“Nice to learn why I never lost fat and only lost weight. It’s been a great relief to know that calories actually matter. I’ve been always taught that carbs are the problem and now I eat 200 carbs a day and I’m losing weight. I’ve never done a weight loss journey this way and it works. Oil was a big problem for me and I didn’t realize how calorie dense foods were and everything that I thought was healthy was calorie dense. I’m eating more than ever and I’m eating a lot and losing weight. It also took me 4 weeks to figure out my calorie maintenance which was hard to believe. I figured out that the optivia diet I did for 3 months destroyed my metabolism. They told me to eat 5 100 calorie bars and 1 meal which was 1,000 calorie a day and I went from 200 to 170 to 220 lbs. I had gained all the weight I had lost and then some. 2100 calorie is my maintence as of now and I’m 6 foot 2 200lbs. I am now 192 and I’m eating 1800 calories a day and I’m losing weight but it’s week 5 of this journey. Im so glad that I found you on Tik tok and I listen to your podcasts and they are very informative and truly a great help. Keep up the great work and spread the word. Screw the scammers!”
Chandler10001 via Apple Podcasts ·
United States of America ·