor Italian immigrants in New York — and being a true mother to the orphaned and lost. Today I give my take on how this film shines in revealing the apex of femininity through displaying the counter cultural and...
Published 03/12/24
Today I'll be exposing Biden's lies from the State of the Union about abortion, debunking the Kate Cox case, and I'll be addressing the law that just passed in Alabama providing legal immunity to IVF clinics.
Published 03/08/24
Today I sit down with two different movers and shakers who are doing big things in the fight for the protection of the dignity of human life. Arden Young, with Sound Investigations, went undercover to meet with leaders in Porn Hub to investigate their rumored malpractices. In these meetings, Arden recorded many of their leaders explicitly admitting to Pornhub’s disregard of safeguards against the exploitation of minors and other abuse. Peter Hernandez is running for CA Congressional District...
Published 03/05/24
Fasting has become a popular fad for people employing a new diet, but for religious people, fasting takes on a depth of spiritual meaning. Today I sit down with Fr. Peter Adrian, Norbertine priest and chef, to discuss why Christians fast during Lent, the ancient Christian traditions of fasting, the physical and spiritual benefits of fasting, the importance of prudence, and why Christians ought to fast intentionally.
Published 02/29/24
Many believe IVF is a good option for parents struggling with fertility. Though medical advances have made conception through IVF possible, and though we celebrate every new human life that enters the world, there are many moral and human rights issues wrapped up in IVF that make the practice of IVF wrong. Today I make a case for why IVF is wrong, I give my thoughts on the Alabama Supreme Court Decision regarding IVF, and more.
Published 02/27/24
When Jennifer Hubbard, a successful business woman turned stay at home mom, got a call from Sandy Hook Elementary School on December 14th, 2012, her life would never be the same. Her second child, 6-year-old Catherine, would be one of the 26 victims of the tragic school shooting that took place in Newtown, Connecticut that day. Today I sit down with Jennifer to hear how she found peace through the horrific tragedy. We discuss some of the details of the day, why she believes suffering is...
Published 02/20/24
On today's LIVE, we discuss the tragic news about YouTube sensation and mother of two young babies, Bobbi Althoff who recently announced she and her husband are divorcing, Brad Wilcox's new book on marriage and how elites preach divorce and modern family yet actually live conservatively, + Red Pill challenges me to a debate! I also take your questions!
Published 02/16/24
What is a “Trad Con”? What is the root of Red Pill ideology? Should fiancés sign a prenup? Today I sit down with my good friend Zuby, rap artist, entrepreneur, and motivational speaker, to discuss some similarities and differences between traditional conservatives and those who associate themselves with the Red Pill. We also follow up on our Twitter exchange about if it is right to sign a prenuptial agreement with a future spouse.
Published 02/13/24
What does authentic male leadership look like? Is Taylor Swift a psyop? What were Biden's recent comments on abortion, and why do they matter? Today we cover these topics plus a Q&A with your questions.
Published 02/09/24
Husband and wife Ben and Corley Spell are the founders of one of the fastest growing meat companies in the US. Today I sit down with them to hear their story of receiving an unlikely call from God to transition from serving thousands in church ministry to serving meat to thousands. We discuss what stirred their passion for quality meat, what misconceptions need corrected about American family ranchers, and how to get started as an entrepreneur.
Published 02/06/24
How do I know what God wants for my life? Which decision is the right one? Is it okay to choose what I desire? Is all peace good peace? Today I chat with Dan Burke, President of the Avila Institute for Spiritual Formation, to discuss how to hear God’s voice in your life. Dan shares his story of getting through an abusive upbringing to being introduced to God by a co-worker, ultimately leading to his discovery of God and God transforming his life. We also discuss how to discern among multiple...
Published 01/31/24
Have you struggled to have conversations with people in your life about abortion? In the post-Roe world, there is no better time to infuse the culture with the truth about the travesty of abortion and the truth about what it means to be Pro-Life. Now more than ever we should equip ourselves to engage with people in our lives about the dignity of human life. Today I talk with Stephanie Gray Conners, pro-life activist and author, about her new book My Body for You, A Pro-Life Message for a...
Published 01/29/24