A new day in Mystic Falls means a new event, and today’s event is the Historical Society Volunteer Picnic, which is the perfect opportunity for everyone to be in the same place to cause drama. This means Elena and Stefan can put on their best performances in their fake fight and Mason can prove to Sheriff Forbes that Stefan and Damon are vampires. Unfortunately for everyone, the classic vervain in a public drink supply trick works, proving Mason right. Liz and her deputies waste no time and...
Published 12/07/23
For a minute, this episode makes you think it's opening with a Steferine 1864 memory, but we quickly find out it's Stefan's Delena nightmare created by Katherine getting in Stefan's head. Despite the rude awakening, Stefan lets Katherine hang around the Salvatore House long enough for Stefan to vervain her and lock her in the basement. Across town, Damon plots to get to know Mason by convincing Alaric to convince Jenna to host a barbecue, where Caroline tells Elena all of the reasons she...
Published 11/30/23
It’s time for another Delena roadtrip episode! This time, Damon, Elena, and their third wheel, Alaric go to Duke to look through Isobel’s research and see if Isobel has any information about werewolves. Poor Alaric, the vibes on the trip are so horrid since Elena obviously hasn’t forgiven Damon for killing Jeremy like a day ago. Thankfully, the trip isn’t a total bust, and the trio learns about the curse of the sun and the moon and that a werewolf bite is fatal to vampires. And wouldn’t you...
Published 11/16/23
After being killed by Katherine, Caroline wakes up in transition and is immediately great at being a vampire in classic Caroline fashion. She completes the transition in record time, compels a nurse, and puts on a smokey eye so you know she’s really in her vamp era. While Caroline figures out how to get out of the hospital, Elena and Bonnie get the carnival ready and try to act like they’re just normal girls. Meanwhile, Mason and Tyler actually are just normal guys: they exercise, they...
Published 11/09/23
Picking up right where we left off, John is down to six fingers, Jeremy may or may not be transitioning into a vampire, Damon thinks he and Elena kissed, and Caroline is in the hospital after the car crash. Eventually, Damon and Stefan realize that only one person could have caused so much drama: Katherine Pierce. At Mayor Lockwood’s wake the next day, Katherine continues to cause chaos and pretends to be Elena. Uncle Mason Lockwood also returns to attend the wake and talks to Tyler about his...
Published 11/02/23
We're back with a review of Season One! To refresh our memories, we recap this season's character arcs, villains, and couples. We highlight some of the best performances and outfits and choose our favorites, like the best song of the season, our favorite three consecutive episodes, and, of course, our favorite Stelena and Delena moments. We even give Matt a few shout-outs, surprisingly enough, so we really cover everything. Next week: Season Two Episode One | The Return Hosted on Acast. See...
Published 10/26/23
Like Anna tells Jeremy in 1x17, there are only so many reasons to turn a vampire: to get someone to do your dirty work, for revenge, out of boredom, and because you love someone so much you want to spend eternity with them. In this special episode, we go through all of the vampires that we see turned in the series from the Originals to the Salvatores and discuss why they were turned and whether they fall into Anna’s categories. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Published 10/12/23
Regardless of whether you’re Team Conrad or Team Jeremiah, you can’t deny there are so many parallels between The Summer I Turned Pretty and The Vampire Diaries. Not only is there a love triangle between the main character and two brothers in both series, but there are also obvious visual parallels like Conrad stepping in for Jeremiah in the season one finale and the infinity necklace. Most importantly, we debate which brother is most like Damon and which brother is most like Stefan....
Published 09/14/23
It's finally Founder's Day—the perfect day for Damon to eat cotton candy and steal Stefan's girl and for the tomb vampires to exact their revenge on the founding families. Luckily, Uncle John has a plan to take out all of the tomb vampires, but of course, John doesn't stop at capturing the tomb vampires: he also gets Anna, Damon, and Mayor Lockwood. With Bonnie's help, Stefan rescues Damon, but the rest of the vampires and the mayor are done for. Back at the Gilbert house, Damon shares a nice...
