In the fifth episode of The Rise of Bonhoeffer, we begin in the pivotal year of 1933. As Hitler ascends to power, massive transformations occur in Germany, impacting both society and the church. The episode explores Bonhoeffer's resistance to Nazi influence, the formation and legacy of the Confessing Church, Bonhoeffer's move to London, and his eventual return to Germany to steer an underground seminary at Finkenwalde. Key events such as the drafting of the Bethel Confession, the German...
Published 11/11/24
Published 11/11/24
The journey through the turbulent years preceding World War II in Germany is a complex narrative that intertwines politics, religion, and individual courage. At the center of our story lies Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a theologian and participant in the resistance against Nazi ideology within the German church. This episode unpacks the depths of Christian antisemitism, the pressures faced within German society, and Bonhoeffer’s ideological and practical responses to these challenges. Follow the Rise...
Published 10/28/24
This episode of The Rise of Bonhoeffer explores Dietrich Bonhoeffer's experiences after returning to Germany. Transformed by his time in New York City, he visits the theologian who first awakened the conscience of the German church to the rising totalitarian idolatry - Karl Barth. The episode tracks his burgeoning role in the German church struggle from his initial involvement in the ecumenical movement, his time as a youth minister to the working class of Berlin, and his entrance into the...
Published 10/14/24
In this episode of The Rise of Bonhoeffer, we journey with Dietrich to New York City for a year as a Postdoctoral post at Union Theological Seminary. This school year in New York radically changed him, but the spark that lit his theological imagination was outside the classroom. When he arrived in NYC, he brought an overtly intellectual faith he had used to justify a nationalist and militaristic faith. Through his encounter with the Harlem Renaissance, Abyssinian Baptist Church, and a road...
Published 09/30/24
Join Dr. Jeffrey Pugh & Dr. Tripp Fuller as they delve into the complex life of Dietrich Bonhoeffer. The story flashes forward to a powerful juxtaposition: on February 1, 1933, two days after Hitler became Chancellor, both men addressed Germany. Hitler promised to restore national pride, while Bonhoeffer warned against creating an idol out of a leader. How did Bonhoeffer come to see the Nazi threat while so many others didn't? This episode begins the story by turning to his early life,...
Published 09/17/24
What is The Rise of Bonhoeffer? In this audio documentary series, we'll dive deep into the life of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, the German theologian who dared to stand against the Nazi regime. From his early days as a passionate scholar to his evolution into a bold leader of the Confessing Church, we'll trace Bonhoeffer's path as he wrestled with the moral and ethical challenges of his time. You'll discover how his theological insights, such as the concept of costly grace, shaped his resistance to...
Published 09/09/24