THE NEW MESSENGER – Chapter 1: Many people in the world are awaiting the return of their Savior, their Maitreya or their Imam. But God has sent a New Message into the world, a Message to prepare humanity for the great change that is coming here and for its encounter with intelligent life in the universe, an encounter that will be far more precarious and dangerous than most people truly recognize. Human spirituality is eroding away in the world, the true nature of human spirituality. The...
Published 09/04/16
Published 09/04/16
THE NEW MESSENGER – Chapter 2: People have no idea what it means to be a Messenger or how Messengers are selected or prepared. They want to worship heroes or deny them altogether. They want to believe the Messenger is the Message, but the Message is always greater than the Messenger. People will base their whole view and approach on their attitude towards the Messenger, but the Message is always more important. As revealed to God’s Messenger Marshall Vian Summers on August 1, 2012 in...
Published 09/04/16
THE NEW MESSENGER – Chapter 3: To present God’s New Revelation in the world, a Messenger has been sent, prepared to carry the burden of a New Revelation, bringing a new reality into the world. This happens once perhaps in a thousand years as humanity reaches a great threshold—a turning point in its evolution and a time of great and immense challenge, not for merely one tribe or group but for all of humanity. As revealed to God’s Messenger Marshall Vian Summers on November 16, 2012 in...
Published 09/04/16
THE NEW MESSENGER – Chapter 4: Today We shall tell the story of the Messenger. It is a story that holds great power and meaning if it can be comprehended. For the Messenger is no ordinary person, though he appears to be ordinary on the outside. And because he is a humble man, he does not exalt himself in any way. He seeks not recognition, but a deeper connection with those who are destined to meet him and to receive God’s New Revelation. In this sense, he is understated and will remain...
Published 09/04/16
THE NEW MESSENGER – Chapter 5: Surely, one who is called and prepared to bring a New Message from God into the world must have a long and very challenging preparation. It is the preparation an individual could not initiate for themselves. It must be a calling from Heaven itself. It must be administered by Heaven itself. It must take the one chosen from their former life and state of mind into a new life and a far greater state of mind over a period of time. It is a preparation with many...
Published 09/04/16
THE NEW MESSENGER – Chapter 6: To bring a New Message from God in the world requires a person who is uniquely designed for this greater mission, a person whose origin and destiny are distinct from everyone around him, a person whose preparation even before coming into this world is unique and very focalized. This is the person who will have to meet great expectations, the expectations of Heaven itself. In order for this to be achieved, this individual will have to meet certain requirements...
Published 09/04/16
THE NEW MESSENGER – Chapter 7: Today We will speak on understanding the Messenger. There are some people who will receive and welcome the idea of there being a New Message from God in the world. They see the need for this. They see how the old traditions have become fractured and contentious, both amongst themselves and within themselves. They see the religious extremism and its destructive impact on human history, and the violence that is carried out in its name, even in this world today....
Published 09/04/16
THE NEW MESSENGER – Chapter 8: People do not realize what the Messenger is facing in the world. For him, it is a very difficult thing, and he is reluctant to accept it because it is so very difficult—with so much risk and uncertainty and the assurance of rejection and denial. It is a very difficult thing, you see. For the Messengers, this has always been the case. And while they have been the most important people in all of human history, they have also had some of the most difficult...
Published 09/04/16
THE NEW MESSENGER – Chapter 9: God has sent the Messenger into the world at a time of great change and increasing uncertainty. He is the one Messenger for the world though it will be difficult for many people to accept this, given their previous notions and investments. He has prepared long for this. He has come from the Angelic Assembly, of which he is a part. In the world, he is a man. He is imperfect, but all the great Messengers have been imperfect. As revealed to Marshall Vian...
Published 09/04/16
THE NEW MESSENGER – Chapter 10: Every millennium a New Messenger is sent into the world to prepare humanity for the next stage of its development and to warn humanity of the great dangers that have not arisen before, to prepare humanity for what it must face and what it must overcome, both now and into the future. God’s Revelations are rare and are long lasting. They are sent here to give to humanity what it could not give itself, and to rekindle the spiritual fire that has grown cold in the...
Published 09/04/16
THE NEW MESSENGER – Chapter 11: If God were to speak to humanity only once in a millennium, surely it would have great consequence as to how it was received and what was done with it as a result. Surely these great interventions from the Divine mark great turning points in human history and the evolution of human awareness and thought and social engagement. Such a time has come again, at this time of Revelation. And the consequences are great, for humanity is facing its greatest trials. It...
Published 09/04/16
THE NEW MESSENGER – Chapter 12: God has sent a Messenger into the world, sent from the Angelic Assembly he is. He is the first Messenger to come since the days of Muhammad. And another will not be sent for a very long time. His role is so important. He is bringing something into the world that has never been brought here before, continuing the great series of Revelations brought to humanity at critical turning points in its history and evolution. He comes at a time of great and growing need...
Published 09/04/16
THE NEW MESSENGER – Chapter 13: Everyone who can receive the Revelation, in humility and honesty, will be walking with the Messenger. In some degree, either great or small, they will be doing what he is doing. They will be following the pathway that he is blazing for everyone. Any true student will do this naturally because they are following Knowledge, and they are taking the Steps to Knowledge, and they are building a strong foundation for their greater and future life through the Four...
Published 09/04/16