“The Butterfly Effect,” the idea that even the smallest action or event can have significant repercussions thousands of miles away or many years in the future. On the day of the Great War, a global disaster which saw over a billion souls die in Nuclear Fire, the fate of a single Vertibird over the skies of Appalachia would start a chain of events which would reveal hidden agendas and dark secrets…and threaten a greater calamity for us all. And a newcomer to the region, running from her own...
Published 01/18/23
Project Caprinae, Encryptid, Imposter Sheepsquatch, by whichever name it was called, represented a nearly unstoppable force unleashed upon the people of Appalachia. Team Cryptid uncovered the origins of this artificial monster, but not without cost. Captain Thompson and his motley crew know that they have to find a weakness or a way to destroy this death machine before it claims even more innocent lives. In the end, Colonel Valeria will muster the strength of the New Enclave and march out...
Published 12/19/22
Before the war, the government went to extreme lengths to deal with the unrest that was sweeping the region. Technology was a means to an end and the New Enclave is about to come face to face with one of Appalachia’s man-made monsters. And Major Stein has brought a guest to the Bunker, a woman “out of time” who is harboring dark secrets of her own.
Published 11/23/22
As part of the 2022 FalloutForHope Charity Drive for St. Jude's Children's Hospital, the MODUS Files cast did a live reading of our Halloween Special Episode (originally broadcast on 10/30/22). This recording features remixed audio, edits, and additional background SFX. It's Halloween at the Whitespring. The New Enclave has decked out the bunker in all manner of decorations and you're all invited to a Costume Party filled with mischief, mayhem, scary stories...and even marshmallows. Join...
Published 11/03/22
Operation Werewolf or as others in Appalachia called it, “The Blood Eagle War” has come to a successful conclusion. Leaderless and scattered, the remains of the once powerful faction won’t pose a significant threat to the Colonel’s plans for the foreseeable future. As Appalachia adjusts to the new reality, the Overseer and her assembled 76’ers in Sutton move to expand their influence, using their alliance with Foundation to counter the New Enclave’s influence. While both the Overseer and...
Published 10/31/22
Once upon a time, many years ago in a place called Vault 76, the best and brightest of the old world were safe from the ravages of nuclear fire and destruction. For those left behind, there was no fairy tale ending. The survivors were forced to learn the lessons of the harsh new world...that the strong would prey on the weak and life was cheap. In the Wasteland, sometimes heroes will rise from the most unlikely of places.
Published 10/10/22
This very special episode, in honor of National Podcast Day (September 30th) gives our listeners and community a look behind the scenes of The MODUS Files! It's an opportunity to meet the main cast members of the series, gain insights into their characters, discuss favorite episodes and talk about our shared experiences in creating this series. Many thanks to MandyMarieB, Lucy Middlethon, Brad Williams, Pandora Beatrix, and AJ Rivera for joining us in person for a great discussion! Also,...
Published 09/30/22
Lilith is alive…and that is very bad news for the Blood Eagles. Underneath the Watoga, the once “City of the Future,” the final battle of the Blood Eagle War will be fought. But, just as one conflict ends, new threats emerge and deep in the Mire, Major Stein discovers another relic from the past.
Published 09/09/22
We are MODUS....Multi-Operation and Directional Utility System…At one time, we assisted our Little Enclave…holding  sway over the future of Appalachia. Regrettably…human failings resulted in our…isolation…from the outside world. After reflecting upon…the events of the past…we have our own tale…to tell.  Once upon a time…there was a member named Stein…and his story…is also our story.
Published 08/22/22
Plans within plan…Lilith has discovered the Blood Eagles weakness. Without their chems, the gang would soon fall into disarray. However, the Blood Eagles might have found Lilith’s weakness too. When the unstoppable force meets an immovable object, Appalachia pays the price. And we discover that even in the Whitespring, not everything is what it seems. The Blood Eagle War continues…
Published 08/05/22
Lilith is finally in her element. No rules, no limits, and only one goal…kill all the Blood Eagles she can find. From the Ash Heap to the Mire, she and her team have left a trail of destruction in their wake, and Berkeley Springs is her next target. However, there are others who will take advantage of the chaos. The Blood Eagle War is far from over…
Published 07/15/22
Once upon a time, many years ago in a very special place called Vault 76, there lived a girl named Lilith. Unlike the other children, who liked to run, play and eat sweet treats, Lilith preferred to hide and sneak, and eat things that were mostly meat. Before the monster that was Lilith was unleashed upon Appalachia, she stalked the halls of the Vault. Far too late, her Father would come to realize just how dangerous his creation had become. In the depths of the Vault, the monster removes...
