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Antonia Prebble & Roar Collective
the most of it
For as long as I can remember I’ve been on the hunt to find the answer to one big question: how do we make the most of this thing called life? But of course, there is no singular answer. There isn’t a magic key out there that, when you find it, just unlocks everything and you can say, “yep great, I know how to do life now.” Instead, it’s a process. A process of listening and learning, of questioning and challenging. Gathering together threads of knowledge and wisdom that, over time, weave together to create a life of deeper awareness and understanding. So that’s what I’m...
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Ratings & Reviews
4.8 stars from 79 ratings
Thank you
Hi Antonia, I’ve been listening to some of your podcasts when I get my “me time”… like cleaning the house when the kids have left for school and driving to and from work. I love your range topics and you interview so beautifully. Love the guests and listening to your podcasts just sounds like...Read full review »
Fashion in NZ via Apple Podcasts · New Zealand · 09/11/23
Love the Zoë Bell episode!...planning on listening to all of the episodes for sure but I had to listen to Zoë’s ep first...brilliant podcast!...♥️
8311982 via Apple Podcasts · United States of America · 08/26/21
Very listenable
I like others think Antonia Prebble is pretty awesome. This podcast is also pretty awesome. Love the range of people you are speaking to and they way they are so open with you. Especially love the Kiwis you’ve had along. Keep up the fab work team
Jojo Newlove via Apple Podcasts · New Zealand · 05/29/21
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