Delve behind the scenes of ‘Monster Hunter.’
The Monster Hunter franchise is a series of action role-playing games developed and published by Capcom. Players take on the role of a hunter, crafting gear from materials gathered and monsters defeated in diverse, expansive environments. The main allure is the cooperative multiplayer mode, where players team up to track and take down massive, challenging beasts. Each monster boasts unique behaviors, strengths, and vulnerabilities, requiring...
Published 09/14/23
The discussion begins!
The Monster Hunter franchise is a series of action role-playing games developed and published by Capcom. Players take on the role of a hunter, crafting gear from materials gathered and monsters defeated in diverse, expansive environments. The main allure is the cooperative multiplayer mode, where players team up to track and take down massive, challenging beasts. Each monster boasts unique behaviors, strengths, and vulnerabilities, requiring strategy and skill to...
Published 08/05/20