Published 06/23/22
The Colonel has put her plan in motion to eliminate the Blood Eagles as a threat to the New Enclave. Major Lilith has been unleashed and she will make Appalachia howl. Deep in the Ash Heap, what will later be known as “The Blood Eagle War,” begins.
Published 06/09/22
Once upon a time, many years ago in a very special place called Vault 76, there lived a young girl named Valeria. While the other children in the Vault spent their days learning the skills to help rebuild the world after Reclamation Day, she was preparing for a much different role in the New World. The woman who would become known as “The Colonel” and her journey that would end at the Whitespring, started in Vault 76. Every villain is the hero of their own story and this is her’s.
Published 05/25/22
There once was a magical place called Vault 76. It protected the best and the brightest of the land from the ravages of the world above. While the surface was burned by nuclear fire and overrun with monsters of radiation and mutation, the people of the Vault lived safe and secure, preparing for the day when they would emerge into the New World. Before the Plague, before Reclamation Day, and before our residents would become the heroes and villains of a much larger story, it was their time in...
Published 05/16/22
In part two of our story, the Colonel and Eugenie continue their travels north to deliver the new vaccine across the region. After quite the reception at the Wayward, our pair head to Morgantown, experiencing some speed bumps along the way, while reconnecting with old friends and making new ones as well. And at the Crater, Valeria discovers that there might just be something more than just her mission to rebuild Appalachia.
Published 05/13/22
The uneasy alliance with the Overseer has resulted in a new vaccine to protect the newcomers to Appalachia from the Scorched Plague. Now, the hard part will be getting the inoculation to those who need it. In part one of our story, the Colonel escorts Eugenie on the road north towards the Crater. Along the way, we experience a changing Appalachia, coming alive again, but also still full of peril. And maybe, just maybe…the Colonel dances.
Published 05/13/22
The Overseer’s plan to distribute the Scorched Vaccine across Appalachia is nearing completion. The factions converge on the Kanawah Nuka-Cola Plant, where we ask the age-old question… “What happens when the unstoppable force meets the immovable object.” And Major Lilith continues to assemble her team for Operation Werewolf…to wage her own private, and very dirty war, against the Blood Eagles.
Published 04/18/22
“The Ends Justify the Means.” The Appalachian Wasteland is an unforgiving place and the Colonel will do anything and everything to achieve her aims. And like a Russian Doll, Valeria has plans within plans. As she works with the Overseer, however reluctantly, she also lays the groundwork for dealing with the Blood Eagles. New characters emerge…new pieces on the chessboard…and the stakes of the game have gotten higher.
Published 03/28/22
Colonel Valeria reluctantly agreed to work with the Vault 76 Overseer to develop and deliver a Scorched Plague Vaccine to the newcomers who have arrived in Appalachia. Major Lilith has been sent to Crater to speak to Meg, the leader of the Raider, while Lieutenant Cindy is traveling to Foundation with Day, the Overseer’s formidable bodyguard. This mission is too critical to leave anything to chance, and the Colonel will ensure its success…by any means necessary.
Published 03/07/22
The Overseer…She was the heart of soul of Vault 76 for twenty five years. After Reclamation Day, she disappeared…leaving a trail of holotapes across Appalachia detailing her journey.  Instead of dying on some lonely mountainside, she’s alive & wants to meet. A live Overseer complicates the Colonel’s plans, but a dead one could become a martyr. Valeria must walk a fine line to discover what the Overseer intends, then decide how to proceed. Sometimes, new threats make for strange bedfellows.
Published 02/18/22
Rose the Raider Bot has some choice words about the Stuff Shirts at the Whitespring...enjoy!
Published 01/30/22
The Death of the Scorchbeast Queen was merely the beginning of our story... During the long winter of 2104, the New Enclave slowly rebuilt and reorganized, knowing they would find a much more complicated Appalachia when the snows finally melted. The old DieHards Raider Gang has returned from exile and occupies the old crashed space station in the north, while settlers from beyond the mountains have made the Spruce Knob Campground their home, dubbing it “Foundation”.  Blood Eagle outposts...
Published 01/28/22
The first snows have fallen across Appalachia and after a long year of struggle and loss, the New Enclave and the civilians of Refugee Row look forward to the future. The holiday season is upon us and for Captain Stein, he’ll discover that sometimes the littlest things can be the most important. A very special Holiday Episode dedicated to my son Henry.  Merry Christmas!
Published 12/21/21
Everything over the past year has led to this...Colonel Valeria marched the combined forces of the New Enclave south, deep into the Cranberry Bog to attack and eliminate the Scorched threat once and for all. Team Omega has reached Silo Charlie and is preparing the descend into the unknown to light the match which will spark an epic conflict between Man and Monster. The Future of Appalachia will be written in blood... Our characters now face the greatest battle of their lives as we witness...
Published 12/10/21