الإعلام وسنينه وإزاي الإعلانات بتأثر علينا والمواضيع اللي مش فاهمينها في الإعلام ومش لاقيين حد يشرحها بشكل بسيط، كل ده اتكلمنا فيه في حلقة مميزة جدا مع چيدا حكيتلنا فيها على صفحة “الإعلام وسنينه”، ليه بدأتها، وإزاي بتعمل المحتوى بتاعها. 
Published 02/23/23
Published 02/23/23
 علا مش من الناس اللي بتاخد طريق واحد وبس ولا بتحد نفسها بلقب واحد. علا الممثلة، الأم، الستاند أب كوميديان، الرابر، اللي بتكتب قصص، اللي بتعمل محتوى للأمهات وحاجات تانية كتير لسة هتبقاها. استمتعنا بقعدتها ورحلتها في انها تجاوب على سؤال “أنا مين؟” في الحلقة ال٣٣ من "ذا بوتكاست شو”.
Published 02/09/23
هل القهوة ساهمت ف عصر النهضة؟ في الحلقة دي من ذا بوتكاست شو، كريم وإسلام بيتكلموا مع عمر نظمي مؤسس "مجمع القهوة بالقاهرة" عن قصص وتاريخ القهوة، وقصة حبه ليها ونجاح"مجمع القهوة بالقاهرة".
Published 01/26/23
Here is a real conversation between friends about love, relationships and the pain that surrounds them, and here is Sherin, Kareem and Islam being vulnerable, we hope this inspires you to feel your feelings, and make peace with your pain and vulnerability!
Published 01/12/23
العلاج الجسدي النفسي...إيه هو وإيه اختلافه عن العلاج النفسي؟ اخصائية العلاج النفسي والجنسي ياسمين مدكور بتشرحلنا الوسائل ال نقدربيها نتعافى من الصدمات ونعيش حياه نفسية وجنسية صحية..حقيقي واحدة من حلقاتنا المفضلة 
Published 12/22/22
من أقوال محمد الأنصاري مؤسس Power Ride المأثورة : "في تمرين...في بطل،مفيش تمرين...مفيش بطل!" قعدنا مع أنصاري واتكلمنا عن العجل، الرياضة، البطولات والسباقات والدوافع والحوافز ال بتخلينا نقدر نعدي الصعوبات ونكمل التحديات ال بتواجهنا للاخر. 
Published 12/08/22
كلنا ركبنا أوبر، وكلنا حصلنا حوارات فيه، ابانوب في الحلقة دي بيحكلنا الحوارات و القصص دي من وجهة نظره هو ككابتن في أوبر. قصص حلوة، قصص وحشة، والكثير من ال-"لقد وصلت" ..
Published 11/25/22
نضال تقرأ، تفهم، تشرح، فتساعد غيرها على الفهم، على النضج، على الإرتقاء، سعدنا كثيراً بلقاء نضال الذي أعطانا أملاً كبيراً في المستقبل 
Published 11/10/22
Toxicity in the workplace shouldn’t be the norm, that’s why Ahmed Genedy founded iVoiceUp, a startup we were excited to know more about. In this episode Genedy walks us through how iVoiceUp can give a voice to the team at your startup or company and protect them from any unethical practices.
Published 10/27/22
الواحد بيشتغل تربي ازاي؟ وحياته عبارة عن إيه؟ و أطفاله بيعيشوا ازاي؟ هل نظرته للحياه مختلفة لأنه بيشوف الموت كل يوم؟ اسئلة كتير بيجاوبنا عليها الشيخ أحمد والشيخ إسلام في الحلقة الخامسة والعشرون من ذا بوتكاست شو.
Published 10/13/22
You can meet discplined, goal oriented, determined people. You can meet creative, unique, deep and emotional artists. You definitely met positive, dreamy, fun people. But we bet it is hard to meet one person that encompasses all those qualities genuinely, effortlessly, unless you meet Coucla Refaat. If we summarize our feeling after conversing with Coucla in one sentance; it would be "eh el lazaza dy?!" Enjoy this down to earth artist talk about humble beginnings, ups, downs, the importance...
