At some point in your career, you will likely be part of a company that undergoes a merger or acquisition. These deals often have a major impact on employees, and it can sometimes feel like you’re left figuring out how to survive amid all the change.
This episode is a deep-dive into one of the largest mergers & acquisitions in the history of the technology industry: when Dell Technologies acquired data storage company EMC for $67 billion in 2016. I talked with Marie Moynihan and Brent Amundson, who lead talent acquisition efforts at Dell, about:
How they approached the opportunity to create a new “third company” What it takes to thrive during an acquisition What sets high-performing people apart If you have ideas for episode topics or guests, send them straight to
[email protected].
Listen to this and all episodes of The New Rules of Work at Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and the podcast website.
To read the transcript, click here.