Published 09/07/23
There are a lot of bad moms in Mystic Falls, but one of the worst, Isobel, finally comes into town. After threatening Alaric, Isobel meets with Elena to tell her to get the Gilbert device from Damon. When Elena doesn't immediately give it to her, Isobel breaks Matt's arm, kidnaps Jeremy, and makes her compelled cowboy and jazz singer beat up John. Even though John kind of deserved it, Bonnie "despells" the device and Elena hands it over to Isobel. Later on, Damon realizes John is Elena's...
Published 08/31/23
In the third flashback episode of this season, Stefan relives how he and Damon died in 1864 and became vampires. While Stefan dries out in the Salvatore basement, Damon and Alaric team up again to get more information about John and the Gilbert device. Meanwhile, John uses his “Gilbert charm” (gross) on Pearl at the Grill to try to get the device from her. After Elena helps Stefan get through the day, Damon comes home and reveals to her the real reason he’s promised Stefan an eternity of...
Published 08/24/23
Leading up to the Miss Mystic Falls Pageant, Stefan spirals further out of control and is robbing blood banks left and right. Caroline is also out for blood in a different way—she’s desperate to win Miss Mystic Falls. Later at the pageant, Damon tells Elena that Stefan is drinking human blood again, and Stefan loses control and basically kidnaps another pageant contestant. In Stefan’s absence, Damon steps in and escorts Elena to dance and share the intimacy of the near touch in what is...
Published 08/21/23
After drinking Elena’s blood, Stefan struggles to not completely turn into a ripper and to hide his bloodlust from Damon and Elena. To make matters worse, Uncle John comes back into town and makes it clear that he knows more about what’s going on than anyone else. Later, at the millionth Founders’ Day event this year, Stefan actually has a little fun, Damon kills John, and John comes back to life. Tyler also makes out with Matt’s mom, but we were trying to forget that happened. This week:...
Published 08/10/23
After killing Bethanne, Stefan is kidnapped by the tomb vampires in the middle of a storm. Armed with Alaric’s vervain darts and other vampire-hunting weapons, our favorite trio, Damon, Alaric, and Elena, have to team up to get him back. During the rescue mission, Damon and Elena have a very heated conversation that’s so steamy it inspired the rain kiss in season six. Meanwhile, Jeremy keeps pushing Anna to turn him, and he inadvertently reveals to Anna that he wants to turn because of Vicki....
Published 08/03/23
After a quick Bing search, Jeremy figures out that Anna is a vampire and decides that he wants her to turn him. On top of dealing with that, Anna and Pearl struggle to keep the tomb vampires under control as they become desperate for revenge. Despite all of this drama going on, Stefan and Elena agree they should have fun and pretend they're just a normal couple. Their first step? Go on a double date with Matt and Caroline. And as if a double date with an ex wasn't uncomfortable enough, the...
Published 07/27/23
Jenna reveals to Elena that, like a true 21st-century woman, she scoured the internet to research Elena’s birth mother, Isobel. After Jenna gives her the full report, Elena pays Isobel’s high school bestie, Trudie, a visit, where Trudie is SUS AF. Meanwhile, Mom of the Year, Kelly Donovan, comes back to town to bully Caroline and go to the annual Mystic Falls Bachelor Auction. The two most eligible bachelors, Alaric and Damon, are raffled off, but not before Damon can reveal to Alaric and...
Published 07/20/23
With the help of Grams, Stefan and his hero hair save Elena and Bonnie from their first kidnapping. As it becomes obvious that Damon won't give up, Elena gets everyone on board to open the tomb, including Damon who she convinces to trust her again by taking off her vervain necklace. When the door is finally open, Anna gets her mother, Pearl, out and we learn Katherine was never even in the tomb. After doing all of that for nothing, Bonnie discovers that Grams exhausted her magic and herself....
