We are on the heels of Jupiter leaving Taurus and will be making its grand entrance into Gemini for the next year. Imagine Jupiter's expansive energy mingling with Gemini's social, curious, and communicative vibes—this combination is a golden ticket for those ready to elevate their connection game. This is not the time to stay silent or keep your brilliant ideas to yourself. It’s the perfect time to get clear on your message and share your unique insights. In this special episode, I have some...
Published 05/21/24
Asha Frost, Indigenous Medicine Woman joins me to discuss the importance of indigenous voices being heard and valued, sharing personal experiences of finding and expressing their voices as healers. With the upcoming Jupiter in Gemini, we explore the connection between voice and medicine, and the significance of speaking up and amplifying messages as indigenous and women of color. Asha shares her experiences navigating identity and entitlement in spaces of advocacy, and the importance of...
Published 05/16/24
This Taurus New Moon is absolutely Lush! Because you’ve had a string of prickly lunations and tumulus cosmic weather earlier this year, this New Moon feels even more luxurious. This Taurus New Moon wants you to get clear on what you want to cultivate that is of value in this new cycle. Harness this energy and ask for what YOU want to build, create, invest in and receive more of so you can easily call in the monetary resources you need to do so. What do you want to create that appreciates?
Published 05/06/24
After a turbulent beginning of the year, the cosmos of May is here to support our energy to appreciate, integrate and invoke your big ideas. We open up the monthly with Pluto going retrograde promising empowerment and transformation. Then our beautiful New Moon in Taurus wants us to create more sustainable and embodied peace. By the time we get to the third week of May when the moon gains light, you’ll be picking up momentum to take creative action on all the visioning and expansion. Then we...
Published 05/01/24
If you are a changemaker, you need a place online that is the central hub of everything that you do. Because if you are only relying on social media to get leads, in the event that social media platform goes away, how are you going to connect to your people? It's so important to have a website or a sales page where you can collect emails to share and direct the world where you want them to go and take action. So in today's episode, I talk about the pitfalls and how to amen things easier when...
Published 04/26/24
One of the biggest transits of the year, the meet up of the sky gods, Jupiter and Uranus heralds in a new cycle of growth, progress, and revolution in the Earthly realms of Taurus. Jupiter and Uranus meet up about once every 13 years sparking a massive shift in progress related to technology, energy/energetics/physics, space/aeronautic exploration, and everything connected to neuroscience and genetics. It is a perfect time to dream big and take bold steps to exceed your expectations and...
Published 04/15/24
The highly anticipated Total Solar Eclipse is just a few days away and it’s in its sign of exaltation, a true superstar in Aries. With the Sun and Moon in perfect alignment, this supercharged New Moon is a potent new beginning that requires a leap of faith of taking chances and jumping into the unknown. Remember to be a leader isn’t to have power over or to have a gazillion followers, to be a leader is to take action, show up, and share your gift. And HOW you do that is your unique style of...
Published 04/05/24
Today marks the start of our first Mercury Retrograde of 2024 and it begins in Aries! This is a significant Mercury Retrograde, in the midst of Eclipse season, bookended by the North Node and connecting the dots of Chiron. This means that Mercury is here to recalibrate your mindset and thought processes to jump into your leadership that is part of your soul potential! This Mercury Rx in Aries offers a unique opportunity to redefine courage as a leader. By embracing this period as a time for...
Published 04/01/24
April opens up in the middle of eclipse season smack dab in between our lunar eclipse and our solar eclipse. So we are definitely flying fast forward. And there are some big energies that are asking us to take some big leaps. But how will you create some faith and trust and regulate your big emotions so that you can jump into all that is waiting for you in April. Remember, the cosmos has more support and energy to help you face our fears so that you can truly BE a leader. BE your own hero....
Published 03/29/24
Our upcoming Libra Lunar Eclipse is here to reveal all the ways we've been held back from the shadows of Libra's people-pleasing and fear of collaboration and how this fear truly holds you back from your luminary leadership. In this episode, I want to explore the opening of the Aries/Libra eclipse season portal and what this means for you in your change-making Work. I also go over some of the people-pleasing tendencies that leaders do and how that can be a block to your luminary leadership.
Published 03/22/24
With our upcoming Aries season and the opening of the eclipse portals, this Aries/Libra eclipse season is asking us to all face our fears so that we can break them down and breakthrough in our changemaking leadership.  In this episode, I want to explore how fear shows up in our leadership and Work and how we can use astrology to mitigate that fear by understanding our moon needs. I also go over the 10 most common fears of leadership. So how will you break down your fears this Aries eclipse...
Published 03/15/24
We have our upcoming Pisces New Moon happening on March 10 and this new moon is asking you, how can you crystalize your flow to connect in your change-making Work. Today, I am joined by Decolonial Cosmologist and Archetypal Astrologer, Ixchel Lunar and we talk about all things Pisces New Moon and the pile-up of Pisces energy in the cosmos (Saturn and Neptune). In today's episode, we go over what it means to bring together that blending of the structure (Saturn), spiritual devotion (Neptune),...
