Ep. 19 - Get In
We're trying to get at the allure of permanent consequences, the moral underpinnings of hitchhiking, and the secret greenhouses of your text-based relationships. Whither goest thou, America? And can you get us there before bed, we have to be up early?
a relationship beset by far-left podcasts: https://twitter.com/yungneocon/status/877017208161009664 ;
"The End of the Open Road: The Inside Story of How Hitchhiking Died," by Molly Osberg (May '15): http://bit.ly/1E2bL9f ;
"The death of hitchhiking is a modern tragedy," by Anne Perkins (Sept. '16): http://bit.ly/2coPqSr ;
"An Informal History of Hitchhiking" by John. T. Schlebecker, The Historian 20:3 (May 1958), pp. 305-327. ;
CNN on the Michelle Carter trial: http://cnn.it/2umrpUe ;
Court documents, from the state: http://bit.ly/2vpiCxA ; and from the defense: http://bit.ly/2ts2biL