Tyler connects with... Jenny Garley from New Age Laboratories specializing in Sap testing for Hemp and Cannabis. Also with us today is David Olsen the creator our line of concentrated microbes and microbe food mixtures.  
Published 03/15/21
I'm really excited to bring on Eric and Bridget for episode 4  We chat about how to dial in raised beds, pots and greenhouse designs in different climates west coast vs east coast vs Oklahoma and the many different climates and factors involved in planning out a commercial or home grow. Eric is involved and consulting in some of the most technically up to date commercial grows in California and across the US. I got to ask Eric about how they made a internal dep system cold steel hoop...
Published 02/19/21
Today we are talking about the relationship between the soil microbes and plants, they evolved together over millions of years. Plants talk to microbes with a chemical trigger telling them to activate in a function to feed the system. The plant can use over 1,000 different exudates to communicate with microbes or the building blocks of a language between the two. Plants use microbes to find and free nutrients the plants need. Other topics and themes of the discussion include: Pre-world war...
Published 02/04/21
Michael Box from Sustainable Village is with us on this episode. 
Published 01/20/21
In this episode we discuss tapping into 300 million years of evolution, converting to living soil, creating a system that benefits food and cannabis crops, when and how to apply science and monitoring equipment and so much more. My special guest Scott Skamnes join mes and talks about pushing our plants further with soil and foliar feeding. IPM strategies, substituting poisons for nutrition. Microbes can survive on the leaf surface until you disturb them and the benefits of community based...
Published 12/21/20
The team at Grassroots Fabric Pots are jumping into the world of podcast to share their passion and tips on all things living soil with you. We'll talk to friend in the industry and get their take on a variety of topics. Please subscribe so you don't miss an episode. 
Published 12/11/20