Published 03/05/24
Can you believe that March is already here? Like in February starcast, we had no planets going retrograde, and we continue on with this theme in March. This month, things start to pick up as we get ready for our astrological new year with the Aries ingress. In this episode, I want to give you the overview of what's to come this month, so buckle in, it's time to Get shit done!
Published 02/29/24
You are standing at the threshold of a new cycle of collective leadership, it's time to awaken to your unique role in this transformative journey. This is about more than just leading; it's about embodying the Chiron process, healing in others what seems elusive in yourself, and stretching into your soul's purpose with the North Node's guidance. When two energies meet up, it's like a New Moon. A new cycle, a fresh beginning, a time of setting an intention, awakening: a North Node collective...
Published 02/18/24
We are living at a time that the faces of leadership are changing. Where people desire authentic leaders. Those that have turned their difficulties into learning lessons and challenges into opportunities.Those that have leaned on others for support and have learned collaboration and co-creation. These leaders are here to build and share power - together. We are building a future that requires each and everyone to step up and lead, in our own, vulnerable, courageous, star-charted way. In this...
Published 02/13/24
The Aquarius New Moon is where 2024 really sparks, always bringing in the Lunar New Year. And this New Moon and how it’s perfectly timed before the North Node / Chiron conjunction, then the Chiron Aries Eclipse, right before the great Jupiter / Uranus meet up… this New Moon is the literal spark to set off these chains of events that will catapult you into your change-making leadership - if first you face the change that still needs to be cracked open. In this episode, I share the details and...
Published 02/06/24
February is here and it’s time to stretch and shake things up. It’s time to get moving, but first to integrate a new truth, the truth you’ve learned from the last few months of stuckness. It’s time to get moving, but first to integrate a new truth, the truth you’ve learned from the last few months of stuckness. Jus like you can rush through waking up and overwriting your body’s need to stretch by checking your inboxes before you get out of bed and rushing off to whoever needs you. You too can...
Published 01/30/24
On a global level, Pluto will dig deeper into dismantling all the ways Aquarius archetypes have dipped into the shadows of hyper innovation like high tech bro culture, hyper-differentiation like warring against the other or alien and the hidden truths of hyper-connectivity. And while each one of us is part of this collective, each one of us will experience this Pluto transit in a one-of-a-kind way. So what does this mean for you, as an individual wanting to re-align themselves with the...
Published 01/19/24
Happy New New Moon in Capricorn! Our first episode of 2024 is all about the Capricorn New Moon. In this episode, I brought in fellow astrologer, April Millar to share our thoughts on this beautiful new moon. With so many of the planets occupying Earth signs, this New Moon is a great time to ground and get clear on your goals and where you want to go this year. Let this New Moon help inform you with whom do you want to experience these achievements with? This year has favorable energy of...
Published 01/11/24
My theme for 2024 is Collective Leadership through awakened unity consciousness. I ask the questions, how can we show up better, and how can we move past our fear to be a leader. And so in the final episode of 2023, I wanted to share with you the 5 astrological transits for entrepreneurs, changemakers, and leaders that I have my eye and heart on in 2024 so that you can make your Mark. So wherever you are, regardless if you're just starting out or even if you're already a leader, these are 5...
Published 12/26/23
As we get ready to close out the year and welcome our winter Solstice, I want to reflect on the year that we have moved through, I want to share the significance of Solstice 2023, and I want to also share the gains and losses that I've had in my business. I want to live my truth as a transparent leader and show that for every win, there are several losses. Take a listen and find out how you can reflect on this Solstice and be ready to open up to the upcoming new year.
Published 12/20/23
What Higher Consciousness Will Be Initiated In 2024? In this special episode, I am sharing an expert of a 90 minute Astrology panel with myself and 5 other distinguished astrologers from different backgrounds to share and spark inspired action that makes the world a more fair and just place. As we prepare for the cosmic changes of 2024, there has never been a time to come together in awakened, whole, collective leadership (Thank you Chiron in Aries) and it starts here in this panel.
Published 12/17/23
The New Moon in Sagittarius is not yet so easy, but after all the big intense lunations that we’ve had since midyear, it’s finally starting to soften. This is a much more subtle lunation. This new moon is asking you to plant the seeds to take aligned action to grow your purpose and calling in your Work. As you set your intentions looking forward into the next year, really feel into how you want to be more aligned with your mission of what you’re here to do and aligned with your purpose and...
Published 12/13/23
When we move into Sagittarius season, the Sun the center of our solar system gets into alignment with the Galactic Center. To honor this time, and to awaken parts of your star-dust being, I invited a recent client and Master Energy Healer Arrameia Auraire Araiss to chat. She is a Starseed and she helps others awaken to their own Starseed energy and remove blocks using Light Code Activations.Take a listen to this episode where Arrameia shares her journey and how she reconnects Starseeds like...
Published 12/03/23