Rust City Church is all about inviting people in the heart of the rust belt to forget religion, find God, and move toward a new possible. In this experience, Pastor Brad teaches us the value in staying hungry for the things of God.
Published 04/25/21
Published 04/25/21
Rust City Church is all about inviting people in the heart of the rust belt to forget religion, find God, and move toward a new possible. In this experience, Pastor Doug teaches us the truth about generosity and how it impacts our lives!
Published 04/18/21
Rust City Church is all about inviting people in the heart of the rust belt to forget religion, find God, and move toward a new possible. In this experience, Pastor Nathan encourages us how our failure isn't final!
Published 04/11/21
Rust City Church is all about inviting people in the heart of the rust belt to forget religion, find God, and move toward a new possible. In this experience, Pastor Doug encourages us by talking about the saving grace of Jesus!
Published 04/04/21
Rust City Church is all about inviting people in the heart of the rust belt to forget religion, find God, and move toward a new possible. In this experience, Pastor Brad talks about how your relationships can impact you.
Published 03/28/21
Rust City Church is all about inviting people in the heart of the rust belt to forget religion, find God, and move toward a new possible. In this experience, Pastor Doug shares about the importance of God's discipline and how it can influence our lives.
Published 03/21/21
Rust City Church is all about inviting people in the heart of the rust belt to forget religion, find God, and move toward a new possible. In this experience, Pastor Nathan shares the importance of the words you say, because God created our words with power!
Published 03/14/21
Rust City Church is all about inviting people in the heart of the rust belt to forget religion, find God, and move toward a new possible. In this experience, Pastor Brad shares what it means to actually forget religion and find God!
Published 03/07/21
Rust City Church is all about inviting people in the heart of the rust belt to forget religion, find God, and move toward a new possible. In this experience, Pastor Doug shares 4 ways to save your marriage from distress.
Published 02/28/21
Rust City Church is all about inviting people in the heart of the rust belt to forget religion, find God, and move toward a new possible. In this experience, Pastor Nathan shares how to treat the foundations of our relationships with God and others.
Published 02/21/21
Rust City Church is all about inviting people in the heart of the rust belt to forget religion, find God, and move toward a new possible. In this experience, Pastor Brad shares what God has to say about relationships and how we're designed to treat them.
Published 02/14/21
Rust City Church is all about inviting people in the heart of the rust belt to forget religion, find God, and move toward a new possible. In this experience, Pastor Doug talks about the team each one of us has the opportunity to be on and why it's so essential.
Published 02/07/21
Rust City Church is all about inviting people in the heart of the rust belt to forget religion, find God, and move toward a new possible. In this experience, Pastor Brad helps sheds light on what it means to deny yourself and what it can do for your life.
Published 01/31/21
Rust City Church is all about inviting people in the heart of the rust belt to forget religion, find God, and move toward a new possible. In this experience, Pastor Nathan helps us understand that loving our enemies is a critical part in our purpose.
Published 01/24/21
Rust City Church is all about inviting people in the heart of the rust belt to forget religion, find God, and move toward a new possible. In this experience, Pastor Doug helps us understand the incredible investment it is when we give to the kingdom of God.
Published 01/10/21
Rust City Church is all about inviting people in the heart of the rust belt to forget religion, find God, and move toward a new possible. In this experience, Pastor Brad kicks off a timely series and helps unpackage the authority we have through Christ.
Published 01/03/21
Rust City Church is all about inviting people in the heart of the rust belt to forget religion, find God, and move toward a new possible. In this experience, Pastor Doug wraps the year in a way that is just what we need.
Published 12/27/20
Rust City Church is all about inviting people in the heart of the rust belt to forget religion, find God, and move toward a new possible. This morning, Pastor Doug talks about the new found hope we can each have for our lives that started in a filthy way.
Published 12/20/20
Rust City Church is all about inviting people in the heart of the rust belt to forget religion, find God, and move toward a new possible. This morning, Pastor Nathan answers why God loves using the filthy situations we often find ourselves in.
Published 12/13/20
Rust City Church is all about inviting people in the heart of the rust belt to forget religion, find God, and move toward a new possible. In our first part of "Filthy: When Christmas Isn't So Clean," Pastor Brad introduces the idea of what God can do in your life even through messy situations.
Published 12/06/20
Rust City Church is all about inviting people in the heart of the rust belt to forget religion, find God, and move toward a new possible. For our final week of Finding Peace, we invited several volunteers and staff to share their take on what they've learned in this series and how we can continue to claim victory in finding peace in our lives.
Published 11/29/20
Rust City Church is all about inviting people in the heart of the rust belt to forget religion, find God, and move toward a new possible. In Week 8 of Finding Peace, Pastor Brad explains how to recognize fear in your life, but also how to fight it.
Published 11/22/20
Rust City Church is all about inviting people in the heart of the rust belt to forget religion, find God, and move toward a new possible. In Week 6 of Finding Peace, Pastor Doug explains the danger of worry and how to navigate through it in our lives.
Published 11/15/20
Rust City Church is all about inviting people in the heart of the rust belt to forget religion, find God, and move toward a new possible. In Week 6 of Finding Peace, Pastor Nathan explains how we can, with certainty, find peace for our mind.
Published 11/08/20