Published 09/29/22
 الجذام مرض  بكتيرى  بيأثر على الأعصاب و الأعضاء و بيسبب تشوه.  فى في أبو زعبل في مصر مستعمره  فيها مصابين عايشين هناك طول حياتهم مع ان المرض له علاج من التمانينات! في الحلقة دي هنعرف إيه هو مرض الجذام؟  ازاي بيأثر على المريض؟ ليه الناس زمان كانت بتتحجز وتتمنع تشوف حد أو حد يشوفها؟ الناس دي عايشة ازاي دلوقتي و محتاجة إيه؟
Published 09/14/22
“The Wall” is that period in a marathon when things transition from being pretty hard to being really, really hard! We talked with Cairo Runners founder Ibrahim Safwat about that mental barrier; his Cairo Runners  journey, his life philosophy and everything in between! Enjoy this light episode with an inspiring twist! 
Published 08/31/22
Talking with Reem Gamil has a truly magnificent effect on you, not just because she is an articulate writer, it is because at her very core; she is a true believer, whether it is in the beauty of the Egyptian slang, women empowerment, creating characters that defy societal norms or making sure her daughters' voices make a difference; Reem truly believes in it all, and she won't have it any other way. Listen to "بالمصرى احلى" this Thursday, and let Reem Gamil inspire you to work for what you...
Published 08/17/22
We often meet good, hardworking people that do their best every day to get to where they want to be. But through our conversation with super artist Karima Mansour it was clear that she’s not just good people, she’s not just a hard worker, she’s a completely different breed of beings that just won’t stop, and can’t stop even when she reaches the highest of standards she imagines. Enjoy this deeply passionate conversation about art,work,life and family and get Karima's advice on...honing your...
Published 08/03/22
Basmah Osman is a senior advisor at the Federation of Egyptian Industries. She is an entrepreneur, an organizational development consultant, an expert in executive, career and life coaching, and basically a bad ass boss lady! In this conversation; we listen to Basmah's incredible story, advice and tips regarding all things life and career and most importantly BALANCE
Published 07/20/22
Ramy talks to us this episode about the journey of being a doctor. A tough one to say the least in the ways of working with both the love and suffering of children. He shares his optimistic view on some really dark times, and tells us of a few anecdotes of the demanding field of child care.
Published 07/06/22
What is passion? Is it found or is it built over time? Asmaa lets us in on her astonishing journey and how she navigates life, relationships, business, and professional athletics. Don’t miss this conversation with the wonderful human and daring beast that is Asmaa Al Zohairy. Enjoy!
Published 03/23/22
Ahmed EL Ruby shares his story of perseverance and grind to make into the tough industry of music. A real struggle with a series of misfortunes that would have left anyone idle, but Ruby continues to push through and move forward. Listen to this latest episode and learn a lesson or two of how to really reach your goals, and achieve your dreams.
Published 03/09/22
Ramsi the creator of  Irtigalia - an improv group -  he speaks to us about how it developed over the past few years. We talk extensively about art, theater and the inner workings of how a theater troupe' operates. Ramsi shares anecdote after another, and really brings to light how improv is more of daily activity, not just a performance on stage!
Published 01/12/22
Words of the wise as Ahmed tells of his trials and tribulations as he built his dream one brick at a time. Ahmed shares a few things of what he learned over the years, while staying open to the times and ideas that are different than his. From the things he learned, he has decided to go back to a simpler and more serene life near the waters of the Nile. 
Published 12/15/21
Its a hard-knock life! Amany talks to us about her struggles as a young woman as she maneuvers through marriage, abuse, motherhood and social structures that are stacked up against her. Amidst all this, Amany still has the optimism to see things through, and dream a life for her and her daughter. 
Published 11/24/21
Did God create us or did we create God? Listen to this episode as Muhammad Sami discusses his journey through religion, and how it is deeply embedded in his thirst for knowledge, spirituality and philosophy. We discuss the core elements of religion and how it governs elements of our society today.     Resources mentioned    The Origin and Growth of Religion - Wilhelm Schmidt The Sacred and the Profane -Mircea Eliade Le Stupide XIXe Siècle -Léon Daudet Napoleon’s Egypt -Juan Cole From the...
Published 07/14/21
متى سنرى وجهك يا حنظلة؟ Palestine will be free
Published 06/02/21