Listen to two members of Our Hearings Our Voice - Our Hearing Our Voice, an independent board for children and young people from across Scotland between the ages of 8-18, who have experience with the Children’s Hearings System – discuss their experiences of the project with the Chair of the Group Sheriff David Mackie, and Fi McFarlane of The Promise Scotland.
Published 05/18/23
Doing Data Differently is about seeing the whole picture. And in this episode, that's what we'll discuss around the context of The Promise.
When providing joined-up support to children and families in Scotland, data too often acts as a barrier. For the promise to be kept, this needs to change.
Scotland needs data that allows us to see the whole child, and their family, within context.
It needs a culture that proactively listens to and seeks out information about the experiences...
Published 03/09/23