“The Metamor City Podcast is a series of stories set in the fictional city of Metamor. This traces its origins to Metamor Keep, a fictional world created as a setting in which other writers could base their stories. Think of it as a Creative Commons setting: each author would contribute a story and thus expand and develop the world and its inhabitants. Chris Lester was one such author.
The world of Metamor Keep is your typical high fantasy setting with swords and magic around every corner. After a while, Lester got talking to a few of the other authors involved in the project about where the world was going in the long run. He had the idea that instead of magic fading from the world, a la Lord of the Rings, it would instead grow stronger over time so that in the future technology and magic would exist alongside one another, and thus Metamor Keep would grow into Metamor City. No knowledge of Metamor Keep is required to understand these stories, which usually consist of hour long short stories, with a novel, Making the Cut, having just finished its run and marking the end of season one. The very first story provides an excellent introduction to the city, told from the perspective of a new arrival being given a tour of his new job and a brief synopsis of what the city is like. The stories are all written by Lester, who plays a one man band in the first story but by story four is playing only the narrator, with every character featuring their own voices provided by other members of the podcast community such as Mur Lafferty, Tee Morris, J.C. Hutchins, Christiana Ellis, Steve Eley, TD-0013 and many others.
The production team also make excellent use of music and sound effects in the stories, ranging from the crash of a door being broken down to the deeply moving sequence of a woman standing over the grave of her stillborn baby, murdered in the womb by her deadbeat (ex)husband.
I've never yet found a podcast that's had me hooked before the first episode, having only listened to a promo at that point, but then everything else I've listened to has been short fiction set in its own world, without any room to develop characters or settings to the point where I've wanted to keep my earphones in eighteen hours a day.”
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