Published 07/13/23
It's time for some more flashbacks! As the search for Emily's grimoire continues, Stefan remembers the events that led to Katherine being captured by Giuseppe Salvatore and the rest of the 1864 Town Council. In the present, Damon reluctantly teams up with Stefan and Elena to search for Johnathan Gilbert's journal, which leads to a Stelena grave digging date. Speaking of dates, in a classic Vampire Diaries honeypot scheme, Anna and Ben scheme to get their hands on the Gilbert journal by...
Published 07/06/23
It’s finally time for the first decade dance! Literally every single person in Mystic Falls attends: Jeremy’s stalker, Elena’s stalker, and the teens that don’t have stalkers. Despite being best dressed, Caroline and Bonnie ditch the dance early on to go to the Grill where Bonnie flirts with Bartender Ben, and Caroline and Matt get their Notebook kiss. Back at the dance, Stefan and Damon interrogate their girlfriend’s stalker about who he’s working with. Meanwhile, Anna does the vamp eyes...
Published 06/29/23
If you were one of the early Delena shippers, this is where it all began: Elena and Damon’s road trip to visit Bree in Georgia. While Elena actually lets herself have fun and Damon asks Bree about opening the tomb, Stefan tries to get Bonnie to do a locator spell to find Elena. Stefan eventually rescues Bonnie from the tomb entrance and returns her to Grams, who we find out is even cooler than we already thought. We also meet Anna for the first time when she not-so-subtly suggests to Jeremy...
Published 06/22/23
At the Mystic Falls High Career Fair, Jeremy and Tyler sort of bond over their typical teenage boy art, Caroline decides she wants to become a broadcast journalist, and Logan Fell comes back from the dead to work the crowd and kidnap Caroline. Just as Damon is about to deal with Logan, Logan reveals that there’s another way to open the tomb. Meanwhile, Stefan and Elena get back together and, after they hook up for the first time, Elena finds the picture of Katherine. This week: Season 1...
Published 06/15/23
If you were ever part of a female friendship trio in high school, you know exactly what happens at Elena’s sleepover: Caroline starts a fight, Bonnie storms off into another room, and Elena forces Caroline to apologize. We’ve all been there. Unfortunately, Caroline suggests a seance once they all make up, which ends with Emily possessing Bonnie. Hopefully, that part isn’t too relatable. Meanwhile, Alaric and Jenna meet for the first time and flirt by talking about their terrible love lives....
Published 06/08/23
It's Stefan's birthday! To celebrate, Lexi comes to town and convinces Stefan to have a little fun for once. Luckily, Damon already compelled Caroline to throw a party at the Grill where Stefan and Lexi can go do tequila shots. Since Elena and Stefan are still sort of broken up, Bonnie cheers Elena up by destroying her pillow and magically floating feathers. Later at the Mystic Grill, we find out why Damon had Caroline throw the party because we all knew it wasn't to celebrate Stefan. This...
Published 06/01/23
Now that Vicki has completed her transition, she has to deal with her feelings for Jeremy, Stefan’s vampire lessons, and Elena’s self-important lecturing. And if you are an Elena apologist, proceed with caution, because she makes a lot of missteps in this episode. But none of her missteps are as bad as the costume designer putting Bonnie in a terrible blonde wig for the high school Halloween party. This week: Season 1 Episode 7 | Haunted Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more...
Published 05/25/23
All I ever wanted, all I ever needed was the scene where Damon dances on the ledge of the second floor of the Salvatore House. After he and Vicki party, Damon snaps her neck, and she starts to transition. Meanwhile, Stefan finally tells Elena some of the truth (of course not all of it, this is Stefan after all), and we meet Katherine for the first time in the 1864 flashbacks. Oh, while this is all going down, Sheriff Forbes arms Logan Fell with the compass and wooden ammo and sends him on the...
Published 05/18/23