Published 01/28/20
Ellen Pao received international attention when she filed a gender discrimination lawsuit against Silicon Valley venture capital fund Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers. She lost her case, but the lawsuit catalyzed a conversation we’re still having today about the lack of diversity in the workplace. In this episode, Ellen and I discuss: Ellen’s experience at Kleiner and what prompted her decision to file the gender discrimination lawsuit What Ellen would do differently, knowing what...
Published 01/28/20
Bond Vet founder and Chief Veterinary Officer Dr. Zaynab Satchu is quick to point out that their company is not trying to disrupt the veterinary industry. But they are trying to change it, using technology and thoughtful design, and by focusing on the emotional wellbeing of their animal patients and their owners, as well as their employees. On this episode, I chatted with Dr. Zay about how she made the leap from vet to startup founder. What we talked about: Dr. Zay’s journey to becoming a...
Published 01/21/20
Most people will have an average of 12 jobs in their lifetime, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, and younger workers will change jobs more frequently with an average tenure of 2.8 years. With every new job, and especially bigger career changes, it can be common to feel doubt and anxiety about whether you’re up for the challenge. On this episode, I chatted with César Ruiz, Regional Vice President at Microsoft, about his career path, which has included jumps into several...
Published 01/14/20
Stereotyping is how our brains work, and it takes work to be self-aware when our biases creep in. That’s just the first step, though. When we recognize and understand our biases, we then have to be intentionally inclusive of other people so we can create room for them and their perspectives.  This is a topic Cindy Augustine, Global Chief Talent Officer, and her team at FCB have thought a lot about. On this episode, Cindy and I talked about: Cindy’s transition from being an attorney to...
Published 01/07/20
At some point in your career, you will likely be part of a company that undergoes a merger or acquisition. These deals often have a major impact on employees, and it can sometimes feel like you’re left figuring out how to survive amid all the change. This episode is a deep-dive into one of the largest mergers & acquisitions in the history of the technology industry: when Dell Technologies acquired data storage company EMC for $67 billion in 2016. I talked with Marie Moynihan and Brent...
Published 12/23/19
When you hear about the “gig economy,” you might think about an army of creative freelancers who are traveling the world while working. That’s some of the people represented in the gig economy, but there are also people doing this work because they’re not ready to retire, or because they can’t find full-time employment. On this episode, I interview Sarah Kessler, journalist and author of Gigged: The End of the Job and the Future of Work, to go beyond the myths of gig work. What we talked...
Published 12/17/19
Chances are good that most people listening live within a few miles of a Walmart. With more than 2.2 million employees, it is the largest private employer in the world. On this episode, I chatted with Amy Goldfinger, SVP of Global Talent Acquisition at Walmart, about her approach to building great teams. What we talked about: The company values Amy saw firsthand when she joined Walmart The history of Walmart’s famous phrase, “Our people make the difference” and how it inspires the...
Published 12/10/19
It takes a lot more than motivational trainings and networking dinners to help women achieve their financial and professional objectives. And for Sallie Krawcheck, the goal is clear: We need to get more money in the hands of women. On this episode, I talk with Sallie, CEO and co-founder of Ellevest, about: Why it’s so important to close the gender pay gap Our experiences as female founders raising money for our startups The work Sallie and her team are doing at Ellevest to promote women’s...
Published 12/03/19
Any working parent knows how tough it can be to manage competing priorities. While we can’t always control everything about our jobs, we can set boundaries and be clear in our intentions so we stay focused on the most important things. On this episode, I speak with Michelle Peluso, SVP of Digital Sales and CMO at IBM. Michelle has held C-level roles at some of the biggest companies in the world, but she says her bio can be reduced to one simple sentence: “I work and I’m a mom.” What we...
Published 11/26/19
We talk a lot about bringing your authentic self to work, but what does that actually look like? On her podcast Hello Monday, LinkedIn’s Jessi Hempel interviews a wide range of successful people about their careers. I invited her to share some of the things she’s learned along the way.  What we talked about: Embracing your individual strengths and not resisting who you are Jobs, vocations, and fulfillment at work When it’s a good idea to help an employee look for other work Setting...
Published 11/19/19
Everyone can relate to the experience of starting a new job, but not everyone gets the opportunity to build a new culture at one of the largest advertising companies in the world. This is Jacqui Canney’s challenge at WPP, where she serves as the Global Chief People Officer. As Jacqui notes: 1 in every 3 ads placed comes from WPP. Their influence on society, and their responsibility to reflect diverse points of view, is massive. On this episode, Jacqui and I talk about: How Jacqui has...
Published 11/12/19
You've realized your workplace doesn't reflect the communities you're trying to serve, and you want to bring about cultural change in the organization. So, how do you get started? On this episode, I interview Anil Dash, CEO of Glitch: What we talked about: The particular challenges of diversity in tech Steps to promoting inclusion in your organization Why Anil helps his employees search for other jobs Finding meaning in your work and seizing the opportunity to make lasting change in the...
Published 11/05/19
Study after study has shown that the first 90 days of an employee’s experience are crucial in determining whether they will stick with a company for the long haul. Stacey Payne, Chief People Officer at DIG, shared how she’s helped create an onboarding process that beats the 90 day mark — in fact, DIG’s employees are opting to stay with the company within their first 45 days. Stacey is the CPO at DIG, and she’s worked with Taco Bell, Northwestern Mutual, and others, developing HR programs...
Published 11/02/19
By 2025, 75% of the workforce in America will be comprised of Millennials. The shift in the power dynamic between workers and employers is transforming the world of work. This episode launches The New Rules of Work, brought to you by me, Kathryn Minshew, Founder and CEO at The Muse. What I talked about: The 80 million Millennials in the workforce in America Topics that you’ll hear in the first few episodes My excitement and vision for the podcast What’s at stake in the power structure of...
Published 10/21/19